Things that make me laugh

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Hee hee - Sack Lunch

This morning I only have a large 3x3 from Timmys. That's what I get for sending a crew to get it... :) What am I complaining about?? When I tried to hand him my $, he refused. I am such a terrible person; getting free coffee and then whining about the size.

Watch Studio 60 last night (will now be known as S60 for the sake of quick posts). I enjoyed it very much - I think Harriet is probably one of my favorite characters on TV right now. I also like Jordan a lot - mainly because she recognizes crap for what it is and won't pander to the losers passing it off as entertainment. Also - I love her hair and I want it! I was dangerously close to giving myself bangs after watching that show last night.... I am actually still thinking about it. I just have to remember that everytime I have ever gotten bangs, they swing out uncontrollably from my head like Flock of Seagulls. Hmm - I think I'd better give this some more consideration before putting my scissors to work.

Enough about my hair - I am so vain. Speaking of which, I think I'm getting fat again. I definately saw some evidence of a double chin this morning as I brushed my teeth. It was disturbing :( I think I'll take the stairs to Bible study tonight. They live on the 10th floor, so that will burn some caloric junk :)

Anyways, I do have lots of work to do and I want to get out of here at a decent time tonight so I can make it tonight. Quick quotes from some Seinfold episode from long ago. These shows still have the power to make me laugh with glee (even though I can watch them in my head whenever I want) :

Elaine and her latest boyfriend are standing in line.
BLAINE: So, what d'you wanna see?
ELAINE: (indicating a movie poster) What about Sack Lunch?
BLAINE: (indicating another poster) How about The English Patient? It's up for all those Oscars.
Elaine pulls a face, like she's really not interested in seeing Blaine'schoice.
ELAINE: Oh, c'mon Blaine. I mean, look at the poster for Sack Lunch.
BLAINE: It's a family in a brown paper bag.
ELAINE: (laughing) Don't you wanna know how they got in there?
Elaine and Blaine reach the front of the queue, just as the guy in the ticketbooth puts a sign up on the window saying 'Sack Lunch Sold Out'.
ELAINE: (disappointment) Aww. Sold out.
BLAINE: (to the booth guy) Oh, two for The English Patient.
Elaine continues to study the Sack Lunch poster, while Blaine buys tickets.
ELAINE: So d'you think they got shrunk down, or is it just a giant sack?

PETERMAN: Another productive meeting. By the way, I saw that English Patientfilm last night. It was extraordinary.
DUGAN: (enthusiastic) Oh yes. It was so romantic. It ravished me.
Dugan walks away.
PETERMAN: Elaine, what'd you think?
ELAINE: (hesitant) Well, uh, act..actually, I haven't seen it. So, I couldn'ttell you whether I liked it, or whether it really sucked.
PETERMAN: (aghast) You haven't seen it?
ELAINE: (shakes head) No.
PETERMAN: That's it! Drop everything. We're going right now.

PETERMAN: Elaine, I hope you're watching the clothes, because I can't take myeyes off the passion.
ELAINE: (quiet vehemence) Oh. No. I can't do this any more. I can't. It's too long. (to the screen) Quit telling your stupid story, about the stupid desert, and just die already! (louder) Die!!
The other movie patrons turn and shush Elaine, who sits back in her seat.
PETERMAN: (surprised) Elaine. You don't like the movie?
ELAINE: (shouts) I hate it!!
ELAINE: (shouts) Oh, go to hell!!
PETERMAN: (quietly) Well, why didn't you say so in the first place? You're fired.
ELAINE: (grabbing her bag and coat) Great. I'll wait for you outside.

I hate it!! :)


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