Things that make me laugh

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Rainy Paradise

It is rainging today and it is beautiful. I am actually wearing a sweater today!! Love it.

Dad called me last night and told me that Mom & little sister K went camping yesterday though. I'm sure they are sitting at the lake in the trailer trying to play cards in the mist. Sucks for them.

Slept okay last night - it is still cool enough to have the windows open all night. Unfortunately, the neighbours 2 doors down decided to have a fight at 2:30AM (not kidding) at the top of their lungs. It was so heated by 3:15, I thought I was going to hear a gun shot. I must have finally fallen asleep because I awoke at 5:10 to my alarm and the shouting had subsided. At least it is nice and rainy today, because if it was sunny, my mood would really suck.

J and I have been watching Canadian Idol and it totally sucks this year. There are only 2 good people (Rob & Eva). Okay well Rob got sent home last night (I guess people in Winnipeg don't have phones??). I guess Canada sucks at Idol shows. Speaking of which... what happened to George Strombolopolous' (??) THE ONE? Guess it got cancelled?

More tomorrow from my job that is now super mundane. I miss K and her funny negativity towards Bossman!! :(


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