Things that make me laugh

Monday, March 13, 2006


On the new cycle of Top Model there was this cheerleader girl who said she was the biggest Republican who hates gay people and stuff. Okay what the hey are you doing in the fashion industry?? Insane in the membrane lady. And I can't believe how racist she was being!! I consider myself a (Canadian) Republican, but I am totally not racist. I'm glad she didn't make the top 13.... there is drama and then there is just ignorance. She was ignorant. My favorite is Nenna (?) and Sarah. Jade is funny - so into herself that I want to vomit. But she has got the confidence - that's for sure.

Anyways, the weekend was good - very very relaxing. I worked out on Saturday and then took my day off yesterday. Youngest brother and the girlfriend came over to do their taxes yesterday afternoon - we walked the dogs and played some dutch blitz. After I won a bunch of rounds in a row, they kicked me out of the game and replaced me with Dad (who sucks at games). They let me back in an hour later and I killed them all once again :) Then we all played Poker and it was awesome. We played a completely blind hand and I ended up winning the whole pot with a full house! Sweet.

Rest of the weekend was pretty nice - lots of cleaning, tea drinking and TV vegging. I am ready to rock for work this morning. J brought me a coffee and I'm ready to work my butt off. Time to quote it up!

Michael Scott: Now on this ship, that is the office, what is the sales department? Anyone?
Darryl: How about, the sales department is the sails.
Michael Scott: Yes, Darryl. The sales department makes sales. Good.

Dwight Shrute: I was the youngest pilot in Pan Am history. When I was four, the pilot let me ride in the cockpit and fly the plane with him. And I was four, and I was great and I would have landed it, but my dad wanted us to go back to our seats.

Michael Scott: Sometimes you have to take a break from being the kind of boss that's always trying to teach people things. Sometimes you just… have to be the boss of dancing.

Apprentice tonight!! That greasy Canadian guy has gotta go


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