Things that make me laugh

Monday, April 03, 2006

Sticky California Closets....

Saturday was a funny, funny day - thanks to my dad. The guy is hilarious. He has developed a very large belly over the last 15 years and doesn't really understand his body's boundaries. The result is a very funny bull-in-a-china-shop type of thing.

So we are at Costco (we = my dad, my mom, me and our $$). After we picked out some stuff (dad is tossing stuff in the cart whenever I make a passing comment that something 'looks tasty'), we paid and mom & dad decide to get hot dogs and pop. Dad fills up his pop and is standing there with pop in one hand, hot dog in his mouth, eyes searching for a table. Of course there are no available tables because it's Saturday afternoon at Costco. Each table has a family of 4 sitting at it, stuffing their faces with pizza and poutine. So I point out an empy till. Dad does one better and makes his way to the California Closets display. I turn my head for just a second to see where Mom is. When I turn back towards the display, my dad is walking away from it, looking sheepish. The display is covered in chunks of ice and spilled Coke.

Me - "What happened??"
Dad - "Damn thing..."

(end of conversation)

I ran and got a ton of napkins and started mopping it up, but there was no garbage can near and too many people to manuveur around to get to the garbage can. So I left the napkins bunched up on the pretty fake wood shelf.

So the 3 of us huddled around the empty till until the hot dogs were done. It doesn't sound as funny when I write it down, but we were having fun with the situation. We were making up conversations for people at the tables. Example : There was a lady in a blue coat cleaning a table before sitting down to eat. My dad thought she worked there (because she was cleaning?).

Dad : Excuse me - someone spilled sticky pop all over that Closet display!
Lady : So...? I don't work here....
Dad : You're a woman aren't you? You should clean it up.
Lady : (agast) Well I never.
Actual Staff Member : Is there a problem?
Dad : Umm - some kid spilled pop on that display (points at display). I think it was him (points at kid).
Kid : WTF?? I saw you man!!
Dad : No one believes little kids.

Or the other scenario is that no one at Costco cleans it up. The California Closet person comes the next day for maintenance and sees the mess. Freaks out because all the pop has now hardened over the napkins and the mess can't even be scraped off. Anyways.... I thought it way funny.

Plus my mom was trying to be bossy in the Tim Hortons drive through and Dad took her down a notch :

Dad unrolls window while in line.
Mom : Jerry! You have to pull up to there to order!!
Dad : (completely straight faced) Did I mention that I come to this Tim Hortons drive through every morning on my way to work?
Me : (laughs very hard as mom's face gets all red and frustrated).

Anyways, the rest of the weekend was great - J had a day off!! This was his first day off in over a month!! We went to church and watched some basketball and nature shows. Then he took a nap and I worked out. Had chicken for dinner. Yummy. Someone asked me at work today if I had been running marathons lately because I look like I'm losing weight. It's working!! I guess cutting out all the cornuts and pepperoni is starting to pay off :)

Okay just a quick quote because Bossman is in and I do have lots of work to do :

Toby: Who brought in doughnuts?
Michael: Somebody got doughnuts for my birthday.
Toby: Happy birthday!
Michael: You didn’t know it was my birthday.
Toby: I guess I forgot.
Michael: Well I guess I forgot to give you a doughnut. (Closes lid on doughnut box.)
Toby: You’re serious?
Michael: Mmm.

I won a coffee today and yesterday by the way!! Yeah!! Still want that Barbeque though... :)


  • At 1:02 PM, Blogger Abby Mommy said…

    you make me laugh. I am sitting here supposed to be doing my spanish work, but I'm laughing instead, it is worth it!

  • At 1:40 PM, Blogger Abby Mommy said…

    ok reading some of your posts I have decided to make it a routine and read a new one every morning..I have alot to catch up on...i should get like...


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