Things that make me laugh

Friday, November 03, 2006

Jim Halpert - Assistant Regional Manager

Okay I'm here to post because Bossman is off until Tuesday (Family thing) and he put me in charge of the office. I will not abuse this new power because "with power comes responsibility" (Bossman's words - he says that is from Spiderman.... I have no idea). I also want to leave at the right time today and if I get too involved in work, I'll be here until 6.

I have to leave on time tonight because Brother Mark and (his) Girlfriend Kylie are coming over tonight to Mario Party :) I want to stop and get some food for them (Cornuts anyone?)

Anyways, J has been gone only 2 days and Moose and I are going nuts without him. I can't believe how much I miss him. I feel like I am back in high school and my lame-excuse-for-a-boyfriend-that-I've-been-seeing-for-2-weeks hasn't called in 4 hours. The days are okay because there are things to do and shows to watch, but the nights - "oh those winter niiiiights!"
I just miss him and want him to come back :)

Saweet Office last night - best quote of the episode :

"These are not my shoes."

Okay work to do!! More post this weekend


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