Things that make me laugh

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Done with Rock

Okay so I know we decided on the Rock station here at work yesterday, but I don't really want Crazy Bitch playing in the background when customers show up... I stuck it back on Jack. Of course the second that I hear 'Like a Virgin', I'm shutting it off. Grr.

J's cousin is up here in this part of the world for her Spring Break. She is visiting her boyfriend from WA ... he's been in Iraq for 2 years as a Soldier (caps? I don't know the grammer laws for titles like that. Is Soldier a title? I guess so...). Anyways, they drove up to see us for a few minutes last night and check out Vancouver today (it's pouring rain by the way - she is getting the full Vancouver experience!). It was really nice to see her again - she is really sweet. He seemed to have a lot of drinking and ex-girlfriend stories though.... Whatever. Maybe he was trying to sound cool to impress her older guy cousin? He did apoligize for the F-bomb though. That was ... nice.

Lots of work to do and coffee to drink. Time to quickly Sein it up.

JERRY: Is he from the future?
ELAINE: No, he just shaves his head. I think it's pretty gutsy.
GEORGE: Listen, sweetheart, let me tell you a little something about guts. This is guts.
ELAINE: What? Clinging to some scraps?
GEORGE: These are not "scraps." These are historic remains of a once great society of hair.

JERRY: Marriage is a big step, Elaine. Your life'll totally change.
ELAINE: Jerry, it's three-thirty in the morning. I'm at a cockfight. What am I clinging to?

GEORGE: Just as she was. Hey, Mario! Remember us?
JERRY: We used to come in every day.
MARIO: So where ya been? We're tanking here.
GEORGE: We'll have 2 slices and 2 grape sodas.
MARIO: Oh, thanks. That'll save us.
JERRY: All right, make it the large sodas.
(George and Jerry walk across the room.(
GEORGE: Hey, Jerry, remember Frogger? I used to be so into this game. Gettin' that frog across the street was my entire life.
(They walk over to watch a boy playing Frogger)
JERRY: Yeah. And then you went on to...Well, it's a good game.
GEORGE: Double jump! Eat the fly! Eat it!
(The boy loses)
BOY: Thanks a lot.
GEORGE: Ah, beat it, punk.
(The boy exits)
JERRY: Hey, look at the high score--"G.L.C." George Louis Costanza. That's not you, is it?
GEORGE: Yes! 860,000. I can't believe it's still standing. No one has beaten me in like 10 years.
JERRY: I remember that night.
GEORGE: The perfect combination of Mountain Dew and mozzarella...just the right amount of grease on the joy stick...
MARIO: Here's your pizza pea brains.
JERRY: I think I remember why we stopped coming here.

Okay back to work.

(PS - Lisa Tucker gone. Good)

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Banana Bread?? Seriously - What were you thinking??

Okay so Bossman is in and K came in early to work, so I should probably look busy... Bossman brought me a coffee so I am happy. I'll just do a quick blog here and then get back to work.

So lately we (K & me) have been having issues with the music situation at work. We have pretty much eliminated all Greater Vancouver area radio stations for the following reasons :

Classic Rock - We both love it, but we both DESPISE all the freaking talking. Shut up!! And stop playing RUSH!!

Country - They play the same songs over and over. So sick of Suds In the Bucket!! Plus, too much whiny girl country singers... Carrie Underwood = annoying the second and third and fourth times...

Easy Listening - We feel like we work in a Dentist's office. Too much Boyz II Men and All 4 One kinda crap.

Rock - It's nice, but sometimes if I'm on a business call, the Soundgarden in the background is a little distracting. Not enough good rock songs.

Jack - Way too much 80's junk. I don't like Duran Duran or Cindy Lauper or Madonna. Sorry. I don't. Actually I'm not sorry. It annoys the crap out of me.

Classical - Love it, but way too much talking. There is some nice Mozart on and then suddenly your stuck in the middle of a traffic report.

Christian - I wish we could listen to this in the office, but during the day they mainly play sermons... I can't really work because I would just want to listen. So that's out.

So I guess the solution is satellite radio :) Yeah right. Bossman will surely spring for that!!

Anyways, quick quote because I actually do have work to do:

Apu : So Homer... did you have to take any steps when you decided to have children?
Homer : (laughing) Decided?! Hee hee! Decided. That's classic....

Monday, March 27, 2006

Dwight Schrute Privates

J had to go up to Kamloops for work last night so I had a freaking awesome sleep. I love having that Queen mattress all to myself!! But of course the last commercial I see before I go to bed is for some Zombie movie - scared the sh*t out of me. I kept seeing that greasy orange man with all the eyes and drool - yuck. But I guess I eventually fell asleep.

Great TV last night - new Malcolm was good as usual. I love Hal - he is the best physical comedian on the show. His quotes are hilarious. King of the Hill was okay - kinda dragged, but some really good lines. The Simpsons - nice. The beginning was the best part - they did the whole opening montage with real people and it was really clever. Although I don't know why they made Homer's car a Volvo 240... it was funny watching this little blond kid skateboard off of it though :) The War At Home was freaking garbage as usual - I washed the dishes and kind of listened in every few minutes. Barf... someone needs to cancel that piece.
Family Guy was very funny - I am celebrating the return of Bertram - anything to take Stewie down a peg.

Anyways, nothing much new on the weight-loss front. I feel skinnier and I think I look skinnier, but I weighed myself yesterday and only saw about 3 pounds less. Of course I had just finished like 4-5 bottles of water... I'll weigh myself some morning before I eat or drink anything. I've still got 2.5 months to get into bathing suit shape. Darn society!!

Well since it's Monday, I've got work to do and this coffee to drink (no more rolling and winning lately by the way...). Mark came over on Saturday and we watched some Office...

Michael Scott: [referring to race role-playing exercise] You'll notice, I didn't have anybody being Arab. I thought that would be too explosive, uh, no pun intended. But I just thought, 'too soon' for Arabs, maybe next year. You know, the ball's in their court.

Michael Scott: [reading pledge] In this way I can truly be a hero... signed 'Daffy Duck'. [laughing] He's gonna lose it when he reads that.

Michael Scott: Olympics of suffering right here! Slavery versus the Holocaust, c'mon!

Dwight Schrute: Shalom, I'd like to apply for a loan.
Pam Beesley: That's nice, Dwight.
Dwight Schrute: OK, do me. Something stereotypical so I can get it really quick.
Pam Beesley: OK, I like your food.
Dwight Schrute: Uh, Outback Steakhouse, I'm Australian, mate!
Michael Scott: Pam, come on, "I like your food" no come on, stir the pot. Stir the melting pot, Bam! Let's do it, let's get ugly, let's get real.
Pam Beesley: OK, if I have to do this, based on stereotypes that are totally untrue, that i do not agree with, you would maybe not be a very good driver.
Dwight Schrute: [shocked] Aw man, am I a woman?

Okay back to work.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Things that make me MAD

Okay I'm having a shitty day today because Bossman decided to actually do his job and stay late last night to work. I have piles and piles of notes and files in all my various trays this morning with such phrases as "S - please investigate! Charges seem high!" My response :Take a second and read the file and you will see that the job went on for a week, not the estimated 2 days. "Why was this billed as per the PO? Huge discrepancies!!" My response : You told me to just bill those loads as per the PO because you didn't have the time to rate them properly - those are your words!!!"

Arg Bossman. Arg.

He isn't in yet this morning - my guess is that he is still in bed in slumber. To quote a Simpsons here quick...

Film Critic : How do you sleep at night??
Rainer Wolfcastle : On a huge pile of money, surrounded by beautiful women.

Anyways, I think all the guys here at work know that I am kind of cranky today. They were all bothering me about what jobs they are all doing today and I finally told them "Your dispatcher is down the road at Tim Hortons. He has a cell phone. I don't work for him. I work for [Bossman]. And I have work to do." Suddenly they were all gone!! I think they are afraid of me. I don't even care today. K is off today so I have to work from 7-5. Grr....

Okay Bossman just called me... he is actually on his way to a meeting this morning. He asked me about those "issues" and I told him exactly what went down. Then he says "Oh - heh heh... I guess that's my screw up then eh?" Sweet.

Anyways, he did leave me lots of actual work, so I should probably get to it.

Jerry: New clothes?
George: Yeah. I did some shopping. Some new clothes shopping. (turns to a man) Can I borrow your menu?
Jerry: Strange. For new pants, there's noticable wear on the buttocks of those chinos. Wait those are the clothes from the bag!
George: The guy never came back.
Jerry: He asked you to watch them not wear them.
George: I'm still watching them.
Jerry: You look like a tourist.

Kramer: (yelling) I'm starting a Peterman Reality Bus Tour. Check it out. Hahaha.
George: Reality tour?
Jerry: The last thing this guy's qualified to give a tour of is reality.

George: I think I understand this. Jay Peterman is real. His biography is not. Now, you Kramer are real.
Kramer: Talk to me.
George: But your life is Peterman's. Now the bus tour, which is real, takes to places that, while they are real, they are not real in sense that they did not *really* happen to the *real* Peterman which is you.
Kramer: Understand?
Jerry: Yeah. $37.50 for a Three Musketeers.

Elaine: And one more thing, you really think we need the exclamation point? Because, it's not "Top of the Muffin *TO YOU!!!*"
Mr. Lippman: No. No. It is.

Rebecca: Excuse me, I'm Rebecca Demore from the homeless shelter.
Elaine: Oh, hi.
Rebecca: Are you the ones leaveing the muffing pieces behind our shelter?
Elaine: You been enjoying them?
Rebecca: They're just stumps.
Elaine: Well they're perfectly edible.
Rebecca: Oh, so you just assume that the homeless will eat them, they'll eat anything?
Mr. Lippman: No no, we just thought...
Rebecca: I know what you thought. They don't have homes, they don't have jobs, what do they need the top of a muffin for? They're lucky to get the stumps.
Elaine: If the homeless don't like them the homeless don't have to eat them.
Rebecca: The homeless don't like them.
Elaine: Fine.
Rebecca: We've never gotten so many complaints. Every two minutes, "Where is the top of this muffin? Who ate the rest of this?"
Elaine: We were just trying to help.
Rebecca: Why don't you just drop off some chicken skins and lobster shells??
Elaine: I think I might.

Now I want to watch this one!!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Got the McPheever

American Idol was pretty good last night. Kelly Clarkson is on the radio right now though and the current contestants are pretty iffy compared to her - amazing :)

Anyways, it was 50's night... bleh. Paris and Elliot and Mandisa were all good. Chris rocked it out. Can't really remember anyone else (that's how awesome it was) *sarcasm*

The Coffee Fairy left me a coffee this morning just the way I like it - John is really figuring out how to get me in a good mood around the office :) I am the only one around here not annoyed with him constantly, so it is probably a good idea for him to get me my caffiene. Or 'bucks' as Michael Scott calls it. "You know - bucks. Slang for Starbucks - you know. There's one on every corner."

I have nothing else to say really. I tried something new and put a gummie worm in each of my lime jello servings this week. Not as tasty as I thought. The worm actually hardened when I put the jello in the fridge to set. Not very satisfying at all. Grr (bears).

Still haven't found a place to move to yet. We are still looking for a rental in the lower mainland on the same side of the bridge as work. I think a bunch will get posted on near the end of March. That's cool - we'll probably want to move in May or June. The new thing in the news right now around here is that houses are getting more and more expensive. By 2010 (Olympic year!), the average price will be a million bucks for a house. SUCKS! I believe it too - I checked out yesterday and looked at houses $950,000-$1,000,000 price range in Vancouver. It said there was over 500 matches and I needed to be more specific. Wow. That's depressing. I guess I need to make a decision - have kids, or get a house? (just kidding - I am wanting babies soon here!!)

Okay I don't have a whole lot of work to do because Bossman has been sick this week and took all his billing home with him. He is coming in today though which means I'll be totally beaver-busy. Let's get some Malcolm quotes again - those were awesome yesterday:

Reese: [Dewey wants to go to the arcade] What are you, twelve?
Dewey: Yes!

Craig : [watching Hal on the DDR machine] He belongs to the world now.


Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Okay so if I have a baby boy someday, I'm going to name him Knight or Sir or Duke. Trump has inspired me with little Baron Trump. Ahh Melania... didn't you have any say??

Anyways - good Apprentice last night. Now that Brent "The Plant for Drama" has been fired, it is a real competition and not just a how-can-we-showcase-this-guys-craziness show. How long could they have this guy masquerading as a contestant anyways?? What-ever. So I think that Andrea chick is looking kinda snobby... actually that whole team is bunch of snobs. And what was with the scene of Roxanne and Allie (I think) laying all over Sean in the bedroom whining about Brent?? Such professionals. That guy is totally working his accent - it is pretty sad. He's like the foreign guy that swoops in and gets 2 cheerleaders at the same time at a party. It was kind of bizarre.

Prison Break returned last night - how are they going to get out of this one?? I am predicting that the electrician screws up and lets something slip about the rat in the fusebox. Then Lincoln will have another few weeks. Okay so the actual legal proceeding has gone as far as it can in the show... even the Governor is against him. So now they have to break out to make this show work. Robin Tunney rocks by the way - I love her hair and her clothes in this show. (man I sound like I'm 14...).

Not much else to say - had a good weekend. Dinner at Kelly O's for Mark's birthday. I didn't even have one Pacho!! I had a nice steak that was bigger than my fist. Nice.

Okay so I have work to do now - here are some Malcolm in the Middle quotes:

Reese (learning about breast feeding) : Women are the cows of people!!

Dewey (playing soccer, wiping opponents face in the sideline) : Eat chalk evil-doer!!

Hal : One boy's purse is another boy's book bag... if he's European. Besides, I can't tell you how many times I've been jealous of your mother and her purse. You know, we men have to shove our whole lives in a little square of leather, that we then have to sit on.

Dewey : Malcolm, in school we learned the coolest thing: there were these people that did this broadcast to convince everyone that aliens were landing. So what we do is wait for Reese to fall asleep, then we flash some lights outside his window then we go to the TV, but we'll have already made a tape...
Malcolm: Dewey, you're totally over-thinking this. Reese, aliens landed down the street!
Reese: [Runs in wearing a helmet and carrying a bat] Every man for himself!

Lois :Sorry it's so cramped, Piama. This van really isn't designed to carry seven people.
Piama: Oh, I guess I was thrown off by the seven seats and the seven seatbelts.

Love that show :)

Friday, March 17, 2006


New episode of The Office last night... the best part was when Stanley was yelling at Ryan - I was just sitting there, stunned. Then I laughed when Ryan is standing outside: "Stanley yelled at me today - that was probably the most frightening experience of my life." Hee hee.

Not much else - J has been working so much that he is really out of it. This morning he was confused that I was wearing jeans. Uhh - it's Friday man. "It is?" Poor guy. He worked all last weekend and he'll have to work this weekend too. I'm glad I am in the office and know how hard he is working - I appreciate it so much more than if I worked somewhere else and had no clue what he did.

I watched some of American Inventor last night - it was so freaking lame. I watched the first hour and saw less than 5 actual inventions! The rest of the filler was just profiling the judges and showing wannabe inventors crying. Maybe you have to wait for the next round to see what the inventions are. Anyways...... lame.

So I have a coffee this morning because J found a WIN A COFFEE last night when he was cleaning out Pat's truck. Nice. So there is a story going around about a little girl and her friend that found a cup in the trash and won a Rav4 and now their moms and the guy (who says he threw the cup away) are all fighting over it. I have heard this story on 4 different occasions in the last 2 days. A truck driver I met in line at THs this morning told me the story! I think it is an urban myth :) Some say it is in Quebec, some say 'back east' and some say Port Moody or Port Alberni. Let's get it straight people.

Anyways, I have some work I should get done - time to quote it up and get back to work:

Stanley: [Screaming at Ryan] That little girl is a child! I don't wanna see you sniffing around her anymore this afternoon! Do you understand?
Ryan: Yes sir.
Stanley: Boy have you lost your mind because I'll help you find it! Whatchu looking for? Ain't nobody gonna help you out there. Jesus could come through that door and he's not gonna help you, if you don't stop sniffing after my child!
Ryan: Stanley yelled at me today. That was one of the most freighting experiences of my life.

Oscar’s daughter: Wait, why doesn't the manufacturer just sell the paper directly to people?
Michael: You are describing Office Depot. And they are kind of running us out of business.
Dwight: [from his desk] We have better service than they do!

Dwight Schrute: When I was in the 6th grade I was a finalist in our school spelling bee. It was me against Raj Patel. I mispelled, in front of the entire school, the word 'failure.'

Michael Scott: Heisman!

Oh that Michael Scott - so glad he's not my bossman :)

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Win A Donut

I should call this blog "Adventures in rolling up the rim" since I seem to have a stupid comment on it each day. How lame am I?

Anyways, I won a donut yesterday. Whoo-hoo. Of course I'll just trade it to someone for a coffee because I don't want a donut or a muffin or a cookie. I would like a yogurt thing though - maybe I'll go down to the Timmys and barter with the cashier.... ;)

Nothing really much to post - I watched the Race and Amercian Idol last night... both good I guess. J had to work so it's totally boring watching it by myself. I hope Lake & Michelle get eliminated off of the race. I could do without Ace on AI... he's too pretty :) I like Elliot and Katharine McPhee.

Okay so I'll close this with a few quotes and get back to work - lots of billing to do...

Leonard Nimoy: I think this vessel could do at least warp 5.
Quimby: Yes, and may the force be with you.
Leonard Nimoy: Do you even know who I am?
Quimby: I think I do. Weren't you one of the little rascals?

Stage hand: Come on people, someone ordered the London Symphony Orchestra! Possibly while high! Cypress Hill, I'm looking in your direction!

Homer: (Gasp) Adam West! [calling] Kids! Batman!!
Lisa: Dad, that's not the real Batman.
Adam West: Of course I'm the real Batman. [shows a glossy] See, here's a picture of me with Robin!
Bart: Who the hell is Robin?

Hee hee hee - back to work... Bossman just sashayed in for the day.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

"Deal!! Take the $$ you fool!!"

That Deal or No Deal sure had me yelling at the TV last night. I'm glad the guy took the $202,000. That is a lot of money - I would get a house. A house and some new pants. And some Poutine. Ymm - Poutine.

Sunday is Mark's birthday - I can't believe he is going to be 22!! We are all going out for dinner as a family that night, but I can't have Pachos because of my diet!! That sucks because Pachos are one of my most favorite foods. But if I want to drop a size, I can't have those delicious delicious Pachos. Maybe I'll just smell them - I know Mark will get a huge plate ("No entree - just bring me 4 orders of Pachos"). Mmm.

Raining like crazy here today, but I went to Timmy Ho's and got my free coffee that I won yesterday morning. So rewarding!

Lots of work to do today, so I'm going to wrap up this post with some quotes from a classic Seinfeld I caught last night :

Jerry: "Still no Puddy?"
Elaine: "Uh, I think his answering machine's broken, so I just gave up. Well,what do you think?"
Jerry: "What? About you datin' a black guy? What's the big deal?"
Elaine: "What black guy?"
Jerry: "Darryl. He's black, isn't he?"
Elaine: "He is?"
George: "No, he isn't."
Jerry: "Isn't he, Elaine?"
Elaine: "You think?"

Jerry, handing his dad a gift: "Well, as long as I'm up. Dad, I got you abirthday present. Here. Happy Birthday."
Morty: "Aw, Jerry. I should be buyin' you presents."
Jerry: "What does that mean?"

George: "I told them I have a place in the Hamptons. What did you say?"
Elaine: "I told them you didn't. And I laughed and I laughed."

Darryl: "So, what are you?"
Elaine: "I'm white."
Darryl: "So, we're just a couple of white people?"
Elaine: "I guess."
Darryl: "Oh."
Elaine: "Yeah. So do you want to go to the Gap?"

Now I want to go to the Gap!! New pants!! :)

Monday, March 13, 2006


On the new cycle of Top Model there was this cheerleader girl who said she was the biggest Republican who hates gay people and stuff. Okay what the hey are you doing in the fashion industry?? Insane in the membrane lady. And I can't believe how racist she was being!! I consider myself a (Canadian) Republican, but I am totally not racist. I'm glad she didn't make the top 13.... there is drama and then there is just ignorance. She was ignorant. My favorite is Nenna (?) and Sarah. Jade is funny - so into herself that I want to vomit. But she has got the confidence - that's for sure.

Anyways, the weekend was good - very very relaxing. I worked out on Saturday and then took my day off yesterday. Youngest brother and the girlfriend came over to do their taxes yesterday afternoon - we walked the dogs and played some dutch blitz. After I won a bunch of rounds in a row, they kicked me out of the game and replaced me with Dad (who sucks at games). They let me back in an hour later and I killed them all once again :) Then we all played Poker and it was awesome. We played a completely blind hand and I ended up winning the whole pot with a full house! Sweet.

Rest of the weekend was pretty nice - lots of cleaning, tea drinking and TV vegging. I am ready to rock for work this morning. J brought me a coffee and I'm ready to work my butt off. Time to quote it up!

Michael Scott: Now on this ship, that is the office, what is the sales department? Anyone?
Darryl: How about, the sales department is the sails.
Michael Scott: Yes, Darryl. The sales department makes sales. Good.

Dwight Shrute: I was the youngest pilot in Pan Am history. When I was four, the pilot let me ride in the cockpit and fly the plane with him. And I was four, and I was great and I would have landed it, but my dad wanted us to go back to our seats.

Michael Scott: Sometimes you have to take a break from being the kind of boss that's always trying to teach people things. Sometimes you just… have to be the boss of dancing.

Apprentice tonight!! That greasy Canadian guy has gotta go

Friday, March 10, 2006

"Takin' me to Arbys"

Aah Seinfeld - when will I ever tire of you? I haven't actually sat down and watched a whole episode for a few years and then after that India one the other day.... I'm back baby. I saw the dealership one last night with the candy lineup and the high fives. Nice.

Work has been crazy because of all the Bossmen and Bosswomen in town this week. We had a head office lunch yesterday (pizza) and it was pretty cool. Doesn't fit with my diet though - I'm really getting used to eating 'healthy' food now. The thought of a burger or bacon & eggs makes me want to hurl. Same with Cornuts - I used to exist solely on Cornuts. What's happening to me?? It's cool though - I feel better and not gross after eating a meal. Everyone wants to get pizza again today because it is the Receptionist's last day (baby on the way!!). I brought a chicken breast - I'll eat it before the pizza gets here and then just pick at the pinapples. A lady at work (this was totally creepy) the other day asked me what the secret was to my "body." **SHUDDER** Umm... not having pizza more than once a week? :) I think she wants to be friends with me - she takes her coffee break at my desk and is always asking about my life. Whatever - that's fine. Until she has black & white pictures of me at her desk, I think we're okay. She's from Iran so I don't know how good her social skills are. I'll just keep being my friendly self and hope she doesn't take it to the next level (okay - even I don't know what that means...).

Lots of snow last night - isn't it March??!! I love it :)

American Idol was good last night - I just flipped to see who was getting the boot. Will & Kinnik - No surprise. I was surprised at Ayla and Gideon though. Well - someone's gotta go. There can only be one winner right?

Okay so Survivor was pretty emotional and real last night - I was really sad that those guys had to get rid of Dan. I need Courtenay to go!! She sucks!

In honor of the Sein I watched last night :

GEORGE: My father had a car salesman buddy. He was gonna fix him up real nice. Next thing I know, I’m gettin’ dropped of in a Le Car with a fabric sunroof. All the kids are shoutin’ at me, "Hey, Le George! Bonjour, Le George! Let’s stuff Le George in Le Locker!"

ELAINE: My new salesman boyfriend took me out for lunch to celebrate his promotion.
JERRY: Ah. Where’d you go?
ELAINE: Uh, to a restaurant.
PUDDY: Arby’s.
ELAINE : I had the Roast Beef.

JERRY: Hey, can I have my dollar back?
GEORGE: It’s wrinkled. It’s worthless.

GEORGE: All I want is my seventy-five cents back, an apology, and for him to be fired!

JERRY: (Over the phone) Elaine, you’ve got to get back down to the dealer. Puddy is screwin’ me on this car, which is yellow now!
ELAINE: Who is this?
JERRY: (Banging the phone against the booth) Elaine!

Love it!!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

"Get those arms up sister!"

Whoa I hurt today - I went to the Hi-Lo class last night and it was brutal. I couldn't really move today and tomorrow is going to suck. The instructor was a guy and he was very intense - he kept yelling at us asking if we were "READY?!!" and telling us to "Get those arms up!! You will be off time if you don't get those arms up!!!" I was trying to do it right just so I wouldn't get yelled at. I'm a little afraid of him to tell you the truth... I think I'll go back because I have a feeling he gets something that last week just didn't get : Results. Nice.

Work has been okay this week - Bossmen/Bosswomen from all different branches are in town this week for the Bossman meetings so it is quiet around the office. I got to meet all the different branch bosses from BC and Alberta branches - nice to put faces to voices. I mean, I deal with these people over the phone on a daily basis. When they are talking to me face to face, I almost have to look away because it's so weird.

Salesman brought me a coffee today - I don't know why he is sucking up to me, but it sure is working. That would be sweet if I won something on this cup. But I won't. They should call it 'Roll up the Rim and Please Play Again.' Because there is no winning going on!!!

Well this was a pretty boring post - I should get back to work anyways. Lots to do - busy busy busy blah blah blah. I caught the Seinfeld backwards India episode the other night - so awesome. Total classic. Let's quote it up :

George: So, how come nothing ever happened between you and Nina? (suspicious) Is there a problem with her? Is she a man?
Jerry: Are you?

Kramer: Does your girlfriend have to be here?
Newman: Does yours? *camera pans to Jerry*

Elaine: Oh boy. There's Sue Ellen. She didn't want me at this wedding, but here I am with a bunch of my idiot friends!
Jerry: (enthused) This is gonna be great!

George : You can stuff you sorrys in a sack mister!

Now I want to watch it again :) Back to work...

Monday, March 06, 2006

IRONMAN isn't as easy as you think

Being really early for work by accident isn't very fun. J had to start at 6 this morning so I came in with him and I was going to go to Tim Hortons and read the paper and slowly wakeup. Well then the drivers are calling me frantically @ Tim's that they can't get into the office. So I race back and let them in and they all give me that look : "Way to do your job Sara" Whatever! It's not my job to open the door for you - grr (bears). Anyways, I'm here now and I have my coffee and I'm going to post something to keep me from working.

So we are looking to move soon and we are looking a lot on I found the coolest house in the lower mainland on there! It has everything - utilities included, washer, dryer, fenced yard, pets negotiable (!), blah blah blah. It even has a barbeque! It says it is renting for $1100/month. So I call the guy and he says he is renting it out fully furnished for one month only. WHAT?? Dude - when you're going away for a month, you don't rent out your house and try to make $1100! The stupidest part is that his address and the specific dates he is out of town are on the website. There are also pictures of all his nice furniture, his TV, etc. Good one :)

Anyways, the search goes on. We are looking for a house with a fenced yard, preferably with more than 1 bedroom. I don't think it'll be too hard - since I got my raise a whole new bunch of stuff is lookable (?).

We watched some of the Oscars last night and I was so happy that Reese Witherspoon won for Best Actress!! I think she is so cute and I loved Walk The Line. I'm guessing that Crash is a good movie - Best Picture is nothing to sneeze at. Maybe we'll throw away $4.95 and give it a rent.

The brothers came over on Saturday night and mom made a big turkey. Dave brought this Guitar game for PS2 and it was so freaking frustrating!! It was fun though - Mark was really good on it. Song selection was okay - more Queen please! Then we played Dutch Blitz and when I won 5 rounds in a row, Mark mysteriously got bored of it and quit. Whatever - he is just like dad. It's not fun unless he's killing the rest of us. Mom and me are the same that way - we don't give a crap if we're losing, we just like to play. No competetiveness there at all.

Anyways, this post has been very very boring - time to mix it up with a few quotes. We watched some of season 1 of The Office on Saturday night :

Michael Scott: Your nephew... He in good shape?
Oscar: Yeah.
Michael Scott: How many miles did he do last year?
Oscar: Last year he walked 18 miles.
Michael Scott: Son of a bitch. [covering] That is impressive. Good for him.

Michael Scott: ...and I'm sinking a few, swish swish swish- nothing but net! And their jaws just drop to the floor. African Americans!

Toby: We're not all gonna sit in a circle Indian style, are we?
Michael Scott: Get out. No this is not a joke. It was offensive and lame, so double offensive. This is an environment of welcoming and you should just get the hell out of here.

Can't wait for Season 2 on dvd!! Wow I need to get a life :)

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Why oh why do I keep thinking that I'm going to win something each time I buy a coffee? Why do I get cheesed off when I see 'Please Play Again' under that rolled up rim? I had my coffee and it was (usually) delicious. Why do I feel like I deserve to win something whenever this contest is on?? Whatever - I should just drink the coffee and not expect to win anything. We'll see how I feel tomorrow.

So I went to Cardo Kick Box last night and it was okay - I really think it was better a couple of weeks ago (because it was my first time?). I'll keep going back though - I can't do that treadmill 5 days in a row - I need variety or I just get bored bored bored. When I get bored, I get in that fridge and get eating. And that's bad for everyone.

Bossman has a meeting today (by 'meeting' I mean 'get yelled at by Bigger Bossman about procrastination'). Bossman has decided to bring me along to defend him and make him look good. What?? I get my own work in on time everytime - I'm like Fedex!! I can make a deadline - why can't he?? Now I need to sit in and tell the higher-ups that 'Bossman does his best and we're just really busy...' Right. This sucks - we'll see how it works out. I just hope he doesn't throw me under the bus in there. (he can't, otherwise he'll look stupid for pushing for my raise over the past few months).

American Idol was okay - no comment really. I missed the first couple of guys because the stretching @ cardio KB went long last night. I'll get more into it when it's top 10.

New Office last night - I love it. I laughed so hard. I can barely contain my excitement for Season 2 to come out on DVD. I'll be like those Star Wars nerds at the theater.... I'll be in line at Wal-Mart waiting for them to open. I'll have my cash in hand dressed as Pam : "Let me in!!"

Well I have to get to some work now - bossman is really pumping out work so he has something to bring to the people for the meeting. I better get in gear.

Okay a little quote from The Office :

Jan: Surely you cannot be serious?

Michael Scott: I am serious. And don’t call me Shirley. Airplane.

Hee hee! (back to work... grr)

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Cranberry Jello tastes a lot like wine

Quiet day at the office so far - I should probably change the fish water today... Trooper is looking a little funky. I think he's taking a nap - he's a very lazy fish. Everyone that comes through this office tells me that my fish is dead because he is not moving. I am not stupid people!! A dead fish is a floating fish! Trooper pretty much stays away from the top of the bowl... he just likes to nap. So leave him alone! And stop putting your fingers in the bowl trying to pet him. This is not a Kindergarden class :)

So American Idol was okay last night - nothing special. I actually flipped between AI and Deal or No Deal. Truly the show that makes me yell at the TV!! Yeah - I think the boys are better this year for Idol. That Elliot guy is smokin' good.

Amazing Race was amazing last night too - I watched it on Halifax time so I could watch the race and Idol in their entirety (how lame am I??). I thought that I would not like those pink girls, but they are okay - the best part was when they were making fun of those 2 young perpetual Spring Breakers. "I'm Jeremy and I'm Eric... yeah bye!" I hope those girls kick those guys butts - those guys are total bums!! "We want lots of $$ but we don't want to work - we work as little possible." Yeah - yer cool. (I'm making a funny face). I really liked the self-proclaimed nerds. I like how the girl (Lori?) runs without bending her elbows - so cute!! Like a little kid.

Best part of the show : When one of the teams referred to that angry dentist guy as "Scott Peterson." Ouch!! I guess we found our resident abusive relationship for this season.

Okay so Bossman is in and I really do have lots of work to do - quote time!

Milhouse: What kind of sprinkler do you perfer Bart? The kind that goes like this (while waving arms over head) whoosh, whoosh. Or the kind that goes like this (while turning head) pabapabapabapa-pssssh. Oh, and there's this kind (while waving arms and turning head) psssh-psssh-psssh.

Quick question - whatever happened to Sarah Michelle Geller and Freddie Prinze Jr?! I haven't heard anything about them for quite some time. This confirms to me that celebrities that are getting all this bad publicity bring it upon themselves. It IS possible to be out of the spotlight - good for them. (on another note... the guy that works at Blockbuster in Denver told me I looked like Sarah Michelle once... I looked straight at him and said "No I don't" and everyone in line nodded their heads in agreement with me. Sorry man - that line isn't going to work on me).