Things that make me laugh

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Pretty In Pink

What a wonderful Tuesday morning! Got my coffee courtesy of the International manager (I'm down to one a day... don't judge me). Got my pink shirts on. It's really sunny/hot out. We have a full tank of gas and a fridge full of food. Got to watch Prison Break last night. Life is mighty sweet right now :)

Prison Break is probably the coolest, longest movie I've ever seen. It is not a show - it is a little movie that I get to see a part of each week. And it is driving me crazy!!

Speaking of crazy... the Apprentice. That Allie girl has a huge bark and bite. She is only like 5' tall and 90 lbs and she makes up for her size by being totally ferocious. She has these weird way of saying things. "There will be so much blood in that boardroom! Blood on the walls, on the floor - blood everywhere!!" Chill out lady. I understand she is this freaky over achiever and all that (they all are), but she can't win. She's too off the wall. My final two picks are Lee (he is the best) and Shawn (I personally don't really like him... thinks he is is totally suave). But the Trump digs that I guess. He is looking for confident jerks I guess :) Just half kidding.
PS - Where is George?? I love Carolyn and Bill, but George is hilarious. He is all about the comman sense. I get this sense that Bill is still trying to prove himself to Trump in little ways.

By the way - message to Charmaine : Your hair looked awesome, but it really wasn't worth getting fired over now was it? Because that is why you got fired. Allie was selling selling selling - not asking about the benefits of a ceramic straightener over metal.

I'm getting excited about the trip to CA!! I still need to get a bathing suit before we go though. Oh - and a body worthy of a bathing suit :) Hee hee (no really... I hate this time of year. UGH).

Let's get some quotes here so I can forget about all my issues...

Francis: I don't even know how to pronounce your last name.

Francis: Well, look at that - 8:00 already. Way past my bed time. Where do I sleep?
Grandma Ida: You're sitting on it.
Francis: Does it turn into a bed?
Grandma Ida: Yes, it becomes a bed. [sarcastically]. It's a special magic sofa. It opens up for magic, lazy boy. And angels come out feed you grapes and sing to you while you sleep, and it flies around the room, granting wishes to boys who are stupid.
Francis: All right! It doesn't fold out!

Hal: Before you saying anything, I don't want you to think of this as Christmas cider. This is non-denominational winter cider.

Craig Feldspar: Malcolm, I think you're forgeting the graveyard shift motto: "Who cares?"

Lois: [about her parents] But at least we can be happy when they're gone.
Malcolm: You mean when they drive back to Alaska?
Lois: Yeah. That's what I meant.

Reese: Guys! Guys! I just made an amazing discovery! When you mix blue and yellow together, you get a totally new colour! I call it... Blellow!

Ha ha - blellow. Back to work. Billing time - "yea" (picture me waving my storage folders in a cheer)


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