Things that make me laugh

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

"Get those arms up sister!"

Whoa I hurt today - I went to the Hi-Lo class last night and it was brutal. I couldn't really move today and tomorrow is going to suck. The instructor was a guy and he was very intense - he kept yelling at us asking if we were "READY?!!" and telling us to "Get those arms up!! You will be off time if you don't get those arms up!!!" I was trying to do it right just so I wouldn't get yelled at. I'm a little afraid of him to tell you the truth... I think I'll go back because I have a feeling he gets something that last week just didn't get : Results. Nice.

Work has been okay this week - Bossmen/Bosswomen from all different branches are in town this week for the Bossman meetings so it is quiet around the office. I got to meet all the different branch bosses from BC and Alberta branches - nice to put faces to voices. I mean, I deal with these people over the phone on a daily basis. When they are talking to me face to face, I almost have to look away because it's so weird.

Salesman brought me a coffee today - I don't know why he is sucking up to me, but it sure is working. That would be sweet if I won something on this cup. But I won't. They should call it 'Roll up the Rim and Please Play Again.' Because there is no winning going on!!!

Well this was a pretty boring post - I should get back to work anyways. Lots to do - busy busy busy blah blah blah. I caught the Seinfeld backwards India episode the other night - so awesome. Total classic. Let's quote it up :

George: So, how come nothing ever happened between you and Nina? (suspicious) Is there a problem with her? Is she a man?
Jerry: Are you?

Kramer: Does your girlfriend have to be here?
Newman: Does yours? *camera pans to Jerry*

Elaine: Oh boy. There's Sue Ellen. She didn't want me at this wedding, but here I am with a bunch of my idiot friends!
Jerry: (enthused) This is gonna be great!

George : You can stuff you sorrys in a sack mister!

Now I want to watch it again :) Back to work...


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