Things that make me laugh

Friday, April 21, 2006

Smokin' busy Friday

Totally busy at work today and I'm going to try to sneak out today because I have church tonight and still have some stuff to do for that.

Busy day tomorrow - meeting for camp planning + Amazing Race for Gems (sweet). I'll just quote it up from the Office rerun last night and then I gotsta get my butt back to work...

Michael Scott: I know a ton of 14-year-old girls that could kick Dwight’s ass.Jim Halpert: You know a ton of 14-year-old girls?Dwight Shrute: What belt are they?

Dwight Shrute: Now watch, let me take you from behind.
Kelly: What!?

Michael Scott: Hey Ryan... this is your girlfriend, and I am mad!

Michael Scott: Do I want to be feared or loved? Um... easy, both. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me.

Michael Scott: I'm friends with everybody in this office. We're all best friends. I love everybody here. But sometimes your best friends start coming into work late and start having dentist appointments that aren't dentist appointments, and that is when it's nice to let them know that you could beat them up.

Michael Scott: Dwight is a wuss. When we rented Armageddon, he cried at the end of it.
Dwight Shrute: That was because it was New Year's Eve and it started to snow at exactly midnight.

Michael Scott: [on the phone] This is Michael Jackson calling from Wonderland.
Ryan: You mean Neverland?

Jim Halpert: When you're a Jet, you're a Jet all the way, right?
Michael Scott: You're a Jet?

Dwight Shrute: I come from a long line of fighters, my maternal grandfather was the toughest guy I ever knew. World War II veteran. He killed twenty men and then spent the rest of the war in an Allied prison camp... My father battled blood pressure and obesity all his life... different kind of fight.

Jim Halpert: Was that your mom?
Dwight Shrute: No, that was my sensei.
Jim Halpert: Oh, I thought that was your mom.

Michael Scott: Go ahead, punch me.
Jim: Can't. Just got a manicure.
Michael Scott: Oh queer! [looks at camera] ...Eye. Queer Eye. That's a good show. Important show.

Michael Scott: On the streets we didn't have any rules. Maybe one. No kicks to the groin, home for dinner.

Dwight Shrute: I need to change my emergency contact information from Michael Scott.
Ryan: Okay, to what?
Dwight Shrute: Just put... the hospital. Contact number... just put 911. [Dwight leaves]
Michael Scott: He is such a sore loser. You heard, obviously, that I mopped the floor with him this afternoon. ...You know what? Um, do yourself a favor. Just leave me as his contact and I will call the hospital. Cut out the middle man.

Dwight Shrute: I am now the Assistant Sensei.
Jim Halpert: Wow. Assistant to the Sensei.
Dwight Shrute: Assistant Sensei!

Toby: We wanna go home.
Michael Scott: Well you don't even have anyone to go home to, Toby, so.

Michael Scott: Quit Pam-M-S-ing!

Michael Scott: [singing] I don't wanna work, I just wanna bang on this mug all day--
Ryan: Did you ask me here for any specific reason?

Michael Scott: Let's gangbang this thing and go home. Good?

Dwight Schrute: Wash your hands Kevin.

Dwight Shrute: [after being promoted, looking around the conference room] So I guess... this'll just be my office.
Michael Scott: No. No. Title change only.
Dwight Shrute: I'll have Pam send out a memo.
Michael Scott: No, no. Three month probationary period, let's just not... tell, anybody, about this right now.
Dwight Shrute: Just a formality?
Michael Scott: Absolutely. But not really.

Michael Scott: Pam... make an announcement. Figure out carpools.

Kevin: Sweep the leg!

Michael Scott: 'Are you talkin' to me? You talkin' to me?' Raging Bull, Pacino.

[Dwight enters]Michael Scott: Oh, hey... Karate Kid... The Hilary Swank version. Hi. How are ya?

Sensei: No points for pants.

Michael Scott: Um actually I'm sending Ryan on a top secret mission. Tell her what it is.
Ryan: Updating emergency contacts?
Pam Beesley: Well, is that really a priority?
Michael Scott: Is it a priority? Oh I dunno. Um, what if there's a tornado, Pam? Peoples legs are crushed under rubble. 'Please, would you be so kind as to call my wife?' No, I can't, because we don't have any emergency contant information because Pam said it wasn't a priority. Think, think with your head Pam.

Jim Halpert: That's not advice. What advice sounds like is, 'don't ever bring your purple belt to work, because someone might steal it.' [holds up Dwight's purprle belt]
Dwight Shrute: Okay give that back to me.
Jim Halpert: Say please.
Dwight Shrute: No. That is not a toy.
Jim Halpert: Please?
Dwight Shrute: Please.
Jim Halpert: Good. And it absolutely is a toy. Arigato.

Jim Halpert: Well we're all getting excited to see this fight. The Albany Branch is working right through lunch to prevent downsizing, but Michael, he decided to extend our lunch by an hour so that we all could go down to the dojo and watch him fight Dwight... FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT- I'm comin'- FIGHT!

Hee hee!! Such a good one. One of the best parts was at the beginning where Dwight's desk is in the bathroom and Jim calls him and asks about some sort of discount info. Dwight's response : "Jim! I have given you this information over 20 times now." "I know."



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