Things that make me laugh

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Quiet quiet day

So Bossman calls more than 30 minutes ago asking if I want a coffee. "Yes of course I do - thank you very much." Half an hour later I am still coffee-less :( (Oh how I love to complain).

Anyways, I can't believe it is only Wednesday!! I think the week is dragging so much because I don't have a new Office to look forward to on Thursday. Repeats suck. Especially since I can watch all of them for free now (Season 3 included!!) here :

Speaking of new offices... I am super excited about our office moving in January. I just want a desk that doesn't face away from the room! I am filthy sick of people saying good morning to my back.

I should start working here though. I have been here for over an hour and haven't done too much. It is really piling up. Bossman worked from home yesterday so I'm sure he'll bring in lots for me to do!!

Mom - Have fun in Edmonton this weekend :)

Quick quotes from 'Drop Dead Gorgeous' which was on TV this weekend & is hilarious :

Amber Atkins: My mom never hid the fact that my dad chose his career over us. What was it she always said?
Loretta: Once a carnie, always a carnie.
Amber Atkins: Mom still cries every time she sees a tilt-a-whirl or a fat lady in a tube top.

Annette Atkins: Who's this?
Amber Atkins: Oh, they're here to film me for their movie.
Annette Atkins: If they ask you to take your top off, get the money first.

[Answering "If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?"]
Becky Ann Leeman: I'd have good strong roots in a town like Mt. Rose, a solid Christian trunk, and long, leafy branches to provide shade for handicapped kids on a hot day.

Amber Atkins: [Running onto the scene of her and her mom's blown up trailer home] Mom? MOM?
Fireman: Whoa, whoa, whoa... you family?
Loretta: No, she's just yelling, "Mom, mom," because she has Tourettes! She's Annette's kid dipshit.

Amber Atkins: Oh yeah. Guys get out of Mount Rose all the time on hockey scholarships... or prison.

Seriously though... where is my coffee?? :) (I need to grow up)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

My Headset is smaller than this...

Robert Mifflin and _______ Dunder?

Okay so I found a headset here at work and decided to use it last week. J came in and laughed because it was enormous. I said "What? Do you think this is funny?" And then he said "Not if you're running a concert. Camera two check! Camera one check! Where's the talent?? We're running a show here people!!"

Whatever. L & D were laughing. I was not.

So then I got a fresh new headset from ManagerMan yesterday. Very new, smells like plastic. Still pretty enormous. J just came in and brought me a coffee (sweet guy) and said nothing. Either this is so noticable and huge that he has too many jokes, or he actually is focused on work this morning and is too busy to mock me (???). Anyways, I like it and we'll see if it helps my productivity (that makes it sound like my job matters somehow!).

I didn't watch Prison Break (and Jam.... get it, PB&J....?) last night, or Heroes. J decided to skip the prayer meeting last night and hang out at home with me. We watched the A-Team (which I have never seen) and some Video On Trial (which sucked because they had lame videos and a sucky jury). But it was a good night.

Bible Study tonight, so no TV. Maybe I can try to sneak some in during my workout before dinner.

Anyways, quick quote from the latest Office :

Dwight: What is the greatest danger facing Dunder Mifflin?
Ryan: Outsourcing and consolidation of competition.
Dwight: Wrong! Flash floods. What is the true cause of Robert Mifflin's suidide?
Ryan: Depression?
Dwight: Wrong. He hated himself. What is the Dharma Initiative?


Monday, October 23, 2006

Here's your post JERK

Well I have been severely scolded for my last of posts (thank you Big Tuna, for invading non-work arena. Someone needs more work to do if you ask me). So I am here back into it, actually posting from home (gasp) on my own time.

Anyways, J booked a ticket to Colorado for Nov - he is going to see his family and to help his mom get a new car. Me & the Moose will be here by our lonesome. Kim, Mom, other blood relations.... that means that you need to come and visit me and bring me presents (well, card games and the willingness to play). You are also invited over to Party with me - I've got 6 and 7. 7 sucks though - too much Bowser. That fire-faced jerk is always showing up and stealing coins. "Sucks" Dave - you'd better charge all of those DS's of yours, because I am expecting you to come over. Anyways, enough on the video game front. I'm a 26 year old person for goodness sakes. I need to grow up :)

Nothing much to do tonight - I have abandoned Prison Break now that Tweener is dead. Who do I root (<--- that looks wrong for some reason) for now? Sucre? Blech. Lincoln & Michael? Double sucks. The only one left that is any good is Sarah (girl viewers liking girl characters - you wanna fight about it?). I think I will watch S60 and Heroes if I can stay up that late. It is 4:49 now and I am fighting sleep. Truly lame.

Okay - I have do some stuff and get started on my chicken & rice!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Suckers doing cross country!!

Mmm - today I have delicious pasta leftovers from last night. Love that chicken and mushroom and spinach crap all thrown in a pot. I am getting used to the whole wheat pasta - I hated it at first, but now it is tasty since I understand that it is better for me.

Yesterday I had some asparagus soup and 3 apples for lunch. I am definately getting out of my chicken and rice mode!! "So There" to all those out there that mock me & my routine (umm - actually I think that would be everyone I know). Anyways, on board for dinner tonight is chicken & rice. And I'm looking forward to it. "So there"

Bible Study was good last night - I took the stairs up to the 10th floor and was near death when I reached the top. I can feel it in my legs this morning and that is good - I shouldn't have worn heels today though. Anyways, I ran up the stairs, grabbed the parking pass from Marg and ran back down to put the pass in my car. When I got back in the building, I wisely decided to take the elevator. There were two guys in there around my age.

Guy #1 : Hey - what's up?
Me : Nothing much.
Guy #2 : What are you up to tonight?
Me : Bible Study on 10th floor.
Guy #1 : That's cool. We're going for sushi.
Me : (gross face) Nice.
Guy#2 : We're nervous about it.
(doors open on 10)
Me : Umm.... good luck with the sushi?
Guy # 1 & #2 (waving) : Thanks.

It was kind of weird, because what do I care if you are going to sushi? Was that an invitation? I don't know - I went to the study and it was great. I'm looking forward to the women's conference on Saturday. I'm also looking forward to the Offce tomorrow - I wish it was Thursday :)

Okay so I have work to do, but I'm going to run to Timmy's first and get a coffee. Need warmth - raining today.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Hee hee - Sack Lunch

This morning I only have a large 3x3 from Timmys. That's what I get for sending a crew to get it... :) What am I complaining about?? When I tried to hand him my $, he refused. I am such a terrible person; getting free coffee and then whining about the size.

Watch Studio 60 last night (will now be known as S60 for the sake of quick posts). I enjoyed it very much - I think Harriet is probably one of my favorite characters on TV right now. I also like Jordan a lot - mainly because she recognizes crap for what it is and won't pander to the losers passing it off as entertainment. Also - I love her hair and I want it! I was dangerously close to giving myself bangs after watching that show last night.... I am actually still thinking about it. I just have to remember that everytime I have ever gotten bangs, they swing out uncontrollably from my head like Flock of Seagulls. Hmm - I think I'd better give this some more consideration before putting my scissors to work.

Enough about my hair - I am so vain. Speaking of which, I think I'm getting fat again. I definately saw some evidence of a double chin this morning as I brushed my teeth. It was disturbing :( I think I'll take the stairs to Bible study tonight. They live on the 10th floor, so that will burn some caloric junk :)

Anyways, I do have lots of work to do and I want to get out of here at a decent time tonight so I can make it tonight. Quick quotes from some Seinfold episode from long ago. These shows still have the power to make me laugh with glee (even though I can watch them in my head whenever I want) :

Elaine and her latest boyfriend are standing in line.
BLAINE: So, what d'you wanna see?
ELAINE: (indicating a movie poster) What about Sack Lunch?
BLAINE: (indicating another poster) How about The English Patient? It's up for all those Oscars.
Elaine pulls a face, like she's really not interested in seeing Blaine'schoice.
ELAINE: Oh, c'mon Blaine. I mean, look at the poster for Sack Lunch.
BLAINE: It's a family in a brown paper bag.
ELAINE: (laughing) Don't you wanna know how they got in there?
Elaine and Blaine reach the front of the queue, just as the guy in the ticketbooth puts a sign up on the window saying 'Sack Lunch Sold Out'.
ELAINE: (disappointment) Aww. Sold out.
BLAINE: (to the booth guy) Oh, two for The English Patient.
Elaine continues to study the Sack Lunch poster, while Blaine buys tickets.
ELAINE: So d'you think they got shrunk down, or is it just a giant sack?

PETERMAN: Another productive meeting. By the way, I saw that English Patientfilm last night. It was extraordinary.
DUGAN: (enthusiastic) Oh yes. It was so romantic. It ravished me.
Dugan walks away.
PETERMAN: Elaine, what'd you think?
ELAINE: (hesitant) Well, uh, act..actually, I haven't seen it. So, I couldn'ttell you whether I liked it, or whether it really sucked.
PETERMAN: (aghast) You haven't seen it?
ELAINE: (shakes head) No.
PETERMAN: That's it! Drop everything. We're going right now.

PETERMAN: Elaine, I hope you're watching the clothes, because I can't take myeyes off the passion.
ELAINE: (quiet vehemence) Oh. No. I can't do this any more. I can't. It's too long. (to the screen) Quit telling your stupid story, about the stupid desert, and just die already! (louder) Die!!
The other movie patrons turn and shush Elaine, who sits back in her seat.
PETERMAN: (surprised) Elaine. You don't like the movie?
ELAINE: (shouts) I hate it!!
ELAINE: (shouts) Oh, go to hell!!
PETERMAN: (quietly) Well, why didn't you say so in the first place? You're fired.
ELAINE: (grabbing her bag and coat) Great. I'll wait for you outside.

I hate it!! :)

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Tired of working... Need some sort of snack food

I brought tons of work home this weekend because I am so lame and don't know how to say "No thank you!" when people give me work on Fridays. I am such a sucker sometimes.

Well - it's not like I have a whole lot to do today. I did some laundry, cleaned the house and then I'm going to go to the bank today. Yeah - it sure is "the weekend!!" Crazy crazy. I think I'll stop by the parents house - mom forgot her slippers at my place at Thanksgiving and she wants them back. I guess I should drop them off. I'll probably end up and getting force-fed hot wings by dad (okay not force fed... they were freaking awesome right off the grill). I love when people (pretty much only dad) buy large amounts of meat in bulk because I usually end up reaping some sort of delicious benefit. This time I'll go slowly though, as not to burn my throat - 'hot off the grill' means hot.

Brother Dave came over on Thursday and we watched the Office (wow - I thought I could make it a whole post without bringing up TV...). It was fun. I made him some chicken for dinner because he is too lazy to cook for himself. I've got to hook him up with some sort of food source (if that ends up being a girl that cooks for him... so be it). Otherwise, I'll just have to make sure he comes over at least once a week for a meal. I don't want him wasting away in front of his many computers. Nerd! (that's why you're not on the team!)

Okay I've got to do some dishes and then head to the bank. Like I said, crazy weekend.

(Kim - come over this week if you can.... Moose misses you)

(Mom - you shall have your slippers back today. Until then, feel free to warm your feet with some homemade socks. I know you can knit homemade socks - it's in your blood. Also - you might as well make me a pair while you're at it....) :)

Friday, October 13, 2006

My cousin... Mufasa

I am such a bad blogger - I suck :(

Okay enough with the pity party. I am very busy here at work lately and haven't really had time for anything. Bossman has decided to make me the Office Manager now - effective (offically) in January when our office moves. "Yea!" I will get a new title and a raise and I am excited about it :)

Brother Dave came over last night to watch The Office (AWESOME - more about that later) and to sit around. We talked about our jobs and our bosses and at the end of the evening, I realized that I really do appreciate the Bossman that I have (aww). I suppose I'll tell him about it - he likes that kind of crap.

Anyways, K called me yesterday - she got engaged last week!! So excited for her - sucks that I can't work alongside her as she plans the wedding at work (all brides do this), but she is taking me to lunch again next week so we can talk about it then. She STILL hasn't watched the Office Season 2 (she got the DVD set as a gift at some baseball thing). Grr!! Funny though : I lent my Season 2 to L and she watched the whole thing in one shot - she stayed up until 3AM watching it. Looks like L's likeability is really climbing (what am I saying?? I always liked her) :)

Okay well I do have tons of work to get done. I've got to go and delegate my butt off if I'm going to have a work-free weekend!!

Here is quote from last night that had me on the floor :

Jan - Would it help if we gave everyone the day off?
Michael - No! Jan - you just don't get it. How would that honor Ed Truck?? A man that gave his life as Regional Manager for this company!!
Jan - Okay Michael - what do you suggest?
Michael - A Statue.
Jan - Of Ed?
Michael - Yes - A statue of Ed, for the office.
Jan - That is not realistic.
Michael - Yes it would be. It would look just like him. And his eyes could light up. And his arms would move.
Dwight - What you are describing is not a statue - it is a robot.
Michael - It would be life size...
Dwight - No - two thirds. That way, if he turns on us, he would be easy to subdue.
Jan - What the hell are you two talking about?!

I am loving Season 3!!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Burnt Coffee is NASTY

I came in super early this morning (around 6:15) because J doesn't have to work until 3 so he is at home with the Moose. I stopped to get myself some Timmy's and it tastes like it is totally burnt. I think the last time I got a coffee prior to 7AM it tasted the same way. I feel totally ripped off. I want my $1.54 back!! I guess they just serve the 'crap' to their night customers.

Anyways, Thanksgiving yesterday - awesome. We had it at our place - J did a roast and it was bloody delecious. I made my yummy apple sauce & mashed potatoes (needed more butter...). Mom made a ham, brother Mark did the Turkey, Kim brought pie, Dad brought wine. Dave handed me a store bought Fresh Express Salad as his contribution. It worked for all of us :)
We played Cranium and it was fun - J and me and the parents won. Kicked the non-marrieds butts...

We also picked names for Christmas, but I will not reveal which name I drew. Actually, first I drew 'Kim' which looked like IDM (except the D was backwards). Then I had to draw a new name because I couldn't read my sister's name and figure our that IDM meant KIM. Too much food I think....

Anyways, I came in early for a reason. Lots of work to do!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

My toes are frozen!!

Well I am going to make the effort now to do this each day.

I have nothing really to say though - I caught Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip last night. I laughed twice (when appropriate - it is a drama). I think I'll probably watch it again. I also caught Prison Break and they killed off one of my favorite escapees. We'll see how long I keep watching.

Okay well my piles of work are huge and I should get to it. I trained D to do billing yesterday so that helps, but Bossman just keeps piling it on.

Sigh.... :)

Monday, October 02, 2006

Yikes - I suck

Okay sorry to anyone who bothers to shimmy by and read this once in awhile. I haven't even had the time to think about this blog since K took off.

But now I'm back because I have decided to actually take the time to do this.

Lots happening lately - we've been going to the church down the road from the new house. Love it. I am also going to the Tuesday night Bible study - very cool. J is at the church Sundays, Mondays and Fridays (soon it will be Saturdays as well). He is loving it & I am super excited as well. I registered for the Women's Conference on Oct 21 - it is going to be a whole day led by this lady from Ghana. I am excited - totally different from how I've "done church" my whole life :) Although I am very thankful for all the churches I have gone to! No bitterness - only thankfulness.

So J bought a home gym and an elliptical. I am excited to get BUFF :) We'll see.

Went to Elton John this week - Bossman gave me 2 tickets for all my "hard work" (see: doing his job while he schmoozed it up in Toronto) last week. It was fun - J and I had a nice time together. Little sister K babysat the Moose at our place - Thanks again if you are reading this!! The show was good - he is such a Diva. Lots of bowing. God has given him this great talent though - it is really incredible just to watch him play that piano. I thought he was going to bust it wide open - he was really banging on it!! :) Really makes me sad that I don't play anymore :( Someday I'll get myself a piano and get back into it.

Okay back to work. Quote from the new season :

"You should talk to Roy - he knows exactly what you're going through"
