Things that make me laugh

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Fanch Schmancy Belt Day

So today I am wearing a belt because these pants seem too big. That's weird because I wore them yesterday and it was just fine. Either I am wasting away or these pants need a wash :) I'll do some laundry tonight and solve the mystery.

Kind of a busy day today - there was a deadline for a Government tender so all that had to be put together. Bossman had to hand-deliver it downtown so he is out of the office for the rest of the day! *sigh* Now I have time to do work and read some IMDB message boards. Nice.

Anyways, I didn't win anything on my Roll Up The Rim today. I guess I got my one win yesterday and that's it. I wish it was a Barbeque or cash instead of a coffee, but what can you do?

The Apprentice is off to a nice start this season - I watched it last night and it flew by. Here's my question : Why the name Gold Rush?? I don't get it. Synergy is kind of lame too. I guess those names will grow on me by the end of the season. At least no one went with Matchstick on this show - what what that all about??! I'm going to go off on a rant here for a sec about the Martha Stewart Apprentice... I was really looking forward to it and then it sucked!! It sucked because they tried to duplicate the Donald Trump challenges. The challenges had nothing to do with the world of Martha Stewart!! (except for the salad dressing and wedding cake ones). I was expecting the teams to plan elaborate events like baby showers and bridal showers and have to create invites and menus and stuff. Why would Martha Stewart be associated with selling a Buick??! That's why the show sucked. Plus that guy with the cigar. Light it up or toss it out man!! So annoying!!

Okay now my rant is over. Good TV is back with the Amazing Race tonight - let's hope it's AMAZING and not totally sucky like last season. I didn't really mind having kids in it or even groups of 4... but they drove EVERYWHERE!! "You must now drive over 40 miles to this state park..." Ooohhh.. Good thing I got a passport for this show!! So lame. At least CBS admitted their mistake and they are back to the "Emmy Winning Format." Sweet. I'll pick my favorite team based on the first episode tonight. Then, when they are eliminated next week, I'll pick a new fave :)

Quote of the day!!

Moe: You know what I blame this on the breakdown of? Society.

Love that Moe.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Roll up the rim is back!! WIN A COFFEE!!

Back to work after a quiet weekend at home - Saved by the Bell, Boy Meets World, even a little Mrs Doubtfire. Nice.

I almost got smoked in the Tim Hortons parking lot this morning - that sucked. Some lady (I am using that term very loosely as she was driving a white Jeep) was blazin' through the parking lot like Jack the Bear. Girl - it's a parking lot!! Show some restraint. I was so shocked that when she gave me the "Watch it" sneer, I didn't even know what to do and then she sped off into the drive-through lineup. Didn't even have the time to give her the old thumbs up. Darn.

Church was great yesterday - I had to go by myself because J had to work, but it was awesome. I have to drag my parents there some day... their current church is snuffing out any flicker of faith they once had. Too much gossip and politics. That's what makes us all look dumb.

So here is a request to anyone who stumbles on this blog and prays : Please pray for my brother who is making some really crappy choices with his life right now. He has decided he has to move downtown and pursue his dream of acting/voiceover. I give his current relationship 2 months after he moves because I know he'll meet a bunch of 'enlightened' people down there and he'll just go along with whatever - he is very impressionable right now and very much 'of the world.' Please pray that God will put someone in his life to turn him around. I love him very much and I feel like I don't even know him anymore!!

Also - please pray for my baby sister who has been in Guatemala for over 2 months now doing her missionary work. I am so proud of her and excited!!

Anyways, not much else to say - good TV this weekend. Did some laundry and cleaning. Got a coffee. Roll Up the Rim to Win is back!! This morning I rolled it up and saw 'WIN A COFFEE'. That just made my day!! I bought a coffee for LoriAnn this morning - if she wins the RAV4, she has to give it to me.

Workouts are going good - I have to lose 18 more pounds by June 1st. I'm not sure if we are going to go to Ben's wedding in California in June (need some more $$$), but I want to lose the weight for totally different reasons.

Oh yeah - I got my raise last week! They gave me 10% - I am so excited! Plus Mr Bossman got me retroactive payments (all of 2006). My next check is going to be sweet. Maybe I'll splurge and get the Yaris a carwash - she is looking very scruffy :)

So here is a quote from one of the most underrated shows that was ever on TV:

Sally Soloman : Hey, buy us a couple of beers?
Man: Sure. [Hands Sally and Nina two beers]
Man: So, you girls going to the big game?
Sally Solomon: We don't want to talk to you. We're just broke. [Takes beers and leaves]

Okay so where is this show in syndication?? I can watch FRIENDS 8 times a day if I want, but no Third Rock?? Where is the justice in that??

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Green Jello is so yummy

So I went to the step-class last night. Wow I didn't like it at all - when I wasn't looking at the clock, I was wishing I was at home on the treadmill getting a real workout. There was over 20 people there and they go every week and knew all the crazy moves that the instructor does. It didn't make any sense at all - when I finally 'got' a move, she would do it once and then not go back for like 20 minutes. When I got home I felt like I hadn't had a workout at all - I want my $4.95 back!!! :) I think I'll give the Hi-Lo class on Tuesday a chance for next week. Otherwise I'll just stick to straight up running and weights. I must lose 20 pounds by June! Maybe then I'll get inspired and purchase a bathing suit. Man I hate summer.

American Idol was pretty good - that Elliot guy is very very good. Taylor Hicks rocks. My prediction to go home tonight is Mr Copa Cabana and the crooner guy (I like them both, I just don't think they'll get the votes) Girls leaving tonight... Heather and the girl that was after Lisa T.

Anyways, this post was lame, my night last night was lame. I have green jello today so that rocks.

Let's get some Sein in the mix :

George - "Listen to this. Marcy comes over and she tells me that her ex-boyfriend was over late last night and 'yada yada yada I'm really tired today.' You don't think she'd yada yada sex?" Elaine - "I've yada yada'd sex."
Jerry - "Really?"
Elaine - "Yeah. I met this lawyer, we went out to dinner, I had the lobster bisque, we went back to my place, yada yada yada, I never heard from him again."
George- "But you yada yada'd over the best part."
Elaine -"No, I mentioned the bisque."

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

McPhee, Tucker & Co

Good American Idol last night, although some of those girls are so obviously not going to make the top 10. My favorite was Katherine McPhee (HANDS DOWN... now picture me waving my hands down by my hips... J was getting kind of annoyed with that last night). Also - Lisa Tucker was very good, but if I have to hear about the fact that she's 16 again, I'm going to scream!! I know she's young and amazing and all that, but she's been doing this her whole life. It's like a 16 year old girl in the Olympics doing figure skating or gymnastics... it is what she does. She has been training and performing, etc since she was probably 3 or 4. That is Lisa T. That's why she is perfect for this type of competition. I don't have a prediction with how far she'll make it yet because I haven't seen the guys in this stage yet. We'll see.

I think I'm going to try some Step-Cardio tonight. I need to find something that is fun but doesn't kill me (that Cardio-Kick boxing from last week had too much kicking and punching... I want to work out, not take a self-defense class). We'll see how good it is.

Today I'll mix it up with a King of the Hill (totally underrated show) quote :

RANDY TRAVIS: Propane salesman, hm? Now, that's something that would make a good song.

HANK: I have been saying that for years!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Return of the Rain

Busy day at work - no time to post, but I need to put up a quote:

Michael Scott: You may look around and see two groups here: white collar and blue collar. But I don't see it that way. You know why not? Because I'm 'collarblind'.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Monday - back to dresspants

Well I'm at work 20 minutes early today and I already have my coffee... I have to force myself not to work until 7, otherwise I'm just giving in to the big corporate man. Anyways...

Good weekend - lots of Saved By the Bell. I wonder what happened to the wardrobe dept? Did they burn all those clothes or what? In the glee club/Violet Bickerstaff episode, Lisa is wearing this really freaky fruit dress with this weird looking necklace (?) made of fake fruit (you can see the whole ensemble in the opening credits). Then there are these purple high heels with fruit on the toes. Whattttt? Where did they buy this stuff? And then Kelly is always wearing these weird one-piece dresses. And for some reason, they always dressed Jesse like a guy! Don't even get me started on Zack's giant hi-tops or Slater's acid washed puffy jeans.
Love the show though - very ahead of it's time :)

Anyways, I drove myself to work today again - I'm really getting the hang of the manual transmission. I actually have to pay attention when I'm driving now... weird. Since I was 16, I've been turning the music up in the car - now I find myself turning it down because it's distracting. How old am I??! I really like this car, but it really needs a wash. I am almost embarassed to be driving it around looking like that. I mean really - clean yourself up a bit. Have some pride little Yaris. Sheesh.

We tried a different church yesterday (we went there once a few months ago and it was okay). I really liked it yesterday and I think we'll go back. I saw a guy from high school there - that was cool. Then I went to Costco in the afternoon and saw a girl from high school - that is freaking weird.

Well I should get to work here. It's 6:53 and I still have to fix my coffee. The didn't put enough cream in it - again. How hard is it?? Actually I should go easy on them - I used to work at the coffee place and screwed stuff up all the time. Sorry SARA SHIFT SUPERVISOR... I didn't mean to question you. I will drink it like this. Mmmm..... it will do.

Quote for the day :

Judge: Mr. Hutz, are you aware you're not wearing any pants?
Lionel Hutz: Uh, your Honor, can I call for one of those bad trial thingys?
Judge: You mean a mistrial?
Lionel Hutz: Yeah ... that's why you're the judge, and I am the law ... talkin' ... guy

Friday, February 17, 2006

Jaws was never my scene and I don't like Star Wars

Celebrities I am totally sick of hearing about :

Jessica "on the market" Simpson
Ashlee McPrincess Simpson
Paris Hilton
Hospital junkie Lindsay Lohan
Tom Cruise (not sick of him in particular... I'm just sick of hearing stories about him that refer to that darn "couch abuse" on Oprah). Let it go people!!
Madonna - you are a mom!! Put some clothes on and grow up please!! (I want to shout this at the TV whenever I see her videos)

Anyways, I am also sick of people talking about the new Rock Star show and speculating that Queen will be the band this year. Brian May has said 'No No No!' The other members of the band have refused to participate, so let's move on and find someone else. They are NOT interested in replacing FM.

Friday today - jeans to work. Nice. I am still sore from Cardo-kickboxing on Wednesday night... then I went running with the Queen greatest hits last night - I thought my legs were going to collapse this morning at Tim Hortons. It's good pain though.

Okay so last night The Office was a rerun. Cool. Whatever. Here's my question - why did they run an episode from Season 1?? I already have Basketball on DVD and I've watched it so many times (I still love it)!! Show me one that I've only seen once or twice. Sheesh NBC - get it together.

Phyllis - "I can cheer"
Michael - "Yuck - that's worse than you playing"

Better get back to work - lots of things to do. Busy busy busy. Busy like a bee. (that was lame, I don't know why I wrote that).

One more thing - I caught the tail end of Saved By The Bell : The Wedding yesterday afternoon (Zach & Kelly's wedding). Wow - talk about trying to be dramatic!!! I mean, I love the series because of how cheesy it was, but this one episode was pretty lame. And then Dennis Haskins makes an appearance and doesn't even say "Hey hey hey what is going on here??!" once!! Come on Peter Engel... don't you know what the people want??

I've decided I should work for NBC. Right. So here is my quote for the day-

Michael Scott: Reverse psychology is an awesome tool. I don't know if you guys know about it, but, basically, you make someone think the opposite of what you believe. And that tricks them into doing something stupid. Works like a charm.

Wow - today had lots of ranting. I am usually a very pleasant person. Really. Now I've got to get back to work.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

All my dollarsigns are disappearing...

Okay I was having a sweet morning today because I went to cardio-kickboxing by myself last night and had an awesome time. My legs and arms hurt today though!! Anyways, my pay stub thingy was on my desk and my check was the measliest it has ever been!! Stop deducting please!! I am getting pretty sick of this - I asked for a raise in SEPTEMBER - it is FEB!! Boss says he is trying to get me one and I deserve it and blah blah blah. Says he will ask for retoactive payments. Yeah. Right. Grrrr.... I hate the fact that I love this job and want to stay. Fools!! Like I told boss last week, "I'm going to just slow my pace and work for what I am paid for.... nothing more." He laughed and said that I would never be able to do that. Sheesh - he knows me too well. Damn this dutch Canadian work ethic!! I wish my parents were lazier and had set a better example.

Whatever - tonight The Office is a rerun, but Survivor is new. My pick to go home is Cecie (??) Now I know I spelled that wrong and I'm way to lazy to go to and double check it (there's some of that sweet laziness that I could apply to my job...).

Well I should do some billing just to get it off my desk. I am smiling now though because J went and got me some Tim Hortons - he is the best.

Funny thing for the day :

Kent Brockman: Now, over the years, a newsman learns a number of things that for one reason or another, he just cannot report. It doesn't seem to matter now, so...the following people are gay... (long list scrolls down, Marge turns off TV in disgust, Homer is writing furiously on notepad)

Okay now I feel better. A good Simpsons memory will do that to me. I am a simple girl with simple fixes.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Quote of the day

Okay so I am sick of seeing funny things on TV and then forgetting them the next day. So now I'll put them here where I can access them when I need a huge gut-busting laugh.

"The pig says my wife is a slut?"