Things that make me laugh

Friday, October 13, 2006

My cousin... Mufasa

I am such a bad blogger - I suck :(

Okay enough with the pity party. I am very busy here at work lately and haven't really had time for anything. Bossman has decided to make me the Office Manager now - effective (offically) in January when our office moves. "Yea!" I will get a new title and a raise and I am excited about it :)

Brother Dave came over last night to watch The Office (AWESOME - more about that later) and to sit around. We talked about our jobs and our bosses and at the end of the evening, I realized that I really do appreciate the Bossman that I have (aww). I suppose I'll tell him about it - he likes that kind of crap.

Anyways, K called me yesterday - she got engaged last week!! So excited for her - sucks that I can't work alongside her as she plans the wedding at work (all brides do this), but she is taking me to lunch again next week so we can talk about it then. She STILL hasn't watched the Office Season 2 (she got the DVD set as a gift at some baseball thing). Grr!! Funny though : I lent my Season 2 to L and she watched the whole thing in one shot - she stayed up until 3AM watching it. Looks like L's likeability is really climbing (what am I saying?? I always liked her) :)

Okay well I do have tons of work to get done. I've got to go and delegate my butt off if I'm going to have a work-free weekend!!

Here is quote from last night that had me on the floor :

Jan - Would it help if we gave everyone the day off?
Michael - No! Jan - you just don't get it. How would that honor Ed Truck?? A man that gave his life as Regional Manager for this company!!
Jan - Okay Michael - what do you suggest?
Michael - A Statue.
Jan - Of Ed?
Michael - Yes - A statue of Ed, for the office.
Jan - That is not realistic.
Michael - Yes it would be. It would look just like him. And his eyes could light up. And his arms would move.
Dwight - What you are describing is not a statue - it is a robot.
Michael - It would be life size...
Dwight - No - two thirds. That way, if he turns on us, he would be easy to subdue.
Jan - What the hell are you two talking about?!

I am loving Season 3!!


  • At 1:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dearest Sara,

    I would like to comment on this very wonderful blog:

    First off, the color scheme is quite lovely; you wear the pink very well. Some might think it a bit bold, but I think you pull it off beautifully. While I haven't had a chance to explore much of the content of your site thus far, I do intend to spend several hours pouring over the brilliance that surely lies within. I have made it my Home Page and look forward to perusing it on a daily basis.

    Yours truly,

    Big Tuna

  • At 10:46 AM, Blogger Sara said…

    What have I done?? (hanging my head in shame)


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