Things that make me laugh

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Things that make me laugh

(In a somewhat annoyed tone)...

In response to K for saying that some of my quotes aren't funny... this blog is called Things That Make ME Laugh. Whether it be a funny Costco-related-dad-bumbling-around story or an obscure Office quote that makes no sense; if it's funny to me at that moment, I'm going to post it. When I come back to it in a few weeks and it doesn't even make me crack a smile, that's okay. Because for one brief shining moment, it made me show my teeth to my monitor and make Krista go "S - what the crap are you laughing at over there??"

Forgot to mention - mom and dad are going to see Queen tonight. I am so jealous. Enough to make me say GRR.

More funny things tomorrow.

K - tell me which quotes please you and I will post them!!


  • At 7:19 PM, Blogger Abby Mommy said…

    note. Did you ever find the Passion of the Christ, of it was Mom and Dads you were looking for, b/c I have it here in Guatemala, dont tell mom. :)

    I still love you even though I am talked about on your posts. You are still #1 on my links!


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