Things that make me laugh

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Okay so if I have a baby boy someday, I'm going to name him Knight or Sir or Duke. Trump has inspired me with little Baron Trump. Ahh Melania... didn't you have any say??

Anyways - good Apprentice last night. Now that Brent "The Plant for Drama" has been fired, it is a real competition and not just a how-can-we-showcase-this-guys-craziness show. How long could they have this guy masquerading as a contestant anyways?? What-ever. So I think that Andrea chick is looking kinda snobby... actually that whole team is bunch of snobs. And what was with the scene of Roxanne and Allie (I think) laying all over Sean in the bedroom whining about Brent?? Such professionals. That guy is totally working his accent - it is pretty sad. He's like the foreign guy that swoops in and gets 2 cheerleaders at the same time at a party. It was kind of bizarre.

Prison Break returned last night - how are they going to get out of this one?? I am predicting that the electrician screws up and lets something slip about the rat in the fusebox. Then Lincoln will have another few weeks. Okay so the actual legal proceeding has gone as far as it can in the show... even the Governor is against him. So now they have to break out to make this show work. Robin Tunney rocks by the way - I love her hair and her clothes in this show. (man I sound like I'm 14...).

Not much else to say - had a good weekend. Dinner at Kelly O's for Mark's birthday. I didn't even have one Pacho!! I had a nice steak that was bigger than my fist. Nice.

Okay so I have work to do now - here are some Malcolm in the Middle quotes:

Reese (learning about breast feeding) : Women are the cows of people!!

Dewey (playing soccer, wiping opponents face in the sideline) : Eat chalk evil-doer!!

Hal : One boy's purse is another boy's book bag... if he's European. Besides, I can't tell you how many times I've been jealous of your mother and her purse. You know, we men have to shove our whole lives in a little square of leather, that we then have to sit on.

Dewey : Malcolm, in school we learned the coolest thing: there were these people that did this broadcast to convince everyone that aliens were landing. So what we do is wait for Reese to fall asleep, then we flash some lights outside his window then we go to the TV, but we'll have already made a tape...
Malcolm: Dewey, you're totally over-thinking this. Reese, aliens landed down the street!
Reese: [Runs in wearing a helmet and carrying a bat] Every man for himself!

Lois :Sorry it's so cramped, Piama. This van really isn't designed to carry seven people.
Piama: Oh, I guess I was thrown off by the seven seats and the seven seatbelts.

Love that show :)


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