Things that make me laugh

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Burnt Coffee is NASTY

I came in super early this morning (around 6:15) because J doesn't have to work until 3 so he is at home with the Moose. I stopped to get myself some Timmy's and it tastes like it is totally burnt. I think the last time I got a coffee prior to 7AM it tasted the same way. I feel totally ripped off. I want my $1.54 back!! I guess they just serve the 'crap' to their night customers.

Anyways, Thanksgiving yesterday - awesome. We had it at our place - J did a roast and it was bloody delecious. I made my yummy apple sauce & mashed potatoes (needed more butter...). Mom made a ham, brother Mark did the Turkey, Kim brought pie, Dad brought wine. Dave handed me a store bought Fresh Express Salad as his contribution. It worked for all of us :)
We played Cranium and it was fun - J and me and the parents won. Kicked the non-marrieds butts...

We also picked names for Christmas, but I will not reveal which name I drew. Actually, first I drew 'Kim' which looked like IDM (except the D was backwards). Then I had to draw a new name because I couldn't read my sister's name and figure our that IDM meant KIM. Too much food I think....

Anyways, I came in early for a reason. Lots of work to do!!


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