Things that make me laugh

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Anything else....?

So today is my birthday! Late 20's here I am :(

I had the most wonderful breakfast ever! J woke up early and made me blueberry waffles, bacon and eggs and coffee!! Mmmm it was so good. He rocks at cooking. I'm excited because he has Saturday and Sunday off this weekend and that is ridiculous (especially the last weekend of a summer month). Anyways - I'm excited to spend the weekend with the J.

So we are doing the birthday dinner thing at my parents tonight and cutting out Kelly O Bryans because it sucked so much last time we went. Here is a transcript of a phone call I had with my sister K 10 minutes ago:

K - Hi! What time is the BBQ tonight?
Me - I don't know - 6 or 6:30.
K - Cool. I was trying to get a hold of mom & dad, but they aren't answering the phone!
Me - Are they home? See if the car is in the driveway.
K - No - the car is gone. And I tried Dad's cellphone! I have no idea where they are!
Me - Calm down they probably went for breakfast or something.
K - Okay see you tonight.
Me - Anything else?
K - No (sounding unsure)
Me - Are you sure?
K - (rude... wanting to hang up) Yeah .... Bye (hangs up)

So K. If you are reading this - thanks for the birthday greetings! It really made me feel special!
(I am laughing as I write this and praying that you are not taking this seriously - my feelings are not hurt... i just think it's funny).

Two seconds later, mom phones with an exhuberant "Happy Birthday!!" That made up for it :)

Anyways, I have coffee to drink and an Office webisode to download.

But - one more missed birthday story from this week... I get a text message from my brother Mark on the 24th saying "Happy Birthday! Sorry for the late delay, I'm a retard. I work sat. during the day. I'll call you later. Cya! :-D"


Then he calls last night with a "Happy Belated Birthday!"

Okay family - you need to get it together!!! :)

Just kidding - excited about dinner tonight!! I have had 2 SWEET birthday meals so far. My awesome breakfast this morning and the most delicious lunch yesterday. Bossman took me to Sammy J's and I had this skillet full of steak and prawns and scallops and shrimp. I am drooling now just remembering it.

I love food.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

This space keeps shrinking...

Bossman seems to just keep hiring people.... he's got L in here and now a new lady : D. She is cool - very enthusiastic. I got a thumbs up in my face yesterday. It was kinda scary, but she is here ready to play :)

J worked very late last night so I had little sister K over for dinner. Good old chicken, rice, asapragus. Watched some Friends and One Tree Hill (long.... one hour dramas just make me tired, even though it was enjoyable).

Nothing else going on - I'm going to drink my coffee and get to work :)

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Getting quite the complex

So I haven't had any comments in so long, I am starting to get a complex...

My wackiness today might have something to do with the fact that J had to be at work at 4AM this morning (Yes... there is a 4 in the morning... usually reserved for starting a road trip of some sort). I had to drive him to work at 3:30 and then come back home and try to catch 45 min of sleep before getting myself up and ready. I used my coffee pot today (usually only a weekend thing) and it was really tasty.

It's raining and I love it.

A girl that works upstairs parked RIGHT next to my car. I don't know how she even managed to climb out of her driver seat - she either destroyed my passenger door or climbed out of her trunk. I'll survey the damage later. Grrr.....

Okay that's it - I have to decipher the voice mails that Bossman has been leaving me from traffic. FUN.

Quick quotes :

Michael Scott: Nobody likes beets, Dwight. You should grow something everybody does like. You should grow candy.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Rainy Paradise

It is rainging today and it is beautiful. I am actually wearing a sweater today!! Love it.

Dad called me last night and told me that Mom & little sister K went camping yesterday though. I'm sure they are sitting at the lake in the trailer trying to play cards in the mist. Sucks for them.

Slept okay last night - it is still cool enough to have the windows open all night. Unfortunately, the neighbours 2 doors down decided to have a fight at 2:30AM (not kidding) at the top of their lungs. It was so heated by 3:15, I thought I was going to hear a gun shot. I must have finally fallen asleep because I awoke at 5:10 to my alarm and the shouting had subsided. At least it is nice and rainy today, because if it was sunny, my mood would really suck.

J and I have been watching Canadian Idol and it totally sucks this year. There are only 2 good people (Rob & Eva). Okay well Rob got sent home last night (I guess people in Winnipeg don't have phones??). I guess Canada sucks at Idol shows. Speaking of which... what happened to George Strombolopolous' (??) THE ONE? Guess it got cancelled?

More tomorrow from my job that is now super mundane. I miss K and her funny negativity towards Bossman!! :(

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

"Ouch - my back"

Okay J decided he wanted a ceiling fan in the new house because we were just baking all day in that living room. Went to The Depot and picked out a sweet fancy one and thus began the nightmare that is 'installing a ceiling fan.'

I stood on J's toolbox, on a chair in the living room holding the 30 lb thing over my head as J tried to find the right screws and make it straight and etc etc etc - I'm still holding it!! It was literally the worst pain ever. I should have never stopped working out my arms. Anyways, the whole process took like 4 hours (no joke), but now we have a wicked sweet ceiling fan in the living room. And I have wicked sucky pain in my back. I'm sitting here at my desk all day talking on the phone and typing and sometime this morning my back just seized up in pain. It just has to be from that darn fan. Grr!! Maybe I can claim workers comp and then sit at home and get paid and bask in the breeze from above.

Maybe I'll just suck it up and do my job.

(depends on how I feel tomorrow) :)

Went to little brother M's place for dinner on Sunday with the dog and J. Yummy steak and even yummier garlic bread and wine. Forced to listen to the Rolling Stones the whole time, but it was nice to see the family. Although little brother D failed to appear? He is such a rarity at those things anyways. Sure is nice when we are all there.

Hoping to have everyone together for my birthday at the end of this month. Man I'm going to be old. Still no babies. (wipes away a tear)

Well, Bossman is gone to a meeing and L went somewhere (lunch?). Now is the time for me to head over to and laugh until I don't notice the back pain.

Seriously - ouch.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Friday before a long weekend!!

Pretty much everyone at head office and most companies I deal with are off today because a 3-day long weekend is just not enough for some people. They have to take that extra day to burn their skin and drink beer. These are the people who will be complaining on Tuesday that they had such a great weekend but feel like crap. No sympathy!!

Ooo I'm in a mood this morning!! :)

Just kidding. I'm not. But it is the 4th and there is no sign of Landlord man. Wacky.

Lots of work to do though, so my posts are short. I'll try to bang one out this weekend.

Post script! K called me the other day and freaking LOVES her new job. Wants me to join her. Says it is the best company ever and she is never never never coming back. I think if I joined her there, Bossman would put a hit out on both of us for leaving him.

My only way outta this place is a baby.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Work isn't fun anymore!

So now that K is gone, all I do is work. Gone are the hours of complaining and bitching about Bossman with someone who knows where I'm coming from. Now I have L who is very quiet. Very nice and trying really hard to do well, but quiet. So it's good - it's nice. I like that she is trying and not just sitting here in Commercial thinking that she has it made. She is trying & that makes me want to help (aww). But I hate that stuff that I have to do that K left for me (if she ever reads this... I'm talking about the GB!! Jerk!) ;)

Anyways, the heat is back (rah rah) and we have a long weekend coming up. Looks like I'll be watching some more movies on Movie Central.

Landlord Man didn't come over yesterday to collect rent. I even called him (on both phone numbers) and couldn't get ahold of him. Oh well... not going to chase him to give him $$. He was like this when we were trying to get the keys when we moved in. I guess he is just kind of like "whatever." Fine by us. Better than some guy who is over all the time on our butts :)

Okay tons of work to do.