Things that make me laugh

Friday, June 02, 2006

"It's all about my bonus"

Here at work today for 10 hours because K has a funeral to go to this afternoon. That's okay though because she is going to work 10 hours for me each day we are in California. I don't mind (it's not like there is a whole lot to do after 3...). K is here now and wearing a skirt and heels for the funeral. Here I am in my jeans and old tshirt - feelin' like a bum. Whatever :)

Bossman just called from home - he has "appointments" today until afternoon. Nice.

There was an Office marathon on last night. I finally got to see Performance Review in it's entirety. Let's let the quotes fly :

Michael Scott: [to Dwight] Okay third-wheel why don't you do that.

Dwight Shrute: Lex Luther said it best when he said, 'Dad, you have no idea what I'm capable of.'
Michael Scott: Is that from Superman?
Dwight Shrute: Smallville. And that's why I should get a raise.

Jan: Michael, it has nothing to with your looks, okay? It’s your– it's your personality. I mean you're obnoxious, and rude, and, and, and… stupid. And… you do have coffee breath, by the way. And, and, I don't agree about the B.O., but you are very, very inconsiderate.
Michael Scott: So, my looks don't have anything to do with it?

Michael Scott: I'm a little confused, because first it's all kissy kissy, then it's all like regret, 'cause oh I regret that. But wait I'm still going to call you... but but wait we're only going to talk about business... but wait I can fire you if I don’t like what you’re doing... but wait what were we talking about at the restaurant? Business..

Michael Scott: If by 'me' you are inferring that I have B.O. then I would say, 'That is a poor choice of words.'
Creed: He wasnt inferring, he was implying. You were inferring.

Dwight Shrute: [singing and dancing] You are getting this raise! I deserve this raise! Yes! Yeah! Why are you going to give me this raise? Why! BECAUSE I AM AWESOME! I AM AWESOME!

Michael Scott: Never missed a day, my ass.

Stanley : Sometimes you have to listen to what she's not saying - listen to the pauses. Let's listen to it again.
Michael Scott: Did you learn that on the streets? Oh, I'm sorry...
Stanley: No it's okay, I did learn it on the streets, in the ghetto, in fact.
Michael Scott: No kidding...
[later, to the camera]
Stanley: It's all about my bonus.

Angela: I actually look forward to performance reviews. I did the youth beauty pageant circuit, and I enjoyed that quite a bit. I really enjoy being judged. I believe I hold up to even severe scrutiny.

Pam Beesley: [about Jan's message to Michael] I have one idea of what it means.
Michael Scott: Okay, yeah, what, what?
Pam Beesley: Well, I don't think you're going to be very happy with this.
Michael Scott: Oh, great. Alright, well, now I'm in a terrible mood. Let's do your performance review.
Pam Beesley: [quickly] Because she's conflicted. She has to be professional but she's fighting feelings for you.
Michael Scott: Why.. that's great news. That-- that-- Why would-- why would I not like that?Pam Beesley: Um, just cuz that you work together and it might be awkward.

Dwight Shrute: [running into the office while dressing] Everything's okay! I'm here!

Michael Scott: Pam, you're trustworthy.
Pam Beesley: Thank you.
Michael Scott: And a woman.
Pam Beesley: Oh no.

Michael Scott: When people say something is mutual, it never is. But this was mutual.

Jim Halpert: Well, I'm not asking for a raise, I'm actually asking for a pay decrease.
Dwight Shrute: Uh, that is so stupid. What if he gives it to you?
Jim Halpert: Then I win.

Michael Scott: [about performance reviews] No, no, no. I finished all of that. I'm very fast. Well, I'm not too fast. Not like wham bam thank you ma'am. But, I do say 'thank you ma'am.' But, um... not like wham bam... not that there's anything wrong with wham bam... if it's consensual. We're talking about office... stuff.

Pam Beesley: Well, last year my performance started with Michael asking me what my hopes and dreams were, and ended with him telling me he could bench press 190 pounds. So I'm not really sure what to expect.

Michael Scott: [to Jan on speaker phone] To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?
Jan: I'm returning your many phone calls.

Jim Halpert: Today is Thursday, and Dwight thinks it's Friday, and that's what I'll be working on this afternoon.

Dwight Shrute: I even come in on holidays.
Michael Scott: You do? How do you get in?
Dwight Shrute: I have a copy of your key.
Jan: That is a serious offense.
Michael Scott: That is a serious offense, very serious. As is toying with a man's heart.

Michael Scott: Angela, your turn.
Pam Beesley: Michael, Jan's on the phone.
Michael Scott: Oh! Angela, you were perfectly satisfactory this year. [slams the door in her face]

Pam Beesley: Did you watch The Apprentice last night?
Jim Halpert: Yeah, I can't believe who they kicked out!
Dwight Schrute: Damn it! I missed it! I was out drinking with my laser tag team, I can't believe I did that! I never go out on Thursday nights. [looks down shaking his head]

Hee hee :)


  • At 3:24 PM, Blogger Abby Mommy said…

    no post on the fact that you found house? and moose is better?

  • At 7:39 AM, Blogger Sara said…

    That was on yesterday's post dude.... :)


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