Things that make me laugh

Monday, November 06, 2006

Who'll Stop The Rain??

It is pouring today. I was kinda frightened driving to work today because of all the hydro-planing (yikes). Plus I'm wearing heels and a skirt today which is going to make getting stranded even suckier. I'd better just hole myself up in the office until quitting time and hopefully the rain will have died down (despite the heavy rain/flood warnings on the radio...).

Mom & Dad came over last night and mom made my favoritist meal for me for my last night alone. We also watched 2 episodes of The Office and then watched The Amazing Race (I guess it was okay - not very amazing, but still mildly amusing.... it gets kind of repetitive after a few seasons. Oh no! Someone's taxi ran out of gas .... again!! Pul-leaze...). 3 taxis ran out of gas on yesterday's episode - doesn't anyone think to check the gas gauge of a cab before getting in?? Fools.

I had a wonderful weekend though - didn't drive the car at all. I only left the house a few times to walk the Moose around the block. Mark & Kylie came over for Mario Party on Friday night and I made Mark drink some beers (just to get them out of my fridge - they have been there for weeks and are taking up valuable real estate). I won the party by the way - kicked butt. Jennifer from Bible Study came over on Saturday night and we made chicken pasta and it was pretty nice. Weird to have someone over that I'm not related to... :)

Anyways, I am still in charge today here at work with Bossman gone. He has a funeral today and will be back in tomorrow. We have a big move meeting tomorrow so I guess I should get ready for that. Otherwise I'm going to kick back and watch the rain :)


Michael: My Indian cultural seminar was going great until Toby decided that he was too immature to deal with culturally explicit images. It’s just sex, people. Everybody does it. I’m doing it with Carol. Probably tonight.

Michael: These s'mores are disgusting.
Carol: They’re not s'mores. They’re samosas.
Michael: Do you think they have any s'mores?

Pam: I feel a little under dressed. But at least I’m not dressed like a slutty cheerleader, right? Is that mean?

I love that Carol is thinking 'What am I doing with this man??' right up to the proposal (watching him dance and spit out food and take off his second head...). Then she hightails it right out of there But wait - he has a copy of the Kama Sutra... That comment pretty much seals the deal right there. And she's in her CRV on her way home, in her cheerleader costume.

(Mom/Kim - even though I just ruined the episode for you, I will make you watch it when I buy Season 3)


  • At 1:49 PM, Blogger Abby Mommy said…

    yo yo what up? I've been so freaking busy with work and all this crap at school, i really just want to stop coming. So glad I didnt go to Public school and mom and dad made us pay if we didnt go, I would have dropped school in Grade

  • At 8:53 AM, Blogger Sara said…

    What's wrong with you? What sucks about school? You sound like you are in Grade 5 (yo yo what up?)

    Hee hee - call me Kim. We need to hang out :) I haven't seen you since you started seeing whats-his-face (is that still going on?)

  • At 9:21 AM, Blogger Sara said…

    Ohh secret shopping. Sounds like a dream.

    Like no one has ever tried to pitch that before.



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