Things that make me laugh

Friday, March 17, 2006


New episode of The Office last night... the best part was when Stanley was yelling at Ryan - I was just sitting there, stunned. Then I laughed when Ryan is standing outside: "Stanley yelled at me today - that was probably the most frightening experience of my life." Hee hee.

Not much else - J has been working so much that he is really out of it. This morning he was confused that I was wearing jeans. Uhh - it's Friday man. "It is?" Poor guy. He worked all last weekend and he'll have to work this weekend too. I'm glad I am in the office and know how hard he is working - I appreciate it so much more than if I worked somewhere else and had no clue what he did.

I watched some of American Inventor last night - it was so freaking lame. I watched the first hour and saw less than 5 actual inventions! The rest of the filler was just profiling the judges and showing wannabe inventors crying. Maybe you have to wait for the next round to see what the inventions are. Anyways...... lame.

So I have a coffee this morning because J found a WIN A COFFEE last night when he was cleaning out Pat's truck. Nice. So there is a story going around about a little girl and her friend that found a cup in the trash and won a Rav4 and now their moms and the guy (who says he threw the cup away) are all fighting over it. I have heard this story on 4 different occasions in the last 2 days. A truck driver I met in line at THs this morning told me the story! I think it is an urban myth :) Some say it is in Quebec, some say 'back east' and some say Port Moody or Port Alberni. Let's get it straight people.

Anyways, I have some work I should get done - time to quote it up and get back to work:

Stanley: [Screaming at Ryan] That little girl is a child! I don't wanna see you sniffing around her anymore this afternoon! Do you understand?
Ryan: Yes sir.
Stanley: Boy have you lost your mind because I'll help you find it! Whatchu looking for? Ain't nobody gonna help you out there. Jesus could come through that door and he's not gonna help you, if you don't stop sniffing after my child!
Ryan: Stanley yelled at me today. That was one of the most freighting experiences of my life.

Oscar’s daughter: Wait, why doesn't the manufacturer just sell the paper directly to people?
Michael: You are describing Office Depot. And they are kind of running us out of business.
Dwight: [from his desk] We have better service than they do!

Dwight Schrute: When I was in the 6th grade I was a finalist in our school spelling bee. It was me against Raj Patel. I mispelled, in front of the entire school, the word 'failure.'

Michael Scott: Heisman!

Oh that Michael Scott - so glad he's not my bossman :)


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