Things that make me laugh

Saturday, February 17, 2007

"Baby On Board, something something, Burt Ward"

Okay so now that Bossman is finally in the loop, I feel like I can post this on my blog : Baby on the way! :)

I start my 14th week tomorrow which means I have been pregnant for over 3 months now. I've got about 6 months to go before my due date of August 25 (day before my own birthday... yeesh). I am finally showing and it feels so weird. I am still working out almost every day and eating healthy and my pants seem to just be shrinking more and more each day - wonky.

Anyways, since the second I found out about this baby I have been muchos stressed out about how to tell Bossman. This week, him and his bossman decided to start me on management training and put D&L directly reporting to me. They want me to take this course in Vancouver and learn about how to manage people. I'm thinking 'I'm going to be a mom - how the heck are they going to react??' I seriously thought Bossman would get all red in the face and upset with me. I was stressed about it and prayed about it for months that he would be understanding and that I would have the right words for the situation.

Well, I told him yesterday it couldn't have gone better. I went into his office, closed the door and said I needed to talk to him for 5 minutes. He got this worried look on his face and I thought, 'there is no freaking way I can do this.... I'll just keep quiet and let him figure it out on his own when I balloon up in a few weeks...' But, when I told him, his face totally lit up and he burst out "Congratulations!! Wow - that is GREAT! I can't think of 2 better people.... you are going to be such a great mom - I am so proud of you! Work is work, but family... that is what really matters. And now you get to start one - that is so awesome!!" We talked for like 15 minutes about it and he kept saying that he was so excited and couldn't think of the last time he was literally this happy for someone. It was such a relief!! I have known Bossman for the last 3+ years and he really is very transparent in the way that his true feelings are pretty obvious. I know that his initial reaction was real and that is so cool. He kept saying 'as a friend, I'm telling you....' It was sooooo Michael Scott. I literally felt like Pam at her art show.

After all the excitement and rah-rah was over, he gets this look on his face. "What am I going to do without you? You can't be that far along right? How long do you have to leave for? 6 months right? You can work from home right?" We discussed it a bit and I said I had no clue what was going to happen, but that I wanted him to be in the loop. I know that telling him first was the best decision. It also rocked that I did it on a Friday so he has the whole weekend to let it settle.

Well, we'll see what happens with work. Bossman has demanded that I keep it a secret for a few more weeks from everyone else. He has been pushing to get me a raise for a few months and is afraid that head office will say no if they find out about the baby. Bossman wants to make sure I don't get screwed out of that raise. So, I've just got to suck in this belly for a few more weeks - good thing it is still sweater weather here.

Mom - I'm sorry to have to tell you that this is still a secret in your many circles. If anyone at church knows, it'll get back to TB at work and I'm just not sure about that. I MIGHT tell TB early next week and then you can get excited with people about your new to-be-grandmother status. For now, please keep up the knitting, but don't hurt your hands by doing too much !! :)

FYI - is having a 25% off sale of all maternity stuff. The poor man's gap. Nice


  • At 11:31 PM, Blogger Abby Mommy said…

    woo hoo BABY!!!! I was so freakin excited when I found out, as you know, since you told me. Well I am so happy this is happening now, mostly because when I get back in 4 months you are going to be HUGE!!! Well till the day this baby arrives I have so much time to buy it stuff. SO EXCITED!!!

  • At 11:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hope to see you on Wednesday - I'm starting to show now :) Just enough that I don't look pregnant yet though - just totally fat

  • At 10:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    AAHHHHH! Went out with the girls from old work on Sat., they were all gaga to TM because she is going to be a Grandma. BC said to me, "Don't worry, you'll be a Grandma someday". It was so hard not to say, "I am!", but I kept my lips zipped, aren't you proud of me? Finished the current knitting project and am on to the next. This is so exciting!!

  • At 10:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So sorry to make you keep it secret still!! Shouldn't be too much longer. I am having a hard time sucking it in here at work :(

  • At 4:27 PM, Blogger Abby Mommy said…

    Hey. Sorry cant make it wednesday, have a thing at the church for the kids. Either way I will cya sunday right?

  • At 7:17 AM, Blogger Sara said…

    Yeah - see you Sunday.

    Mom - can we have crepes?? (if dad doesn't want to, that is okay). Or maybe Kim should get to pick?


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