Things that make me laugh

Monday, March 06, 2006

IRONMAN isn't as easy as you think

Being really early for work by accident isn't very fun. J had to start at 6 this morning so I came in with him and I was going to go to Tim Hortons and read the paper and slowly wakeup. Well then the drivers are calling me frantically @ Tim's that they can't get into the office. So I race back and let them in and they all give me that look : "Way to do your job Sara" Whatever! It's not my job to open the door for you - grr (bears). Anyways, I'm here now and I have my coffee and I'm going to post something to keep me from working.

So we are looking to move soon and we are looking a lot on I found the coolest house in the lower mainland on there! It has everything - utilities included, washer, dryer, fenced yard, pets negotiable (!), blah blah blah. It even has a barbeque! It says it is renting for $1100/month. So I call the guy and he says he is renting it out fully furnished for one month only. WHAT?? Dude - when you're going away for a month, you don't rent out your house and try to make $1100! The stupidest part is that his address and the specific dates he is out of town are on the website. There are also pictures of all his nice furniture, his TV, etc. Good one :)

Anyways, the search goes on. We are looking for a house with a fenced yard, preferably with more than 1 bedroom. I don't think it'll be too hard - since I got my raise a whole new bunch of stuff is lookable (?).

We watched some of the Oscars last night and I was so happy that Reese Witherspoon won for Best Actress!! I think she is so cute and I loved Walk The Line. I'm guessing that Crash is a good movie - Best Picture is nothing to sneeze at. Maybe we'll throw away $4.95 and give it a rent.

The brothers came over on Saturday night and mom made a big turkey. Dave brought this Guitar game for PS2 and it was so freaking frustrating!! It was fun though - Mark was really good on it. Song selection was okay - more Queen please! Then we played Dutch Blitz and when I won 5 rounds in a row, Mark mysteriously got bored of it and quit. Whatever - he is just like dad. It's not fun unless he's killing the rest of us. Mom and me are the same that way - we don't give a crap if we're losing, we just like to play. No competetiveness there at all.

Anyways, this post has been very very boring - time to mix it up with a few quotes. We watched some of season 1 of The Office on Saturday night :

Michael Scott: Your nephew... He in good shape?
Oscar: Yeah.
Michael Scott: How many miles did he do last year?
Oscar: Last year he walked 18 miles.
Michael Scott: Son of a bitch. [covering] That is impressive. Good for him.

Michael Scott: ...and I'm sinking a few, swish swish swish- nothing but net! And their jaws just drop to the floor. African Americans!

Toby: We're not all gonna sit in a circle Indian style, are we?
Michael Scott: Get out. No this is not a joke. It was offensive and lame, so double offensive. This is an environment of welcoming and you should just get the hell out of here.

Can't wait for Season 2 on dvd!! Wow I need to get a life :)


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