Things that make me laugh

Friday, June 30, 2006

Panancakes for all

This morning is our office's annual Pancake Breakfast for the crews to celebrate (?) the smokin' busy week that is 'June Month End' (shudder). Bossman is over there in the parking lot flipping pancakes with his Bossmen (I think there are 4 of them?) and finding another excuse to not work. I went over for a bit and talked to President Man (his name is on the side of the building and all over our letterhead.... I can't just ignore him right?) - nice guy. I think I was the only one over there without my company shirt on though. Today is the first casual day at work that I could wear my new Denver Nuggets shirt from my sister!! She got it for me in Guatemala and I love it. The one I have is purple and that is what makes it better than this picture.

Okay even though Bossman is flipping flapjacks in the parking lot, I still have work to do. One quote from Office rerun last night :

Dwight Shrute: You can't fire me! I don't work in this van!

Hee hee :)!!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Kim home safe & sound :)

So my sister is home now and I have seen her for a total of about 15 minutes (which have been very nice... there was a huge estrogen deficiency in the household while she was gone...). We walked the dogs together before church yesterday as mom followed with a plastic bag picking up trash/bottles left by the local hooligans. Otherwise Kim has been running all over town in Oskar (the white Volvo 240) surprising her friends and eating Wendy's bacon double cheeseburgers. Yum - calories!!

So I officially hate packing. I have been packing all weekend for our upcoming move and I am so exhausted. I'm also shocked at the amount of total crap we have accumulated over our 5 years of wedded ... union. Seriously. I was putting stuff into boxes thinking "Wow - that's neat! I've never used it and I would probably pay money for it if I saw it for sale! I think I got it as a wedding gift? Oh well - in you go, into this box!" This seemingly new thing will then sit in that box in the basement of the new house until we move again. The circle of life.

Okay I have some work to do and I should really get to it. This coffee I got this morning at Tim Hortons is sick by the way. Something is amiss in that cup - it tastes burnt or sour or something. Nasty.

Since Kim confided that she just skips over the quote section of each post (gasp!), I have decided to forgo the quotes for this post in honor of her return.

Also - since she is back from Guatemala now, I doubt she'll ever read this again. So this blog has no point, but to make me laugh. And that's okay.

Kim - thanks for the Guatemala stuff!! I'm going to pack it tonight and it can join the rest of my stuff in boxes ! :)

Friday, June 23, 2006

No more sleeps!

My sister comes home from Guatemala tonight!! I haven't seen her since the very beginning of January! I am pretty excited. I'm also excited that both of my brothers are coming to the airport with the family to welcome her home. We are not much of a "family" family, but I guess we are when it comes to this. (I remember getting off the plane coming home from college for Christmas... I saw both my brothers waiting for me there at Seattle airport and it was like, "Hey guys - what are you doing here?"). Sometimes I forget that they really do care about Kim and I :)

Quick pics of more non-people stuff from the wedding. If you are wondering what that vase of sand is... they mixed two jars of different colored sand (hers was brown, his was white) in a larger vase instead of doing a unity candle. That was kind of neat.

Okay awkward : the cleaning crew was in the office this morning when I showed up. Yikes. I'm trying to check my email and this Vietnamese man is telling me to lift my legs so he can vaccuum. Hee hee.

Okay I saw Office Olympics last night. Awesome. Here are the quotes:

Dwight Schrute: I have been Michael's number two guy for about five years, and we make a great team. We're like one of those classic famous teams. He's like Mozart and I'm like Mozart's friend. No, I'm like Butch Cassidy and Michael is like Mozart. You try and hurt Mozart, you're gonna get a bullet in your head, courtesy of Butch Cassidy.

Michael Scott: Nobody likes beets, Dwight. You should grow something everybody does like. You should grow candy.

Dwight Shrute: [putting on sunglasses] Look... Terminator.
Michael Scott: I do not understand what you spend your money on.

Kevin: Sometimes we play 'who can put the most M&Ms in their mouth'.
Angela: You play that.

Ryan: Breakfast. I got you a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit.
Michael Scott: Oh yummy yummy. Thank you Ryan.
Ryan: What was the thing you needed me to come in early for?
Michael Scott: Uh... the sausage, egg and cheese biscuit.

Michael Scott: Where are all the hot people? I was told that there would be all these attractive singles.
Realtor: Who told you that?
Michael Scott: As far as I can tell, I'm the best looking person here. [later] There's a basic principle in real estate that you should never be the best-looking person in the development. It's just historic common sense because if you are, then you have no place to go but to go down.

Jim Halpert: This scented candle...andle...andle, that I found in the men's, represents the eternal burning of competition... or something.
Kevin: It smells like cookies.
Jim Halpert: Yes it does. Yes it does my friend.

Dwight Shrute: Hey look cool, carpenter ants!

Dwight Shrute: [on renting Michael's spare bedroom] Question. My grandparents left me a large number of armoires.

Pam Beesley: C'mon Angela don't you have a game?
Angela: I have one, yes.
Pam Beesley: Well let's play. What is it?
Angela: I call it 'Pam Pong'. I count how many times Jim gets up from his desk and goes to reception to talk to you.
Pam Beesley: We're friends.
Angela: Apparently.

Dwight Shrute: Actually, I do own property. My grandfather left me a sixty-acre working beet farm. I run it with my cousin, Mose. We sell beets to locals stores and restaurants... it's a pretty nice little farm. [pause] Sometimes teenagers use it for sex.

Dwight Shrute: A thirty year mortgage at Michael's age essentially means that he's buying a coffin. If I were buying my coffin, I would get one with thicker walls... so you couldn't hear the other dead people.

Michael Scott: I'm an early bird and I'm a night owl, so I'm wise and have worms.

Dwight Schrute: Hey I have an idea. You know that extra bedroom? If the whole girlfriend thing never happens, that's where the nurse could live.

Pam Beesley: Every so often, Jim dies of boredom. I think today it was the expense reports that did him in. And, uh, our deal is it's up to me to revive him.

Pam Beesley: You see Dwight's coffee mug?
Jim Halpert: Uh-huh.
Pam Beesley: Sometimes when he's not here, I try to throw stuff in it.

Dwight Schrute: Please? I'm always the guy you rely on at work.
Michael Scott: Well this isn't about work. This is closing on a condo. It's completely personal.
Dwight Schrute: So you're taking a personal day?
Michael Scott: Ahem-- Except that. It's about my living arrangement, and as boss, I need to have a living arrangement in order to do work.

Jim Halpert : What about you Stanley? Do you have any games?
Stanley : Yeah I got a game. It's called work hard and do my job so my kids can go to college.

Michael Scott: Oh, most honorable Pamera! ...Not offensive because that's the way they talk in movies.

Oscar: Kevin and I play this paper football game when Michael's out.
Kevin: Or when we're bored.
Jim Halpert: [uncovers the score-keeping sheet] Oh my God! Wait, this goes back two years.
Kevin: We're bored a lot.

Oscar : You should get Toby to teach you Dunder-ball.

Jim : (playing Dunder Ball with Toby... throwing ball against wall over panel) :So this is that noise that I hear all day?!

Jim Halpert: I really like the paper-triangle-flicking-and-hitting-things game.
Kevin: We call it Hateball.
Jim Halpert: Why?
Kevin: Because of how much Angela hates it.

Realtor: Are we ready to sign some papers?
Dwight Schrute: Actually, no. We have a couple of questions, uh, about the neighborhood?
Bill: It's, it's very safe, it's very clean. Also, it's very accepting of all lifestyles.
Realtor: It's a very gay friendly neighborhood.
Michael Scott: Oh. Good. That's good. It's good to be accommodating of... that.
Dwight Schrute: [to Michael] Let's go check out the master bedroom.

Pam Beesley: The thing about Jim is... when he's excited about something- like the Office Olympics- he gets really into it and he does a really great job. But the problem with Jim is that he works here so... that hardly ever happens.

Dwight Schrute: Thank God. It was nice of him to offer, but I live in a nine bedroom farmhouse. I have my own crossbow range. It's the perfect situation for me. Although two bathrooms would have been nice. We just have the one... and it's under the porch.

Michael Scott: Why are you playing the national anthem?
Jim Halpert: Um, 'cause your condo is in America.
Michael Scott: Oh.[origami cranes move on a line behind them]
Michael Scott: What the hell is that?
Jim Halpert: Those are the doves.

Okay so message to Kim if she reads this - safe flight! We're praying for your safe travel :) See you tonight!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Pictures Take 2

Here are some pictures of stuff from the wedding - no people though. I still have to decide who will kill me for posting a picture of them on this blog that no one reads.... :)

Pictures from the trip!!

Here is the Seattle train station and me looking out the window. That was in evil coach.

There's the beach. Here are some wedding pictures too :)

More in a bit - must do some work!!!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Forgot my camera.... again

So there are still no pictures on here because I am an idiot and I keep forgetting my camera. So yeah - boo hoo.

Last Comic Standing was hilarious last night - I was doing the whole lame knee-slapping thing because I was laughing so hard (which resulted in J just laughing at me...). The contestants had to heckle each other and then respond and it was very funny. Anyways, I guess the reason that I love this show so much is because I really like stand-up comedy (except for female comics - they suck. I'm sick of hearing breakup and pms jokes). So yeah - the only TV contests that really interest me are Last Comic Standing and cooking competitions (I think I've watched the Wedding Cake Challenge more that twice... same with the Pizza Challenge). Love that Food Network.

Bossman did a bit of work yesterday when I was here and swore up and down that he would work his butt off yesterday afternoon and then be in at 6:30 this morning to work (billing deadline was yesterday at 2:30... whatever). Well I am sitting here at 6:55 and my IN tray is empty and Bossman is nowhere to be seen. Awesome.

Okay gotta do some quick quoting and then make a pot of crappy Mills Bros/Costco coffee for the guys. I myself have a decadent Tim Hortons in front of me :)

Also - check out this website!! I want one of these shirts!!

Some Saved By the Bell quotes in honor of Screech's current situation:

Screech: Once, my dad let me back his car out of the garage. Then he got mad at me.
Mr. Tuttle: Well Screech, your father was probably just nervous.
Screech: Well, he had a right to be - I forgot to open the garage door.
Lisa: I hope your dad had "dork" insurance.

Mr. Belding: Screech, you can't elope.
Screech: Who're you calling a cantaloupe, you melon head?

Screech: Wow, my first Hollywood party. I wonder if the Simpsons are gonna be there?

Jessie: Slater, haven't you heard of the Women's Movement?
Slater: Sure..."Put on something cute and MOVE it into the kitchen."

Mr. Belding: Class, this is my brother... Rod Belding.
Screech: Wow. A building with two Beldings, one of whom is balding.

Screech: Zack, something terrible has just happened.
Zack: You found out "Alf" was a puppet?
Screech: He is?

Mr. Belding: I wanna know what's going on right now.
Jessie: [pointing to Slater] Ask brillo-head, he started it.
Mr. Belding: Well, Brillo-He - -I mean, Slater...

Jessie: Do you realize we haven't argued for 15 seconds?
Slater: It was 20, shut up.

Mr. Belding: Zack, I am not a matador so take the bull outside.

Kelly: [talking about Slater's dancing] Wow Slater that was hot!
Zack: Ha ha. Are you kidding? I moved better last summer when a bee flew in my shorts.

Kelly: [after Jessie storms off in a fit, a group of students are looking at her] She's my friend... but not my best friend. Actually, I hardly even know her.

And the best one EVER...

[taping of "Don't Do Drugs" commercial]
Kelly: Dumb.
Slater: Stupid.
Lisa: Crazy.
Jessie: Dangerous
Screech: Stinks.

Such a terrible terrible show :) But I love it.

For funny recaps on Saved By The Bell, visit

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

So the Cup is still in the US.... who cares??!!

In response to Kim's comment yesterday : I did not get any email from you yesterday. I haven't used hotmail in years... way too much crappy junk comes in there. Please send to my work email :)

I bussed it in today and it was cold!! I hate that! It is June right?? I'm standing at King George station just freezing my buttons off!! Anyways...

Bossman just called - he's on his way with the coffees. Love it. Salesman J just handed me one. I am going to be bouncing off the walls in about 45 minutes.

Finally got my business cards in yesterday with the correct information on them! The last batch I got had K's email address on them. How do you get 'KJUNG' from 'SBUYS'? That made me wonder... what happens to misprinted business cards? Do the kids of the printer get to keep them for when they play office at home? What about misprinted wedding invites? Is there some warehouse somewhere housing thousands of engraved cards reading "Mr and Mrs So-And-So would like to invite you to the weeding of their daughter...."? Or do they all just get burned at the Printer's Christmas Party at the end of the year? Business cards and wedding invites are on really good paper - I would think they they would both make prime kindling.

Okay enough about random crap. I'll get some quick King of Queens quotes here. Watched it last night and laughed very hard. Kevin James will do that to you.

Carrie Spooner Heffernan: Hasn't anyone said you look like someone?
Doug Heffernan: Oh, you mean like every famous fat guy in every movie ever?

[Doug and Deacon are locked in a refrigerated truck with penguins]
Doug Heffernan: "Warning: Please retain key as refrigerated trucks are not equipped with interior door handles". Mother of ass!

Doug Heffernan: My name might as well be Fatty McButterpants.

Carrie Spooner Heffernan: What movie do you want to see?
Kelly Palmer: Something brainless. What's that thriller where the Earth starts to lose its gravitational pull?
Carrie Spooner Heffernan: Oh, yeah..."Floaters".

Arthur Spooner: Darling, I need to borrow the iron.
Carrie Spooner Heffernan: Dad, I told you. If you want a grilled cheese sandwich, I will make you one.

Doug Heffernan: Try and keep it together here, and know that I'm not mad at you - I'm mad at the situation. We're out of Cocoa Puffs.

Doug Heffernan: Hey! Guy hits on my woman, I'm gonna throw down.
Carrie Spooner Heffernan: Really. How come you didn't do anything to that banker who asked me out to dinner last week?
Doug Heffernan: Cause. He was almost my height.

Carrie Spooner Heffernan: Okay, Doug, you know what? This year I don't want a Christmas present. All I want is for you to stop acting like a big baby and grow up.
Doug Heffernan: Nooooo. I gave that to you last year.

Carrie Spooner Heffernan: Don't you bring my father into this!
Doug Heffernan: He's out of his mind! He cancelled our cable, because the cable company wouldn't pay him each time they ran the movie "Arthur"!

Arthur Spooner: What do we have here?
Carrie Spooner Heffernan: We're going to Saint Croix.
Arthur Spooner: We are? Oh, goody. I'm so happy.
Doug Heffernan: Well, I hope you're happy for us, because it's just Carrie and me.
Arthur Spooner: I see. Once again I humiliate myself by assuming that I'm a member of this family.

[Arthur has put dirty dishes in the cupboard]
Doug Heffernan: No big deal. We'll just reload the dishwasher and wash 'em. Okay, which of these did you already put away?
Arthur Spooner: Let's see, I definitely remember putting away a blue bowl with big white and yellow sunflowers on it.
Doug Heffernan: Okay, we don't own anything close to that.

Last Comic Standing tonight!! :)

Monday, June 19, 2006

Back in Business

Okay so I'm back here at work. Got my coffee here and I'm ready to work. Quick post here about the trip though :

For the trip down to LA, we took the Amtrak train (which apparently doesn't have exclusive use of that track... it has to stop whenever Union Pacific says so). Sitting in coach kind of sucked donkey because no one follows the "bring headphones for personal electronics" rule except for us. The kid in front of us was playing his vampire-killing game on his laptop for like 6 hours with the sound cranked ("Slash slash, eeeiiiih!"). When he wasn't doing that, he was talking on the phone to his girlfriend about things that should be totally private (by the way - she might be pregnant - yikes! For the record, if she is knocked up, he will NOT be sticking around - he made that quite clear). The third thing about this guy that just took the cake was his long phone conversation with Mervyns (like KMart) Customer Service - he was on the phone for over 20 minutes trying to pay his shoplifting fine so he wouldn't have to go to jail (apparently he has lots of "priors"). Anyways, this kid was just too funny to be real. He was about 17 and provided loads of entertainment (and frustration!!). I'm not even going to really talk about the lady behind us that took a cell phone call at 11:30 at night and talked THIS LOUD. After 45 minutes of people turning around and giving her dirty looks, she still hadn't hung up. We took all our luggage and baby pillows to another car and tried to sleep. I got about 4 hours - J got 20 min.

The other awesome thing about coach seating is that everything is extra!! If I wanted a coffee I would have to walk 5 cars over, go downstairs, find the snack bar man (only open a few hours a day) and pay 2 bucks US for a little coffee. A can of Mountain Dew for J was $1.75. Wow. We got the cheapest things on the menu for meals and still ended up paying like $16-$20 for each time. Grr...

Anyways, by the time we got to Sacramento, we were over 5 hours behind!! We would literally just stop in the middle of nowhere for a Union Pacific train to pass. They wouldn't let any smokers just jump out and have one, so there were all these pissed off old ladies hanging out in the observation car all mad. Hee hee :) So when we got to Sacramento, we got off the train with all our bags, refunded our tickets for the rest of that leg, rented a car and drove to Los Angeles. Crazy - we drove it in just over 5 hours. J kept saying "When did this turn into a road trip?!" It was fun but it kind of sucked because Hertz only had SUV's available so we had to pay $118 for one day (plus gas!) for a Buick Rendevouz. But we made it to church that night and that was all we cared about.

Church was so awesome - it ended up being 4 hours (the sermon was about 2) and I loved every minute of it. The place was just so full of love and the Holy Spirit and it was just so awesome. If that was in Canada, I would move to that town just for the church. Maybe God will get J and I down there someday :)

The rest of the weekend was so cool - got to spend lots and lots of time with the neices and nephews and the grandparents and the inlaws. The wedding was so nice - so God centered. You just know they are going to have such a blessed marriage. B&C are now in the Cook Islands for the Honeymoon. Nice. The day after the wedding was B's birthday actually. What a weekend for him!

I'll post more about the wedding and family with some pictures later this week.

Regarding the trip home : If I ever get a chance to take a train again, I will get a Sleeper both ways!!! Oh my goodness - what a difference!! There was a "car attendant" for our whole car (Lynda) who makes the beds and takes your meal reservations and anything else. She had a coffee station set up with cream and sugar and juice and little plastic mugs. There was also a little room of free Mountain Dew and Pepsi and pretzels and crackers. All included! Our little sleeper was so cool - there is a huge window, a big bed that we pulled down at night with sheets and blankets and full size pillows. I slept like 6-7 hours of solid sleep that first night! There are 2 large reclining seats (that turn into a bed), coat hooks, lights, outlets, etc. The Sleeper also has a door that closes and locks plus curtains on the inside so we could completely close ourselves off from the rest of the car. We actually closed the door and curtains and watched The Princess Bride and some Simpsons with the sound up - that was nice :) Also - all meals in the dining car are included. We were ordering the most expensive thing pretty much each meal. I got the $20 pork chops and J was getting the $18 beer! Plus we would get dessert each meal - it was so cool!! The Sleeper cars also have showers that were a pretty big size (I didn't use one, but they were kind of neat).

Anyways, the train is definately the way to travel if you get the Sleeper and you don't care about being late! By the way, we were over 7 hours late getting home. Suppossed to be Seattle at 8:30pm. We finally got off the train at about 3:30am. Yikes.

Not much else to say - I've obviously got tons of work that piled up while I was gone. I'd better get back to it :)

So excite about moving!!! Quick quotes from the Office....

Michael Scott: When people hear the term 'big brother' they immediately think it's bad or scary. I don't. I think, 'Wow, I love my big brother.'

Kevin: [to Ryan] Not so fast, 'fire guy.'

Michael Scott: I do think I'm very approachable as one of the guys, but maybe I need to be even more approachabler.

Michael Scott: Come on, that guy! [looks at camera] He's a good guy; not a terrorist.

Michael Scott: If I step on a mine in Scranton, Pennsylvania and die, you can have my job, okay?

Michael Scott: I would not miss it for the world, but if something else came up, I would definitely not go.

Michael Scott: Think about this: what is the most exciting thing that can happen on TV or in movies, or in real life? Somebody has a gun. That’s why I always start with a gun, because you can’t top it. You just can’t.

Dwight Shrute: I think one of the greatest things about modern America is the computerization of medical records. As a volunteer sheriff, I can look up anyone's psychiatric records or surgical histories. Yeast infections... there are a huge number of yeast infections in this county. Probably because we’re downriver... from that old bread factory.

Michael Scott: So Bernie's huh? We're all going to Bernie's?
Bill: Oh, uh, sorry, we're not going as a group. It's just a private friend, who happens to know all of us from differnet ways, is throwing a private birthday thing, so...

Michael Scott: The IT tech guy and me did not get off to a good start.

IT Guy: What's your password, Michael? [both look at sticky note attached to monitor] Oh, it's 1 2 3 4.
Michael Scott: Yes...

Michael Scott: Oh no, everybody, Oscar's gone crazy. What other ghost stories do you have for us? That I'm a robot? I will destroy, everything, in my path, [makes robot sounds] oil can, Tin Man.

Michael Scott: There's always a distance between a boss and the employees, its just nature's rule. It's intimidation mostly. It's the awareness that they are not me.

Jim Halpert: And my roommate wants to meet everybody. I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm making Dwight up. (pauses) He is very real.

Stanley: I didn't think the premium laser color copy batch would see as well as it did.
Oscar: It surprised us all and I'll tell you why-
Kelly: I'm sorry guys. Can we please not talk about paper? There's gotta be something else we can talk about.

Jim's Roommate: Nice Birkenstocks.
Dwight Shrute: Thanks. I have another pair in my car for special occasions.

Dwight Shrute: Jim! You think this is a good idea? Hidden key in a rock?
Jim's Roommate: You must be Dwight!

Angela: I think its alright. I mean, Jesus drank wine.

Michael Scott: Here is some wine; I would love a glass if you're going to open it. Hello Temp! Take my jacket! [throws jacket at Ryan]

Jim Halpert: Angela, burger? Dog? Havin' fun?
Angela: I got sap on me.
Jim Halpert: Chicken, hot dog, burger?
Angela: I'm a vegetarian.
Jim: There's soda inside.

Michael Scott: Funny story. The way I got into improv was- I got into improv- oh, the story about me getting into improv was that I was walking down the street and a racecar pulls up, and the guy says, 'Hey, you're funny. You're the funniest guy I've ever seen. Or my name is not Dale Earnhardt.' [laughs] And that, was an improv. [pause] Um, the real way was that I found a flyer.

Jim Halpert: It's true, I'm having a party. I've got three cases of imported beer, karaoke machine, and I didn't invite Michael... so, three ingredients for a great party.

That was a good one :)

Monday, June 05, 2006

Leaving tomorrow!

We are leaving for California tomorrow and I am super excited about the train ride! I got a new outfit yesterday for the wedding (white pants - yikes!) and I think I'm all set. I got a haircut on Saturday and since I am totally incapable of communicating with hairdressers, I ended up with the freaking modified "Rachel" again. I hate layers and I hatehatehate "BODY" in my hair. But of course I don't speak up - I just keep saying "that looks nice" and "whatever - you're the expert!" Then I end up getting it blowed dried all poufy, I leave a way-too-big tip and pull it straight into a pony tail in the parking lot. It then stays in said ponytail until it's time for the next cut. How I just want to cut it all off again. Maybe I should just practice talking to hairdressers and getting my opinions across. Whatever - that looks nice.

(FYI - I am in ponytail land here at work today).

Nice thing on Sunday though - when I went to the GAP and tried on the size 2 pants, the girl said they looked baggy and she would "grab me a 1." What?? That was sweet. But then I got home and got dressed this morning and my favorite pair of cute grey dress pants fell down when I put them on. Maybe I'll switch to an all-pizza diet after the vacation so I can wear all the clothes I have collected over the years.... Whatever - it looks okay.

Quick quoting - I have a lot of work to do before the trip so that K doesn't go bonkers doing my job when I'm gone.

My Name Is Earl (bringing laughs back to Primetime since last year...)

Passerby: I'll give you $1800 for it if it runs.
Earl: It runs, just not right now. It's out of gas.
Passerby: [pauses] I'll give you $1785 for it.
Randy: Take it Earl! You know this car isn't worth more than $1500!
Passerby: $1500.
Randy: Take it Earl, we're desperate!
Passerby: $1200.

Here are some Randy-isms from MNIS :

"Feliz Naviblah... to an American it means Happy Christmas in Mexican"

"They've got the worlds tallest midget, he's nearly as tall as you Earl..."

"Look at all those people in suits, Earl. It's just like when Ted from Bill and Ted put on his magic sunglasses and went into the Matrix."

"Y'know how Will's short for William?...Well I kinda feel like Bill should be short for Billiam"

"Like that guy who got kicked out of Van Halen for wearing those stupid pants but then got even more famous. What was his name?"

"You should get a moped too, Darnell, then we can join a gang and call ourselves Salt and Pepper, you know, because we like putting salt and pepper on stuff,"

Catalina: What exactly is a county fair?
Randy: It's like Disneyland for the poor. They got a Ferris wheel, bumper boats, bands you thought were dead.

"I dont like being blind, why is Steve Wander allways smiling? Maybe he cant see he's smiling, am i smiling Earl?"

"I wish dad could be mayor. Then we could wear sashes and judge beauty contests."

Hee hee :)

More after the trip!! So excited - pray for safe travel and fun trip and good wedding and all that stuff!

Friday, June 02, 2006

"It's all about my bonus"

Here at work today for 10 hours because K has a funeral to go to this afternoon. That's okay though because she is going to work 10 hours for me each day we are in California. I don't mind (it's not like there is a whole lot to do after 3...). K is here now and wearing a skirt and heels for the funeral. Here I am in my jeans and old tshirt - feelin' like a bum. Whatever :)

Bossman just called from home - he has "appointments" today until afternoon. Nice.

There was an Office marathon on last night. I finally got to see Performance Review in it's entirety. Let's let the quotes fly :

Michael Scott: [to Dwight] Okay third-wheel why don't you do that.

Dwight Shrute: Lex Luther said it best when he said, 'Dad, you have no idea what I'm capable of.'
Michael Scott: Is that from Superman?
Dwight Shrute: Smallville. And that's why I should get a raise.

Jan: Michael, it has nothing to with your looks, okay? It’s your– it's your personality. I mean you're obnoxious, and rude, and, and, and… stupid. And… you do have coffee breath, by the way. And, and, I don't agree about the B.O., but you are very, very inconsiderate.
Michael Scott: So, my looks don't have anything to do with it?

Michael Scott: I'm a little confused, because first it's all kissy kissy, then it's all like regret, 'cause oh I regret that. But wait I'm still going to call you... but but wait we're only going to talk about business... but wait I can fire you if I don’t like what you’re doing... but wait what were we talking about at the restaurant? Business..

Michael Scott: If by 'me' you are inferring that I have B.O. then I would say, 'That is a poor choice of words.'
Creed: He wasnt inferring, he was implying. You were inferring.

Dwight Shrute: [singing and dancing] You are getting this raise! I deserve this raise! Yes! Yeah! Why are you going to give me this raise? Why! BECAUSE I AM AWESOME! I AM AWESOME!

Michael Scott: Never missed a day, my ass.

Stanley : Sometimes you have to listen to what she's not saying - listen to the pauses. Let's listen to it again.
Michael Scott: Did you learn that on the streets? Oh, I'm sorry...
Stanley: No it's okay, I did learn it on the streets, in the ghetto, in fact.
Michael Scott: No kidding...
[later, to the camera]
Stanley: It's all about my bonus.

Angela: I actually look forward to performance reviews. I did the youth beauty pageant circuit, and I enjoyed that quite a bit. I really enjoy being judged. I believe I hold up to even severe scrutiny.

Pam Beesley: [about Jan's message to Michael] I have one idea of what it means.
Michael Scott: Okay, yeah, what, what?
Pam Beesley: Well, I don't think you're going to be very happy with this.
Michael Scott: Oh, great. Alright, well, now I'm in a terrible mood. Let's do your performance review.
Pam Beesley: [quickly] Because she's conflicted. She has to be professional but she's fighting feelings for you.
Michael Scott: Why.. that's great news. That-- that-- Why would-- why would I not like that?Pam Beesley: Um, just cuz that you work together and it might be awkward.

Dwight Shrute: [running into the office while dressing] Everything's okay! I'm here!

Michael Scott: Pam, you're trustworthy.
Pam Beesley: Thank you.
Michael Scott: And a woman.
Pam Beesley: Oh no.

Michael Scott: When people say something is mutual, it never is. But this was mutual.

Jim Halpert: Well, I'm not asking for a raise, I'm actually asking for a pay decrease.
Dwight Shrute: Uh, that is so stupid. What if he gives it to you?
Jim Halpert: Then I win.

Michael Scott: [about performance reviews] No, no, no. I finished all of that. I'm very fast. Well, I'm not too fast. Not like wham bam thank you ma'am. But, I do say 'thank you ma'am.' But, um... not like wham bam... not that there's anything wrong with wham bam... if it's consensual. We're talking about office... stuff.

Pam Beesley: Well, last year my performance started with Michael asking me what my hopes and dreams were, and ended with him telling me he could bench press 190 pounds. So I'm not really sure what to expect.

Michael Scott: [to Jan on speaker phone] To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?
Jan: I'm returning your many phone calls.

Jim Halpert: Today is Thursday, and Dwight thinks it's Friday, and that's what I'll be working on this afternoon.

Dwight Shrute: I even come in on holidays.
Michael Scott: You do? How do you get in?
Dwight Shrute: I have a copy of your key.
Jan: That is a serious offense.
Michael Scott: That is a serious offense, very serious. As is toying with a man's heart.

Michael Scott: Angela, your turn.
Pam Beesley: Michael, Jan's on the phone.
Michael Scott: Oh! Angela, you were perfectly satisfactory this year. [slams the door in her face]

Pam Beesley: Did you watch The Apprentice last night?
Jim Halpert: Yeah, I can't believe who they kicked out!
Dwight Schrute: Damn it! I missed it! I was out drinking with my laser tag team, I can't believe I did that! I never go out on Thursday nights. [looks down shaking his head]

Hee hee :)