Things that make me laugh

Friday, March 10, 2006

"Takin' me to Arbys"

Aah Seinfeld - when will I ever tire of you? I haven't actually sat down and watched a whole episode for a few years and then after that India one the other day.... I'm back baby. I saw the dealership one last night with the candy lineup and the high fives. Nice.

Work has been crazy because of all the Bossmen and Bosswomen in town this week. We had a head office lunch yesterday (pizza) and it was pretty cool. Doesn't fit with my diet though - I'm really getting used to eating 'healthy' food now. The thought of a burger or bacon & eggs makes me want to hurl. Same with Cornuts - I used to exist solely on Cornuts. What's happening to me?? It's cool though - I feel better and not gross after eating a meal. Everyone wants to get pizza again today because it is the Receptionist's last day (baby on the way!!). I brought a chicken breast - I'll eat it before the pizza gets here and then just pick at the pinapples. A lady at work (this was totally creepy) the other day asked me what the secret was to my "body." **SHUDDER** Umm... not having pizza more than once a week? :) I think she wants to be friends with me - she takes her coffee break at my desk and is always asking about my life. Whatever - that's fine. Until she has black & white pictures of me at her desk, I think we're okay. She's from Iran so I don't know how good her social skills are. I'll just keep being my friendly self and hope she doesn't take it to the next level (okay - even I don't know what that means...).

Lots of snow last night - isn't it March??!! I love it :)

American Idol was good last night - I just flipped to see who was getting the boot. Will & Kinnik - No surprise. I was surprised at Ayla and Gideon though. Well - someone's gotta go. There can only be one winner right?

Okay so Survivor was pretty emotional and real last night - I was really sad that those guys had to get rid of Dan. I need Courtenay to go!! She sucks!

In honor of the Sein I watched last night :

GEORGE: My father had a car salesman buddy. He was gonna fix him up real nice. Next thing I know, I’m gettin’ dropped of in a Le Car with a fabric sunroof. All the kids are shoutin’ at me, "Hey, Le George! Bonjour, Le George! Let’s stuff Le George in Le Locker!"

ELAINE: My new salesman boyfriend took me out for lunch to celebrate his promotion.
JERRY: Ah. Where’d you go?
ELAINE: Uh, to a restaurant.
PUDDY: Arby’s.
ELAINE : I had the Roast Beef.

JERRY: Hey, can I have my dollar back?
GEORGE: It’s wrinkled. It’s worthless.

GEORGE: All I want is my seventy-five cents back, an apology, and for him to be fired!

JERRY: (Over the phone) Elaine, you’ve got to get back down to the dealer. Puddy is screwin’ me on this car, which is yellow now!
ELAINE: Who is this?
JERRY: (Banging the phone against the booth) Elaine!

Love it!!


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