Things that make me laugh

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Forgot my camera.... again

So there are still no pictures on here because I am an idiot and I keep forgetting my camera. So yeah - boo hoo.

Last Comic Standing was hilarious last night - I was doing the whole lame knee-slapping thing because I was laughing so hard (which resulted in J just laughing at me...). The contestants had to heckle each other and then respond and it was very funny. Anyways, I guess the reason that I love this show so much is because I really like stand-up comedy (except for female comics - they suck. I'm sick of hearing breakup and pms jokes). So yeah - the only TV contests that really interest me are Last Comic Standing and cooking competitions (I think I've watched the Wedding Cake Challenge more that twice... same with the Pizza Challenge). Love that Food Network.

Bossman did a bit of work yesterday when I was here and swore up and down that he would work his butt off yesterday afternoon and then be in at 6:30 this morning to work (billing deadline was yesterday at 2:30... whatever). Well I am sitting here at 6:55 and my IN tray is empty and Bossman is nowhere to be seen. Awesome.

Okay gotta do some quick quoting and then make a pot of crappy Mills Bros/Costco coffee for the guys. I myself have a decadent Tim Hortons in front of me :)

Also - check out this website!! I want one of these shirts!!

Some Saved By the Bell quotes in honor of Screech's current situation:

Screech: Once, my dad let me back his car out of the garage. Then he got mad at me.
Mr. Tuttle: Well Screech, your father was probably just nervous.
Screech: Well, he had a right to be - I forgot to open the garage door.
Lisa: I hope your dad had "dork" insurance.

Mr. Belding: Screech, you can't elope.
Screech: Who're you calling a cantaloupe, you melon head?

Screech: Wow, my first Hollywood party. I wonder if the Simpsons are gonna be there?

Jessie: Slater, haven't you heard of the Women's Movement?
Slater: Sure..."Put on something cute and MOVE it into the kitchen."

Mr. Belding: Class, this is my brother... Rod Belding.
Screech: Wow. A building with two Beldings, one of whom is balding.

Screech: Zack, something terrible has just happened.
Zack: You found out "Alf" was a puppet?
Screech: He is?

Mr. Belding: I wanna know what's going on right now.
Jessie: [pointing to Slater] Ask brillo-head, he started it.
Mr. Belding: Well, Brillo-He - -I mean, Slater...

Jessie: Do you realize we haven't argued for 15 seconds?
Slater: It was 20, shut up.

Mr. Belding: Zack, I am not a matador so take the bull outside.

Kelly: [talking about Slater's dancing] Wow Slater that was hot!
Zack: Ha ha. Are you kidding? I moved better last summer when a bee flew in my shorts.

Kelly: [after Jessie storms off in a fit, a group of students are looking at her] She's my friend... but not my best friend. Actually, I hardly even know her.

And the best one EVER...

[taping of "Don't Do Drugs" commercial]
Kelly: Dumb.
Slater: Stupid.
Lisa: Crazy.
Jessie: Dangerous
Screech: Stinks.

Such a terrible terrible show :) But I love it.

For funny recaps on Saved By The Bell, visit


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