Things that make me laugh

Monday, February 27, 2006

Roll up the rim is back!! WIN A COFFEE!!

Back to work after a quiet weekend at home - Saved by the Bell, Boy Meets World, even a little Mrs Doubtfire. Nice.

I almost got smoked in the Tim Hortons parking lot this morning - that sucked. Some lady (I am using that term very loosely as she was driving a white Jeep) was blazin' through the parking lot like Jack the Bear. Girl - it's a parking lot!! Show some restraint. I was so shocked that when she gave me the "Watch it" sneer, I didn't even know what to do and then she sped off into the drive-through lineup. Didn't even have the time to give her the old thumbs up. Darn.

Church was great yesterday - I had to go by myself because J had to work, but it was awesome. I have to drag my parents there some day... their current church is snuffing out any flicker of faith they once had. Too much gossip and politics. That's what makes us all look dumb.

So here is a request to anyone who stumbles on this blog and prays : Please pray for my brother who is making some really crappy choices with his life right now. He has decided he has to move downtown and pursue his dream of acting/voiceover. I give his current relationship 2 months after he moves because I know he'll meet a bunch of 'enlightened' people down there and he'll just go along with whatever - he is very impressionable right now and very much 'of the world.' Please pray that God will put someone in his life to turn him around. I love him very much and I feel like I don't even know him anymore!!

Also - please pray for my baby sister who has been in Guatemala for over 2 months now doing her missionary work. I am so proud of her and excited!!

Anyways, not much else to say - good TV this weekend. Did some laundry and cleaning. Got a coffee. Roll Up the Rim to Win is back!! This morning I rolled it up and saw 'WIN A COFFEE'. That just made my day!! I bought a coffee for LoriAnn this morning - if she wins the RAV4, she has to give it to me.

Workouts are going good - I have to lose 18 more pounds by June 1st. I'm not sure if we are going to go to Ben's wedding in California in June (need some more $$$), but I want to lose the weight for totally different reasons.

Oh yeah - I got my raise last week! They gave me 10% - I am so excited! Plus Mr Bossman got me retroactive payments (all of 2006). My next check is going to be sweet. Maybe I'll splurge and get the Yaris a carwash - she is looking very scruffy :)

So here is a quote from one of the most underrated shows that was ever on TV:

Sally Soloman : Hey, buy us a couple of beers?
Man: Sure. [Hands Sally and Nina two beers]
Man: So, you girls going to the big game?
Sally Solomon: We don't want to talk to you. We're just broke. [Takes beers and leaves]

Okay so where is this show in syndication?? I can watch FRIENDS 8 times a day if I want, but no Third Rock?? Where is the justice in that??


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