Things that make me laugh

Monday, May 01, 2006

Sunny Monday - "Paradox"

Aah Monday.

Bossman isn't in yet so I'm crossing my fingers that he has decided to extend his vacation. That would be sweet.

Anyways, weekend was good. Kinda boring - trip to Costco, trip to SaveOn, cleaned the house, the regular stuff. I didn't mow the lawn because I'm lazy (actually because it was Sunday and I felt like literally having a real day of rest). I went to church alone yesterday because J was feeling not-so-good. I actually saw TB at church and she came and sat with me - that was weird & cool. I don't think I have seen her since high school graduation.... bizarre. It is always nice to see a familiar face once in awhile :)

Good news on the diet front - I pulled out my old size 4s and they fit perfect, but they are too short! Now I need to figure out how to take out the bottom hem and make them too long :) I haven't actually weighed myself since Febuary... I am afraid to get on that scale. I am afraid I will break it (actually I don't want it to tell me that I am making no progress, even though the jeans speak for themselves). So why is that? The small jeans tell me that I am doing good, but that actual poundage # is what "matters." That is so stupid. Stupid society!!

New funny thing in the gossip coloumns - Denise Richard + Richie Sambora. Their nickname is Richie Rich! Makes me laugh.

Let's get some quotes in here for me to read when I'm having a bad day and need a laugh:

(from Family Guy last night)

Brian (watching Sex & The City) : So what is this about? 3 hookers and their mom?

(from the Office... of course)

Jim Halpert: My roommate wants to meet everybody. Because I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm making Dwight up. [takes a deep breath, shakes head]
Jim Halpert: He is very real. [sighs]

Michael Scott: I hope nobody takes this baby cause this is great. Wow, look at that fine craftsmanship. Somebody really put a lot of work into that. It's beautiful.
Meredith: I'll take the oven mitt.
Michael Scott: Sssssssucker! See, I wanted somebody to take it! Reverse psychology!
Michael Scott: Reverse psychology is an awesome tool, I don't know if you guys know about it, but basically you can make someone think the opposite of what you believe, and that tricks them into doing something stupid. Works like a charm.

Michael Scott: Christmas is awesome. First of all you got to spend time with people you love. Secondly, you can get drunk and no-one can say anything. Third you give presents. What's better than giving presents? And fourth, getting presents. So four things. Not bad for one day. It's really the greatest day of all time.

Dwight Schrute: Downsizing? I have no problem with that. I have been recommending downsizing since I first got here. I even brought it up in my interview. I say, bring it on.

Bossman just strolled in, all smiles. Grr.

Better get to work :)


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