Things that make me laugh

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I heart Doggy Day Care

So I'm finally getting around to posting today. Nice.

I went to Edmonton with Bossman last Wednesday and was reading that magazine that is free on the plane and talks about the resturants of the airports and recipies and junk like that. Anyways, there was a little article with all these statistics and it said that only 55% of bloggers keep posting after the 3 month mark. So 45% of blogs are just abandoned into cyber space after 3 months. Well this will not be one of those!! I will post whenever I think about it (or when someone says to me, "Hey! You never post anymore - you suck" Then they throw an egg at my head). Okay so that has never happened. Yet. And it won't. Because I promise to post whenever Bossman is at home sleeping when he should be at work.

Okay so he hired someone. He hired L from head office who used to do our filing over here. She is really nice and I really hope it works out because she hated head office and I don't want to have to send her back there! It's been funny watching Bossman get all "Managerial" on her.

"L - we are always on time here in this office."
"L - no personal phone calls. I don't want any of that sh*t in here. We have lots of work to do" (he says this one with his feet up on the desk on top of his mountains of billing that needs to be done)
"L - I have to leave early today actually and go watch my son play sports." (umm... leave early?? He leaves early like all the time).

So the second he leaves the office, I just laugh and tell her to just do her work and she'll be fine. For some reason, he wants the world to think he's a total hard ass. I never should have lent him of DVD of Office Space. Once in awhile he'll stroll in with a coffee cup in his hand... "Umm yeah. I'm a gonna need you to go ahead and come in tomorrow...." Ahh Bossman. You entertain me.

Okay so we put the Moose in doggy day care because there is a massive heat wave now in the LM. Our new place just bakes during the day, so we had to figure something out. He is loving it and making lots of friends (I am told this by the owner, who gains more $$ if we keep him in there. For all I know, they shove Moose in a closet the whole time and ignore him). Well - probably not.

Quick quotes because I have to get to work. I watched this Seinfeld with no sound on the plane from Edmonton. Whenever I would laugh, Bossman would give me a strange look. Hee hee :)

Jerry: He overslept and missed the whole race. Isn't that amazing?
George: I'll tell you what happened. I bet he got the AM/PM mixed-up.
Jerry: My money's on the snooze. I bet he hit the snooze for an extra 5 and it never came back

Jerry: Elaine, what's the alarm clock situation in your house?
Elaine: Jerry...
Jerry: It's a simple question...
Elaine: I've got an alarm, ok?
Jerry: That old one? Didn't I once miss a flight to Cleveland because of that alarm clock?
Jean-Paul: Flight to Cleveland?
Elaine: It works.
Jerry: Elaine...
Elaine: It... works!

(George's office at the Yankee Stadium)
(George is doing the newspaper's crossword. The pen stops working.)
George: Eh...come oooon...(starts stabbing the paper with the pen. Mr. Wilhelm comes in)
(George switches to annoyed-mode again)
Wilhelm: George...I think you may be taking work a little too seriously.
George: Well...I've got a lot to do!

Elaine: Hey. Sorry I'm late.
Jerry: You're 40 minutes late. What happened?
Elaine: I got held up. Do you mind if I heat this muffin up?
Jerry: No.
Elaine: What? (Elaine puts her muffin in the microwave and sets the timer) What is the problem?
Jerry: Well, you said you were gonna be here at a certain time, and you weren't.
Elaine: uh-uh. uh-uh. And this all means uh...what?
Jerry: Well, means that a man has come from very far away to compete in a very difficult race,
he's put his faith in you, and frankly, I'm a little concerned!
Elaine: Oh are you?!
Jerry: Yes I am.
Elaine: Hey, I'm not running in the marathon! He is!
Jerry: Yeah, I know that!
Elaine: Yeah, I got enough to think about just tryin' to come up with some load o'crap for that
Himalayan walking shoe! I mean, I've given him a place to stay, I'll set an alarm, but
I'm not gonna turn my life completely upside down for this guy!
Jerry: I'm not talking about upside down. (Jean-Paul and Kramer come in) I'm talking about waking him up!
Elaine: Hey, Jean-Paul.
Jerry: Hey, Jean-Paul. How was your soak? Was a good soak?
Jean-Paul: Ah, man, very good soak. The soak o'the year!
Kramer: (smelling) What's burning?
Elaine: Oh! (rushing to the microwave) My muffin! (opens microwave door) Oh, shoot! (slams it)
Jerry: What happened?
Elaine: Oh I don't know. I set this thing for 20 seconds.
Kramer: This was set for 2 minutes. See?
(Jerry raises his hands in the air, worried)
Elaine: (pointing at Jerry) Don't say anything! Don't..say..anything!
Jean-Paul: You miss-set the timer...
Elaine: (leaning against the refrigerator) Jean-Paul, it's not my microwave, ok? Ok? All right,
listen, let's just go. Come on, Jean-Paul, let's go. Let's go.
Jean-Paul: Ok.
Elaine: (to Jerry) All right. We'll see you at the race, ok?
Jerry: Yeah. I hope so ?!
Elaine: Oh that's cute! (closes door and exits with Jean-Paul)
Jerry: Kramer, I'm tellin' you, Elaine doesn't know whatta hell she's doin'! I gotta take over
this whole operation!

Jerry: All right. (picks up the alarm clock) Let's check out the clock. Notch good... 6:50...
volume check. (music playing, he starts swinging) What kinda music you wanna wake up to?
Top 40, classical...
Jean-Paul: Man, whatever! (annoyed)
Jerry: How about adult contemporary?
Jean-Paul: Fine, adult contemporary. Just pick one! (irritated)
Jerry: All right...we're going with adult contempo...

«««(Jerry's apartment)
(Jerry and Jean-Paul come in)
Jerry: Feel much better here at my home base, Jean-Paul. It's a controlled environment.
Jean-Paul: It's a marathon, you know. 26 miles! I need to get some sleep! (lies on the sofa)
Jerry: Hey, believe me, if I'd been with you there in'd be polishing that medal
right now. (covers Jean-Paul with a blanket)
Jean-Paul: Left a comfortable hotel bedroom for this!
Jerry: That wake-up guy was trouble!

Jerry: 4:02? (Checks his wristwatch) Aaa-aaahhh! Eight forty seven Jean-Paul! Wake up! Wake uuuuup!
(gets out of bedroom, in panic) Jean-Paul! The electricity went out! Wake up! Wake up!
We gotta go! It's 8:47!
Jean-Paul: 8:47!? (jumps out of the sofa)
(both running around, getting ready to go)
Jerry: Come on, just put your clothes on! You'll get dressed in the car!
Jean-Paul: Idiot! I trusted you!
(Kramer comes in wrapped up in a blanket)
Jerry: Kramer, what happened to the building?! The electricity went out!
Kramer: Yeah, the heat pump blew all the fuses!
Jerry: What happened to your mental alarm?!
Kramer: I guess I hit the snooze... (Jerry runs by Kramer and Kramer falls down)

Hee hee!


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