Things that make me laugh

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Cranberry Jello tastes a lot like wine

Quiet day at the office so far - I should probably change the fish water today... Trooper is looking a little funky. I think he's taking a nap - he's a very lazy fish. Everyone that comes through this office tells me that my fish is dead because he is not moving. I am not stupid people!! A dead fish is a floating fish! Trooper pretty much stays away from the top of the bowl... he just likes to nap. So leave him alone! And stop putting your fingers in the bowl trying to pet him. This is not a Kindergarden class :)

So American Idol was okay last night - nothing special. I actually flipped between AI and Deal or No Deal. Truly the show that makes me yell at the TV!! Yeah - I think the boys are better this year for Idol. That Elliot guy is smokin' good.

Amazing Race was amazing last night too - I watched it on Halifax time so I could watch the race and Idol in their entirety (how lame am I??). I thought that I would not like those pink girls, but they are okay - the best part was when they were making fun of those 2 young perpetual Spring Breakers. "I'm Jeremy and I'm Eric... yeah bye!" I hope those girls kick those guys butts - those guys are total bums!! "We want lots of $$ but we don't want to work - we work as little possible." Yeah - yer cool. (I'm making a funny face). I really liked the self-proclaimed nerds. I like how the girl (Lori?) runs without bending her elbows - so cute!! Like a little kid.

Best part of the show : When one of the teams referred to that angry dentist guy as "Scott Peterson." Ouch!! I guess we found our resident abusive relationship for this season.

Okay so Bossman is in and I really do have lots of work to do - quote time!

Milhouse: What kind of sprinkler do you perfer Bart? The kind that goes like this (while waving arms over head) whoosh, whoosh. Or the kind that goes like this (while turning head) pabapabapabapa-pssssh. Oh, and there's this kind (while waving arms and turning head) psssh-psssh-psssh.

Quick question - whatever happened to Sarah Michelle Geller and Freddie Prinze Jr?! I haven't heard anything about them for quite some time. This confirms to me that celebrities that are getting all this bad publicity bring it upon themselves. It IS possible to be out of the spotlight - good for them. (on another note... the guy that works at Blockbuster in Denver told me I looked like Sarah Michelle once... I looked straight at him and said "No I don't" and everyone in line nodded their heads in agreement with me. Sorry man - that line isn't going to work on me).


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