Things that make me laugh

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

A Rapping Cowboy?

Okay so I watched Nashville Star last night and it was the finale. At the beginning, the co-host : Cowboy Troy came out and did some sort of country rap song with Big & Rich. That was funny. That show was good - lots of music and a really great band. You can tell everyone is having actual fun.

Then I watched good old Idol. Wow does that show ever take itself seriously!! It's kind of sad - get over yourself FOX :) All singers were good - my picks to go home tonight are either Paris or Elliot. That sucks because they are both really good - there is a really good top 5 this year. No Diana DeGarmo!!

For some reason I just can't wake up this morning - I am halfway through my coffee and still not feeling completely awake. Bossman decided to sleep in again this morning so he is not here yet (yesterday afternoon he announced he was going to come in early today - about 5:30 or 6AM). Well... I showed up at 6:40 and his truck was no where to be found. Now it is 7:30 and I am here alone with the loud copier and annoying morning radio shows (are there ANY stations that just play music in the morning??).

Okay well I'm going to do some quoting and then get to my billing. Lots to do from month end :(

King of the Hill!!

Bill Dauterive: Permission to give this flag a loving home, sir? I will raise her every morning at dawn, I will lower her every night before dusk, I will store her...
Lieutenant: Do you have a 90 foot pole?
Bill Dauterive: I got a 40 foot pole, Sir. [Is given a dirty look]
Bill Dauterive: I will go to Home Depot, Sir.

Peggy Hill: Hank, the day after Thanksgiving is, in my opinion, the biggest shopping day of the year. And I will not spend another year giving Dallas Mavericks crap because the Cowboys stuff was all sold out.

Bobby Hill: My dad says butane's a bastard gas.

[a blind Hank to Dale, Bill and Boomhauer]
Hank: As soon as I see some ass, I'm kicking it!

[Hank finds his son drinking at Bill's place]
Bobby Hill: Hey dad, I like beer! [Immediately vomits]

Hank: Bobby, every woman has a period... Uh, of time... Every month...
Bobby Hill: Even Mom?
Hank: [sighs] Bobby, if we're gonna get through this, you cannot ask me questions like that.

Bobby Hill: Can I put a gun rack on my bike?
Hank: Do you know how long I've been waiting for you to ask that?

Okay time to work. Stuff to do :)


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