Things that make me laugh

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Done with Rock

Okay so I know we decided on the Rock station here at work yesterday, but I don't really want Crazy Bitch playing in the background when customers show up... I stuck it back on Jack. Of course the second that I hear 'Like a Virgin', I'm shutting it off. Grr.

J's cousin is up here in this part of the world for her Spring Break. She is visiting her boyfriend from WA ... he's been in Iraq for 2 years as a Soldier (caps? I don't know the grammer laws for titles like that. Is Soldier a title? I guess so...). Anyways, they drove up to see us for a few minutes last night and check out Vancouver today (it's pouring rain by the way - she is getting the full Vancouver experience!). It was really nice to see her again - she is really sweet. He seemed to have a lot of drinking and ex-girlfriend stories though.... Whatever. Maybe he was trying to sound cool to impress her older guy cousin? He did apoligize for the F-bomb though. That was ... nice.

Lots of work to do and coffee to drink. Time to quickly Sein it up.

JERRY: Is he from the future?
ELAINE: No, he just shaves his head. I think it's pretty gutsy.
GEORGE: Listen, sweetheart, let me tell you a little something about guts. This is guts.
ELAINE: What? Clinging to some scraps?
GEORGE: These are not "scraps." These are historic remains of a once great society of hair.

JERRY: Marriage is a big step, Elaine. Your life'll totally change.
ELAINE: Jerry, it's three-thirty in the morning. I'm at a cockfight. What am I clinging to?

GEORGE: Just as she was. Hey, Mario! Remember us?
JERRY: We used to come in every day.
MARIO: So where ya been? We're tanking here.
GEORGE: We'll have 2 slices and 2 grape sodas.
MARIO: Oh, thanks. That'll save us.
JERRY: All right, make it the large sodas.
(George and Jerry walk across the room.(
GEORGE: Hey, Jerry, remember Frogger? I used to be so into this game. Gettin' that frog across the street was my entire life.
(They walk over to watch a boy playing Frogger)
JERRY: Yeah. And then you went on to...Well, it's a good game.
GEORGE: Double jump! Eat the fly! Eat it!
(The boy loses)
BOY: Thanks a lot.
GEORGE: Ah, beat it, punk.
(The boy exits)
JERRY: Hey, look at the high score--"G.L.C." George Louis Costanza. That's not you, is it?
GEORGE: Yes! 860,000. I can't believe it's still standing. No one has beaten me in like 10 years.
JERRY: I remember that night.
GEORGE: The perfect combination of Mountain Dew and mozzarella...just the right amount of grease on the joy stick...
MARIO: Here's your pizza pea brains.
JERRY: I think I remember why we stopped coming here.

Okay back to work.

(PS - Lisa Tucker gone. Good)


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