Things that make me laugh

Monday, June 05, 2006

Leaving tomorrow!

We are leaving for California tomorrow and I am super excited about the train ride! I got a new outfit yesterday for the wedding (white pants - yikes!) and I think I'm all set. I got a haircut on Saturday and since I am totally incapable of communicating with hairdressers, I ended up with the freaking modified "Rachel" again. I hate layers and I hatehatehate "BODY" in my hair. But of course I don't speak up - I just keep saying "that looks nice" and "whatever - you're the expert!" Then I end up getting it blowed dried all poufy, I leave a way-too-big tip and pull it straight into a pony tail in the parking lot. It then stays in said ponytail until it's time for the next cut. How I just want to cut it all off again. Maybe I should just practice talking to hairdressers and getting my opinions across. Whatever - that looks nice.

(FYI - I am in ponytail land here at work today).

Nice thing on Sunday though - when I went to the GAP and tried on the size 2 pants, the girl said they looked baggy and she would "grab me a 1." What?? That was sweet. But then I got home and got dressed this morning and my favorite pair of cute grey dress pants fell down when I put them on. Maybe I'll switch to an all-pizza diet after the vacation so I can wear all the clothes I have collected over the years.... Whatever - it looks okay.

Quick quoting - I have a lot of work to do before the trip so that K doesn't go bonkers doing my job when I'm gone.

My Name Is Earl (bringing laughs back to Primetime since last year...)

Passerby: I'll give you $1800 for it if it runs.
Earl: It runs, just not right now. It's out of gas.
Passerby: [pauses] I'll give you $1785 for it.
Randy: Take it Earl! You know this car isn't worth more than $1500!
Passerby: $1500.
Randy: Take it Earl, we're desperate!
Passerby: $1200.

Here are some Randy-isms from MNIS :

"Feliz Naviblah... to an American it means Happy Christmas in Mexican"

"They've got the worlds tallest midget, he's nearly as tall as you Earl..."

"Look at all those people in suits, Earl. It's just like when Ted from Bill and Ted put on his magic sunglasses and went into the Matrix."

"Y'know how Will's short for William?...Well I kinda feel like Bill should be short for Billiam"

"Like that guy who got kicked out of Van Halen for wearing those stupid pants but then got even more famous. What was his name?"

"You should get a moped too, Darnell, then we can join a gang and call ourselves Salt and Pepper, you know, because we like putting salt and pepper on stuff,"

Catalina: What exactly is a county fair?
Randy: It's like Disneyland for the poor. They got a Ferris wheel, bumper boats, bands you thought were dead.

"I dont like being blind, why is Steve Wander allways smiling? Maybe he cant see he's smiling, am i smiling Earl?"

"I wish dad could be mayor. Then we could wear sashes and judge beauty contests."

Hee hee :)

More after the trip!! So excited - pray for safe travel and fun trip and good wedding and all that stuff!


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