Things that make me laugh

Monday, December 04, 2006

Grr - hate cleaning up after people...

Big time rain outside right now - very nice. Washing away the snow :)

Weekend was good - Little Sister Kim came and picked me up from work on Friday. Toured her around the office - many comments about height/age (I get it. I'm short. Get over it!). Picked up Moose from the daycare and went home and made her watch 4 episodes of The Office (I'll never tire of Michael's Birthday.... "Ohh Night Swept. This is great.") On Saturday I had to go to Surrey to do banking and insurance and other boring grown-up crap. Mom and I went to Red Robin for lunch (called ahead to make sure Kim was working). When we got there, they said she wasn't working until 5. Grr. Kim's boyfriend ended up serving us though - nice to finally meet him (thanks for dessert again Sean - I'm not really a 'sugar' person, but that brownie was yummy.)

Okay work sucks today - I have about 6 people on my kill list this morning and I don't like the way the stress is making me talk to people. Must finish post and get to work fixing things.


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