Things that make me laugh

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

So the Cup is still in the US.... who cares??!!

In response to Kim's comment yesterday : I did not get any email from you yesterday. I haven't used hotmail in years... way too much crappy junk comes in there. Please send to my work email :)

I bussed it in today and it was cold!! I hate that! It is June right?? I'm standing at King George station just freezing my buttons off!! Anyways...

Bossman just called - he's on his way with the coffees. Love it. Salesman J just handed me one. I am going to be bouncing off the walls in about 45 minutes.

Finally got my business cards in yesterday with the correct information on them! The last batch I got had K's email address on them. How do you get 'KJUNG' from 'SBUYS'? That made me wonder... what happens to misprinted business cards? Do the kids of the printer get to keep them for when they play office at home? What about misprinted wedding invites? Is there some warehouse somewhere housing thousands of engraved cards reading "Mr and Mrs So-And-So would like to invite you to the weeding of their daughter...."? Or do they all just get burned at the Printer's Christmas Party at the end of the year? Business cards and wedding invites are on really good paper - I would think they they would both make prime kindling.

Okay enough about random crap. I'll get some quick King of Queens quotes here. Watched it last night and laughed very hard. Kevin James will do that to you.

Carrie Spooner Heffernan: Hasn't anyone said you look like someone?
Doug Heffernan: Oh, you mean like every famous fat guy in every movie ever?

[Doug and Deacon are locked in a refrigerated truck with penguins]
Doug Heffernan: "Warning: Please retain key as refrigerated trucks are not equipped with interior door handles". Mother of ass!

Doug Heffernan: My name might as well be Fatty McButterpants.

Carrie Spooner Heffernan: What movie do you want to see?
Kelly Palmer: Something brainless. What's that thriller where the Earth starts to lose its gravitational pull?
Carrie Spooner Heffernan: Oh, yeah..."Floaters".

Arthur Spooner: Darling, I need to borrow the iron.
Carrie Spooner Heffernan: Dad, I told you. If you want a grilled cheese sandwich, I will make you one.

Doug Heffernan: Try and keep it together here, and know that I'm not mad at you - I'm mad at the situation. We're out of Cocoa Puffs.

Doug Heffernan: Hey! Guy hits on my woman, I'm gonna throw down.
Carrie Spooner Heffernan: Really. How come you didn't do anything to that banker who asked me out to dinner last week?
Doug Heffernan: Cause. He was almost my height.

Carrie Spooner Heffernan: Okay, Doug, you know what? This year I don't want a Christmas present. All I want is for you to stop acting like a big baby and grow up.
Doug Heffernan: Nooooo. I gave that to you last year.

Carrie Spooner Heffernan: Don't you bring my father into this!
Doug Heffernan: He's out of his mind! He cancelled our cable, because the cable company wouldn't pay him each time they ran the movie "Arthur"!

Arthur Spooner: What do we have here?
Carrie Spooner Heffernan: We're going to Saint Croix.
Arthur Spooner: We are? Oh, goody. I'm so happy.
Doug Heffernan: Well, I hope you're happy for us, because it's just Carrie and me.
Arthur Spooner: I see. Once again I humiliate myself by assuming that I'm a member of this family.

[Arthur has put dirty dishes in the cupboard]
Doug Heffernan: No big deal. We'll just reload the dishwasher and wash 'em. Okay, which of these did you already put away?
Arthur Spooner: Let's see, I definitely remember putting away a blue bowl with big white and yellow sunflowers on it.
Doug Heffernan: Okay, we don't own anything close to that.

Last Comic Standing tonight!! :)


  • At 12:27 PM, Blogger Abby Mommy said…

    maybe you should just check your hotmail account because thats the addesse I gave to Dan and he said he has been trying to get a hold of yea...check it. I dont know if I know your work addresse I'll see if I have it somewhere.


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