Things that make me laugh

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Mmm... Extra Large Triple Triple

J just brought me a big coffee here at work - so that's why I married him :)

Work is crazy right now, but my life is so full of blessings right now!! Moose's tests came back negative - he does not have cancer (yeah!). We found a place and secured it for July 1. I've lost the weight I wanted to lose. Camp was freaking sweet and fun (although my legs still ache like nuts). Weather is sunny sunny sunny which puts J in a tip top mood. Last but not least, in one week we will be on the train to Californee-a :) Nice.

Okay I have work to do and not much TV to talk about. We watched Last Comic Standing last night - man I love that show. The funniest guy was the comic with Celebral Palsy (seriously - the guy was awesome).

Quotes! I caught a bit of the Simpsons 'Bigger Brother' episode last night. Sweet...

Corey : Hi, you've reached the Corey hot-line. $4.95 a minute. Here are some words that rhyme with Corey: Gory. Story. Allegory. Montessori.

Corey : Hi, this is Corey. Hope you and I can get married someday.

Homer: Hey, boy. Where ya goin'?
Bart: Father-son picnic. [leaves]
Homer: Have a good time! ... Wait a minute...

Homer : (leaning into a trash can, sees a man sleeping) Hee hee - just like Oscar the Grouch!

Pepe: Tell me more! I want to know all the constellations.
Homer: Well, there's... Jerry the Cowboy. And that big dipper looking thing is Alan... the Cowboy.

Pepe: I love you, Papa Homer.
Homer: I love you, too, Pepsi.
Pepe: Pepe.
Homer: Pepe.

Bart: Dad, remember when Tom had you in that headlock and you screamed "I'm a hemophiliac'' and when he let you go, you kicked him in the back?
Homer: Heh heh heh. Yeah.
Bart: Could you teach me how to do that?

Hee hee :)

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Praise the Lord!!

We found a house!! We looked at it last Thursday and filled out an application. He checked our references yesterday, called us last night and then we met him to fill out the paperwork!! I am so excited!! I just know that this is a place that God has hand-picked for our little family! It is in New Westminster (same side of the river as work!!). It is a one bedroom house - unfinished basement, main floor (kitchen, living room, dining area and bathroom) and top floor is just one huge room (about 12' X 20') with a closet and a couple of windows and a slanty ceiling!! I am so very excited. We are going to be all set up for July 1st, but we can probably get in earlier - we can probably get a good deal on a moving truck ;) So excited!! Lots of work to do!!

Thank you God for taking care of us :)

Monday, May 29, 2006

Call for Prayer!

We looked at a house to rent on Thursday night and the guy is calling our references today. Will probably decide tomorrow. Has lots of people interested.

Please pray that this is God's will for us!! If it is not, we know He has the perfect place in mind for us. We just love this one!!

Moose has some gross stitches since his surgery on Thursday. I took Friday off of work to watch him and then I was at camp all weekend.

Lots of work to catch up on - please pray for us :)

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The beginning of short posts?

Okay my new desk is all set up and i LOVE it!! I now share a big U-shaped office thing with K and it rocks. BUT - my monitor is totally visable to the entire office so I think my posts will get much shorter.

Bossman just called and he is on his way in with coffee (yeah!), so I'd better rap this up.

He just came in - I gotta get some work done.

By the way - I am totally proud of my sister and what she is doing with her life right now!! If you don't understand that, check out her blog : I get most of my pictures for my desktop from her site :)

Anyways, quick quote and then I have to go battle my In tray...:

Michael Scott: Do you remember Ed Truck?
Creed: Sure, he hired me. How's he doin'?
Michael Scott: How would I know?
Creed: I thought you might.
Michael Scott: My biggest fear is turning into him.
Creed: Michael, you should have much bigger fears than that.
Michael Scott: I wasn't talking literally, Creed. Yeah, being buried alive would be worse, happy? Why am I talking to you?

Okay Bossman has locked himself in his office "ready to work." I suppose I should do the same.

PS - Taylor is going to kick butt tonight. Those 2 shouldn't be final 2, but whatever...

Friday, May 19, 2006

Too busy to quote

So this new desk situation is taking FOREVER!! All my work and supplies are just randomly on library carts throughout the office and no one knows where my IN tray is at all so there is stuff everywhere. Way to do this on a weekend guys... Whatever - the desk is going to look awesome when they get it all set up.

Bossman has decided not to work today and to just drink coffee and watch the guys build our station. So I'll quote next week - grrr!!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

I'm signing! You're signin'! We're all signin'!!

No new desk yet.

Someone (Note : Salesman J) didn't have the proper plans, measurements or even furniture to do what we wanted yesterday. He has changed it all around and we are getting it all done tomorrow. That is sweet.

Anyways, American Idol was pretty good last night - I think Elliot is really good but doesn't make me want to stand up and cheer. J figured out what Katharine's problem is : She is completely tone deaf. When the band plays big and she can't hear herself, she is way off. Yeah - not a big fan. Taylor's "You are so beautiful to me" was amazing! I felt like he was really singing it to someone and he was literally in pain because that person was so awesome to him. (I can't believe how lame that sounded, but that is what I got from his song). I'm glad that he got sent to Hollywood from his original audition because he has been very interesting.

So no more TV talk. The weather here sucks - it is very very hot and it is making me cranky. The good thing is, it makes J totally pleasant to be around because he loves this weather. I guess I'd rather have a bunch of happy people around me in the sun than be lonely in the wonderful rain...

No more news on the Moose front - just a few more days of antibiotics (which are so easy to give him!! I just shove the pills in a little chunk of cheese and he sits and shakes and drools for those pills... another reason I love dogs over cats...). So then we take him back to the vet for blood work and we'll see from there. We keep praying though!

J & I are staying home for May long weekend - saving our $ for the California trip. I still have to get a few things for the trip : a bathing suit (ugh), a tan (I have red face, white everything else right now), an outfit for the wedding (do I buy something new? Wedding-attending-attire stresses me out) and I also need a hair cut. I am all about the straw hair thing right now - I also desperatley need some dye!!

Okay so The DaVinci Code is out in theatres this week and that sucks. BUT, the people on the radio said that it isn't getting very good reviews. Apparently people are actually laughing out loud in the theatre because some parts are so overly dramatic that they are hilarious. Interesting. K is going to go see it (she is "excited" because she just read the book) - I need to go back over all my sermon notes and do some reasearch for when she has questions. According the, many people out there are believing the "Code". Ugh. I need to pray for God to give me the words and the answers to steer these people to the REAL truth. This movie/book is huge - let's not treat it as entertainment people. I don't care how much Tom Hanks rocks.

Speaking of the Hanks, I'm going to quote up one of my favorite movies : That Thing You Do. It is one of my total guilty pleasures - I love it!!

Phil Horace: I've found that a hit record is like a stew. All the ingredients have to come together just right. Otherwise, it's just soup.

Guy: Yeah, we were pretty wild up in Erie, Penn.
Lenny: Yeah, there was this one time, we stayed up way past midnight.

Villapiano: Know what this is?
Lenny: Presidential flashcards?
Villapiano: Nope. A bonus. And do you know why?
Lenny: I have no idea.
Villapiano: To entice you back!... The word is out on you o-NEE-ders!
Lenny: Hey, that's o-NEH-ders!

Jimmy: Diane Dane told me never trust a label. And I'm beginning to believe her.
Lenny: Well, sure. I mean, come on. They put us up in a first class hotel, all expenses paid, while our record climbs the charts; bunch of lyin' snakes.
Jimmy: Sorry, I guess I'm just alone in my principles. [leaves the room]
Lenny: Oh come on. Oh, there he goes off to his room to write that hit song "Alone in my principles."

[during TV interview with band]
Lenny Haise: Oh, I'm not here with these fellas. I've got a pig in competition over at the livestock pavilion, and I am going to win that blue ribbon!

Lenny: [when asked what The Wonders' musical influences are] Cap'n Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters.

[When Jimmy is reluctant to sign a management contract]
Lenny: Are you crazy? A man in a really nice camper wants to put our song on the radio! Gimme a pen, I'm signin'! You're signin'! We're all signin'!

Mr. White: This "Oneders" thing, with the o-n-e, it doesn't work. It's confusing. From now on, you're just The Wonders.
Lenny: As in, I wonder what happened to the O-Needers?

Lenny: Hey, wasn't that our fan?

Lenny Haise: So how long have you worked at Play-tone?
Receptionist: How long have you been wearing such tight paints?
Lenny Haise: Hey, if that's a pick-up line we're a match made in heaven.

Guy: When will the records be ready?
Uncle Bob: Luke 21:19
The Bass Player: In your patience possess ye your souls.
Lenny: Luke? Who's Luke? When will the records be ready?

Oh man dose that movie have everything - Steve Zahn, Ethan Embry, Liv Tyler, a really nice camper...! :)

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

30 Degrees today. I hate this so much!!!

So there was no post yesterday because I was super busy. I am getting a new desk/workstation/whatever built today so I have to pack up all my stuff and prepare to move. I have my coffee here this morning and I'm ready to post it up, but I see over 30 emails that need immediate attention :(

Better quote it up and get to work. More tomorrow. Let's go with Tommy Boy. No matter how stupid that movie was, it has some very laughable moments.

PS - Prison Break broke my brain last night. So many delightful twists and turns! I don't know how I'll hold out all summer. Just another thing I despise about summer - the TV!!

Gas Station Employee: I'm picking up your sarcasm.
Richard Hayden: Well, I should hope so, because I'm laying it on pretty thick.

Tommy: Let's think about this for a sec, Ted, why would somebody put a guarantee on a box? Hmmm, very interesting.
Ted Nelson, Customer: Go on, I'm listening.
Tommy: Here's the way I see it, Ted. guy puts a fancy guarantee on a box 'cause he wants you to fell all warm and toasty inside.
Ted Nelson, Customer: Yeah, makes a man feel good.
Tommy: 'Course it does. Why shouldn't it? Ya figure you put that little box under your pillow at night, the Guarantee Fairy might come by and leave a quarter, am I right, Ted?
Ted Nelson, Customer: What's your point?
Tommy: The point is, how do you know the fairy isn't a crazy glue sniffer? "Building model airplanes" says the little fairy, well, we're not buying it. He sneaks into your house once, that's all it takes. The next thing you know, there's money missing off the dresser and your daughter's knocked up, I seen it a hundred times.
Ted Nelson, Customer: But why do they put a guarantee on the box?
Tommy: Because they know all they solda ya was a guaranteed piece of shit. That's all it is, isn't it? Hey, if you want me to take a dump in a box and mark it guaranteed, I will. I got spare time. But for now, for your customer's sake, for your daughter's sake, ya might wanna think about buying a quality product from me.
Ted Nelson, Customer: [pause] Okay, I'll buy from you.
Tommy: Well, that's... What?

Tommy: I l-left a message.
Richard Hayden: A message? What number did you call?
Tommy: Two, four, niner, five, six, seven...
Richard Hayden: I can't hear you, you're trailing off and did I catch a niner in there? Were you calling from a walkie-talkie?
Tommy: No, it was cordless.
Richard Hayden: You know what? Don't. Not here, not now.

[Moments earlier they hit a deer, it's now riding in the back seat of Richard's car]
Tommy: Where are we gonna take the deer?
Richard Hayden: I dunno, the vet?
ommy: You take dead animals to the vet?
Richard Hayden: Why not? I'd take you to the vet.
Tommy: Yeah I'll take you to the... Um...
Richard Hayden: Got that?
Tommy: Shut up.

[Richard's car is destroyed by a deer]
Richard Hayden: No way that just happened. My car is completely destroyed.
Tommy: I swear I've seen a lot of stuff in my life, but that... was... *awesome*. [bursts out laughing]
Tommy: ... but, sorry about your car, man. That... That sucks.

[Tommy carelessly set an open bag of M&M's on the dashboard and they immediately poor into an open slot]
Richard Hayden: Oh that sounds good: melted chocolate inside the dash, that really ups the resale value.
Tommy: I think you'll be okay here, they have a thin candy shell. 'Surprised you didn't know that.
Richard Hayden: I think your brain has a thick candy shell.
Tommy: Your... Your brain has the shell on it.
Richard Hayden: Are you talking?
Tommy: Shut up, Richard.

Okay it's 7:00... I've got work to do. It is 30 degrees today and I hate it. Head Office emailed the dress code around again yesterday as a reminder to ditch the spagetti straps, bare feet and mini skirts. I feel like I'm back in Grade 8 with the principle checking on the fingertip rule. This is an office - let's grow up!! We are not here to meet boys and have dances!

Okay I've really gotta go or I'll be late for the pep rally...

Friday, May 12, 2006

Where do I begin??

Oh. My. Goodness.

Oh Jim & Pam how I shed a tear for you last night. I know that is super-lame, but I was actually moved by that last night. J can make fun of me all he wants - it may be just a show, but I lovelovelove it. I must have Season 2 asap!! If I post anymore about last night's 40 min. episode, I'll be here all day and I actually do have work to do.

The Office actually overshadowed Survivor last night (which kinda dragged actually, as they set up that Cirie can make fire... "Ooooo"). My hope is that Danielle will win the challenge - Cirie is getting too cocky for her britches. I was kinda confused that Terry didn't give her the idol, but I'm glad he didn't because what if Aras and Cirie and Danielle voted for him on the chance that he gave it to D? That would be the ultimate snake survivor move on Danielle's part. Glad he kept it - it's going to be worth $1,000,000 to him. Nice.

Bossman just called with offer of coffee, but L upstairs went to get me one. I gotta get to work before Bossman shows up - I have billing due :(

Gotta quote later, but let's get a quick one in from last night:

Phyllis : I have an Ace.
Oscar : Wait - you've got a flush!!
Phyllis : Oh! I have all the clovers! I win!

Sweet. Must see again.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Chris Daughtry?? America says a collective "HUH?"

So I was in at 6 again this morning, but I've got my coffee and already done about 2 hours worth of work in the past hour (I love working undisturbed!!).

Okay so what happened on AI last night? When Seacrest told Chris that he was going home, I think that everyone thought he was kidding. I think he is the real deal (winning American Idol may have ruined him though... kind of a Bo Bice thing - best that he didn't go all the way). I think Elliot & Taylor will be final two. They both freaking rock. Best vocal though is Elliot hands down. I'm kind of sick of Katharine - I don't know why. I guess I shouldn't say that because I think she would be a cool person to be friends with.

The Amazing Race was sweet last night. All the shows I watch are down to the final 4 or 3!! What a week of TV I have ahead of me. Here are my predictions for the wins... we'll see how wrong I am next week.

The Apprentice : Final 2 will be Sean and Lee. Sean will win.
Survivor : Final 2 will be Terry and Danielle. Terry will win.
American Idol : Final 2 will be Taylor and Elliot. Taylor will win.
Amazing Race : Final 3 are Frats, Hippies and YoRay. YoRay will win.
Top Model : Final 2 will be Jade and Joanie. Jade will win.

I don't agree with most of the results on my took-me-2-minutes list, but I think that is how it will play out. Okay so I have work to do.

Nothing new on the Moose front by the way - his infection has cleared up because of the antibiotics. Just 2 more weeks of those and then another blood test. Keep praying for him! He is so special :)

Quotes! Here are some quotes from (what I think) one of the funniest, cheesiest movies ever : Blast From The Past starring Brenden Fraser, Alicia Silverstone, Christopher Walken, Sissy Spacek and hilarious gay best friend Troy, played by Dave Foley. Hee hee :)

Adam: Oh my lucky stars! A Negro!
African American Mail Lady : Say what??

Troy: He said, good manners are just a way of showing other people we have respect for them. See, I didn't know that, I thought it was just a way of acting all superior. Oh and you know what else he told me?
Eve: What?
Troy: He thinks I'm a gentleman and you're a lady.
Eve: [disgusted] Well, consider the source! I don't even know what a lady is.
Troy: I know, I mean I thought a "gentleman" was somebody that owned horses. But it turns out, his short and simple definition of a lady or a gentleman is, someone who always tries to make sure the people around him or her are as comfortable as possible.
Eve: Where do you think he got all that information?
Troy: From the oddest place - his parents. I mean, I don't think I got that memo from mom.

Calvin: Son. Adam.
Adam: Yes, Father?
Calvin: Don't forget: stay out of the adult bookstore.
Adam: Adult bookstore. Why?
Calvin: Poison gas. Invisible.

[Calvin is reassuring his wife on their son's first night away from home]
Calvin: I just want to say, I think he's going to be fine.
Helen: Thank you, Calvin, thank you very much.
Calvin: He's smart!
Helen: Yes, dear, I know, but he's still such a baby.
Calvin: He's a man.
Helen: He's a baby man.

Eve: So for four thousand dollars, all I have to do is drive you to your hotel?
Adam: Uh-huh!
Eve: That's it?
Adam: Yes.
Eve: And I don't have to get physical in your spaceship?

Eve: Adam, Troy is gay.
Adam: Well good for you!

Eve: What have you been doing?
Adam: Watching television... in color!

Okay I'm going to watch it this weekend :)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

In SuperMan Early

So I came in at 6 this morning because J had a job downtown for 7. I hate coming in early and having the sun already up - I don't feel like I'm in early at all. I want it to be dark out with no traffic and the night animals still running around. Then I feel like I'm really "up early." Just another thing I can't stand about summer... the long days. Blech.

Anyways, not much to report on the Moose front. He has to be on antibiotics for another 2 weeks and then another blood test. I have a slight feeling that this vet is just jerking us around.... he keeps saying that he can't fully rule out cancer, even though he has no evidence of it. Huh.

I am encouraged in our search for a place to live though. The last 2 places I called (Burnaby and Coquitlam) said that they would take an 80 lb dog!! That rocks :) We'll just keep praying for the perfect place and I know God will put us there and give us the means to do it. He always always takes care of us, no matter how much we screw up!

Okay even though it is super early, I have lots of work to do and a long meeting at 8. I'd better quickquote so I can get to work. I saw this Seinfeld last night and it always makes me laugh out loud (also - I can see that Julia L-D is totally pregnant when they filmed this episode).

ELAINE: Oh! These designs look great! Peggy, you really saved me.
PEGGY : Oh, it was no problem.
ELAINE [leaving with the drawings] Mr. Peterman is gonna love 'em.
PEGGY [focusing on her work] Thanks, Susie.

ELAINE: You won't believe this but, as I'm leaving, she calls me "Susie."
JERRY: I don't see you as a Susie. Sharon maybe.
ELAINE: What am I, a--a bulimic, chain-smoking, stenographer from Staten Island?
JERRY: Who are you describing?
ELAINE: Someone I know.
JERRY: Named Sharon?
ELAINE: I'd rather not say.

ELAINE: Can you believe this woman?
JERRY [ironic outrage] The nerve. Talkin' about ya behind your back--and right to your face!
ELAINE: No. "Suze!" I mean, "Suzie!" "Suzanne!" "Suzanna." Fine! But there is no, way, I'm gonna be a Suze.
JERRY: No. No Suze.
ELAINE: I mean--what am I--some pom-pom-wavin' Backseat Bimbo?!
JERRY: Who are you describin'?
ELAINE: Someone I know!
JERRY :Named Suze?
ELAINE: No, still Sharon!

PEGGY: I thought I was part of this problem.
ELAINE: [smiling, convincing] You're a huge part of the problem! But, I think that at it's core, this is a Susie-and-Elaine problem that requires a Susie-and-Elaine solution! And, who better to do that than.. Elaine and Susie! Susie and Elaine!

ELAINE: Jerry, I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. They're starting to give Susie assignments now!
JERRY: Well, there's only one thing to do. Eliminate her.
JERRY: [firmly matter-of-fact] Get Rid of Susie. Make her disappear.
ELAINE: I kinda like her.
JERRY: She's gone.
ELAINE: Jerry--
JERRY: [impatient] Gone! [starts maniacally laughing]
[briefly stops to point and explain] That bumper sticker.
[They both scream, laughing]
MIKE: [locked in the trunk] Oh God, I'm in trouble.

PEGGY: Susie?
ELAINE : Oh, oh--no--I'm not Susie. I'm Elaine.
PEGGY: But I've been calling you Susie.
ELAINE: Oh! I hadn't noticed!

KRAMER [at the Yankees Ball] : How d'ya like the tuxedo? It's a rental but I've had it for fifteen years.

Hee hee!! Now here's a quick one from The O.C just for my sister Kim :

Seth : (sliding across the hood of the car, drunk, whispering loudly) Shh!! We're being stealth!!

Okay tons of work to do and coffee to drink...

Monday, May 08, 2006

Too busy to post

Still waiting on Moose's test results - Vet is supossed to call me this morning. Not nervous though - I know God has it all under control (even the finances.... I don't know how, but He'll make it work).

In other pet news, Trooper the fish is doing awesome. So is Horton the Hedgehog - so cute!!

In diet news, I have lost 16 lbs since the start of March!! Not bad - I am happy, but I need new pants now because everything I have is too small now :) I guess that is good!!

Anyways, I am fighting with the printer right now ("PC Load letter??") and don't have time to post. Need to close this window before IT comes over to do maintenance on my computer...

Back to work. More later

Friday, May 05, 2006

Pray for my Moose!

Okay no quotes today - our beloved puppy Moose might be pretty sick. I took him to the vet yesterday and they have to take some X-rays and samples and stuff to make sure he doesn't have cancer. Umm.... excuse me??

So we prayed about it and we are 100% trusting God with this situation. Kind of worried, but worry is the opposite of faith - we have given this to the Lord and we know that He is in control. Please pray for Moose!! Here is a pic :)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Gas is 120.9, the temp is 23 degrees

High numbers this morning - the weather, the gas prices, files in my In tray... :)
The only thing consistantly down low is my pay check (that was lame).

I've had a very mixed morning...

Good - I got to drive myself because J doesn't work until 1:30 today.

Bad - Stalled the car on 152nd. Hate that. (not because I'm embarresed. Only because it causes my MP3 CD to turn off and reset itself so if you are almost at the end of a Peter Frampton song, you have to listen to the whole thing from the beginning).

Good - Got myself a coffee in the drive-through this morning.

Bad - Had to use Intereac for $1.55 because I didn't grab any change this morning. I hate seeing 14 $1.55 transactions when I check out my chequing account statement...

Good - I'm the only one in the office this morning and have work to do. Since I'm alone, I'll get it done (if I start when I'm done this post).

Bad - I just totally spilled my coffee on my shirt and now I look kinda sloppy with this coffee drip just below my collar. I look like I don't know how to do laundry.

Okay enough with my pros and cons of May 4 AM.

I am thinking of taking on a little part time job chasing revenue for PR Moving. I don't know if I'll have to come in to the office on weekends or if I can do it from home, but I do know that it pays and we could use the extra money for this summer. I know that the girl that does it now just puts the files in numerical order and that's it. How does that even come close to helping?? Anyways...

Instead of a quote I'm doing do a quick verse because sometimes I need a little reminder of how to treat people instead of a laugh:

Colossians 3:13 - You must make allowance for each other's faults and forgive the person who offends you.

Now I need to put that into practice because my warehouse guy is really yapping at me right now and he is annoying me!! :)

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

A Rapping Cowboy?

Okay so I watched Nashville Star last night and it was the finale. At the beginning, the co-host : Cowboy Troy came out and did some sort of country rap song with Big & Rich. That was funny. That show was good - lots of music and a really great band. You can tell everyone is having actual fun.

Then I watched good old Idol. Wow does that show ever take itself seriously!! It's kind of sad - get over yourself FOX :) All singers were good - my picks to go home tonight are either Paris or Elliot. That sucks because they are both really good - there is a really good top 5 this year. No Diana DeGarmo!!

For some reason I just can't wake up this morning - I am halfway through my coffee and still not feeling completely awake. Bossman decided to sleep in again this morning so he is not here yet (yesterday afternoon he announced he was going to come in early today - about 5:30 or 6AM). Well... I showed up at 6:40 and his truck was no where to be found. Now it is 7:30 and I am here alone with the loud copier and annoying morning radio shows (are there ANY stations that just play music in the morning??).

Okay well I'm going to do some quoting and then get to my billing. Lots to do from month end :(

King of the Hill!!

Bill Dauterive: Permission to give this flag a loving home, sir? I will raise her every morning at dawn, I will lower her every night before dusk, I will store her...
Lieutenant: Do you have a 90 foot pole?
Bill Dauterive: I got a 40 foot pole, Sir. [Is given a dirty look]
Bill Dauterive: I will go to Home Depot, Sir.

Peggy Hill: Hank, the day after Thanksgiving is, in my opinion, the biggest shopping day of the year. And I will not spend another year giving Dallas Mavericks crap because the Cowboys stuff was all sold out.

Bobby Hill: My dad says butane's a bastard gas.

[a blind Hank to Dale, Bill and Boomhauer]
Hank: As soon as I see some ass, I'm kicking it!

[Hank finds his son drinking at Bill's place]
Bobby Hill: Hey dad, I like beer! [Immediately vomits]

Hank: Bobby, every woman has a period... Uh, of time... Every month...
Bobby Hill: Even Mom?
Hank: [sighs] Bobby, if we're gonna get through this, you cannot ask me questions like that.

Bobby Hill: Can I put a gun rack on my bike?
Hank: Do you know how long I've been waiting for you to ask that?

Okay time to work. Stuff to do :)

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Pretty In Pink

What a wonderful Tuesday morning! Got my coffee courtesy of the International manager (I'm down to one a day... don't judge me). Got my pink shirts on. It's really sunny/hot out. We have a full tank of gas and a fridge full of food. Got to watch Prison Break last night. Life is mighty sweet right now :)

Prison Break is probably the coolest, longest movie I've ever seen. It is not a show - it is a little movie that I get to see a part of each week. And it is driving me crazy!!

Speaking of crazy... the Apprentice. That Allie girl has a huge bark and bite. She is only like 5' tall and 90 lbs and she makes up for her size by being totally ferocious. She has these weird way of saying things. "There will be so much blood in that boardroom! Blood on the walls, on the floor - blood everywhere!!" Chill out lady. I understand she is this freaky over achiever and all that (they all are), but she can't win. She's too off the wall. My final two picks are Lee (he is the best) and Shawn (I personally don't really like him... thinks he is is totally suave). But the Trump digs that I guess. He is looking for confident jerks I guess :) Just half kidding.
PS - Where is George?? I love Carolyn and Bill, but George is hilarious. He is all about the comman sense. I get this sense that Bill is still trying to prove himself to Trump in little ways.

By the way - message to Charmaine : Your hair looked awesome, but it really wasn't worth getting fired over now was it? Because that is why you got fired. Allie was selling selling selling - not asking about the benefits of a ceramic straightener over metal.

I'm getting excited about the trip to CA!! I still need to get a bathing suit before we go though. Oh - and a body worthy of a bathing suit :) Hee hee (no really... I hate this time of year. UGH).

Let's get some quotes here so I can forget about all my issues...

Francis: I don't even know how to pronounce your last name.

Francis: Well, look at that - 8:00 already. Way past my bed time. Where do I sleep?
Grandma Ida: You're sitting on it.
Francis: Does it turn into a bed?
Grandma Ida: Yes, it becomes a bed. [sarcastically]. It's a special magic sofa. It opens up for magic, lazy boy. And angels come out feed you grapes and sing to you while you sleep, and it flies around the room, granting wishes to boys who are stupid.
Francis: All right! It doesn't fold out!

Hal: Before you saying anything, I don't want you to think of this as Christmas cider. This is non-denominational winter cider.

Craig Feldspar: Malcolm, I think you're forgeting the graveyard shift motto: "Who cares?"

Lois: [about her parents] But at least we can be happy when they're gone.
Malcolm: You mean when they drive back to Alaska?
Lois: Yeah. That's what I meant.

Reese: Guys! Guys! I just made an amazing discovery! When you mix blue and yellow together, you get a totally new colour! I call it... Blellow!

Ha ha - blellow. Back to work. Billing time - "yea" (picture me waving my storage folders in a cheer)

Monday, May 01, 2006

Sunny Monday - "Paradox"

Aah Monday.

Bossman isn't in yet so I'm crossing my fingers that he has decided to extend his vacation. That would be sweet.

Anyways, weekend was good. Kinda boring - trip to Costco, trip to SaveOn, cleaned the house, the regular stuff. I didn't mow the lawn because I'm lazy (actually because it was Sunday and I felt like literally having a real day of rest). I went to church alone yesterday because J was feeling not-so-good. I actually saw TB at church and she came and sat with me - that was weird & cool. I don't think I have seen her since high school graduation.... bizarre. It is always nice to see a familiar face once in awhile :)

Good news on the diet front - I pulled out my old size 4s and they fit perfect, but they are too short! Now I need to figure out how to take out the bottom hem and make them too long :) I haven't actually weighed myself since Febuary... I am afraid to get on that scale. I am afraid I will break it (actually I don't want it to tell me that I am making no progress, even though the jeans speak for themselves). So why is that? The small jeans tell me that I am doing good, but that actual poundage # is what "matters." That is so stupid. Stupid society!!

New funny thing in the gossip coloumns - Denise Richard + Richie Sambora. Their nickname is Richie Rich! Makes me laugh.

Let's get some quotes in here for me to read when I'm having a bad day and need a laugh:

(from Family Guy last night)

Brian (watching Sex & The City) : So what is this about? 3 hookers and their mom?

(from the Office... of course)

Jim Halpert: My roommate wants to meet everybody. Because I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm making Dwight up. [takes a deep breath, shakes head]
Jim Halpert: He is very real. [sighs]

Michael Scott: I hope nobody takes this baby cause this is great. Wow, look at that fine craftsmanship. Somebody really put a lot of work into that. It's beautiful.
Meredith: I'll take the oven mitt.
Michael Scott: Sssssssucker! See, I wanted somebody to take it! Reverse psychology!
Michael Scott: Reverse psychology is an awesome tool, I don't know if you guys know about it, but basically you can make someone think the opposite of what you believe, and that tricks them into doing something stupid. Works like a charm.

Michael Scott: Christmas is awesome. First of all you got to spend time with people you love. Secondly, you can get drunk and no-one can say anything. Third you give presents. What's better than giving presents? And fourth, getting presents. So four things. Not bad for one day. It's really the greatest day of all time.

Dwight Schrute: Downsizing? I have no problem with that. I have been recommending downsizing since I first got here. I even brought it up in my interview. I say, bring it on.

Bossman just strolled in, all smiles. Grr.

Better get to work :)