Things that make me laugh

Monday, October 23, 2006

Here's your post JERK

Well I have been severely scolded for my last of posts (thank you Big Tuna, for invading non-work arena. Someone needs more work to do if you ask me). So I am here back into it, actually posting from home (gasp) on my own time.

Anyways, J booked a ticket to Colorado for Nov - he is going to see his family and to help his mom get a new car. Me & the Moose will be here by our lonesome. Kim, Mom, other blood relations.... that means that you need to come and visit me and bring me presents (well, card games and the willingness to play). You are also invited over to Party with me - I've got 6 and 7. 7 sucks though - too much Bowser. That fire-faced jerk is always showing up and stealing coins. "Sucks" Dave - you'd better charge all of those DS's of yours, because I am expecting you to come over. Anyways, enough on the video game front. I'm a 26 year old person for goodness sakes. I need to grow up :)

Nothing much to do tonight - I have abandoned Prison Break now that Tweener is dead. Who do I root (<--- that looks wrong for some reason) for now? Sucre? Blech. Lincoln & Michael? Double sucks. The only one left that is any good is Sarah (girl viewers liking girl characters - you wanna fight about it?). I think I will watch S60 and Heroes if I can stay up that late. It is 4:49 now and I am fighting sleep. Truly lame.

Okay - I have do some stuff and get started on my chicken & rice!!


  • At 6:55 PM, Blogger Sara said…

    Post Script : We had Quiznos :)

  • At 1:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hey S-Bomb,

    Thanks for the updated posting. I've read and re-read all of the other posts too many times. And not to be ungreatful, but a guy can only read about chicken and rice so many times before he starts hoping for something new. Try having a steak once and a while. Go crazy! Live it up! Carpe Diem!


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