Things that make me laugh

Monday, May 08, 2006

Too busy to post

Still waiting on Moose's test results - Vet is supossed to call me this morning. Not nervous though - I know God has it all under control (even the finances.... I don't know how, but He'll make it work).

In other pet news, Trooper the fish is doing awesome. So is Horton the Hedgehog - so cute!!

In diet news, I have lost 16 lbs since the start of March!! Not bad - I am happy, but I need new pants now because everything I have is too small now :) I guess that is good!!

Anyways, I am fighting with the printer right now ("PC Load letter??") and don't have time to post. Need to close this window before IT comes over to do maintenance on my computer...

Back to work. More later


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