Things that make me laugh

Thursday, July 13, 2006

"My world fell apart today"

K quit on Tuesday this week. Her last day is the 21st which means I have a little less than 2 weeks to entirely learn her job in case we can't find someone to replace her. Umm - I don't think so :) I kind of have my own stuff to do... Well - this will be a good oppurtunity to do some re-shuffling in our department and get rid of some shitty accounts that are just bogging us down. I think we should hire 2 people to take over for K, but whatever.

Anyways, Bossman is totally upset. His "world is falling apart" (his words). I cannot believe how emotional he gets over this company. He was all freaked out on Tuesday demanding to know if I was pregnant because he wants to make sure I'm not going anywhere. Umm - back off dude. The good thing for me is that K just bought me the right to do whatever the heck I want for a few months. Who is going to fire me with K gone?? No one - that's who. I think this might be a good time to ask for more dollar signs $$$$! Maybe in a few weeks...

Also - I'm going to Edmonton "on business" next Wednesday just for the day. Bossman and I are flying out in the morning for meetings with my main account and to visit our sinking Edmonton branch. We'll be back in the evening and I'm sure he'll cry on the plane over K getting a new job. You know what? Good for her!! She is going to work somewhere fun with the same $$ and no stress and she wants to work downtown and you don't listen to her anyways!! She has worked for this company for 10 YEARS - that is a long ass time when you are only 28. Think of it this way : do you want to pay her for maternity leave, or let some other company do it? Because she is ticking mister. Ticking for babies.

Okay I have a crap load of work to do - June month end flew by and I still have stuff from May on my desk from Bossman. Grr. Now he has another excuse to not work - he has to hire someone new. Oh man - I won't get a day off for months... :)


  • At 6:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Sara, I found your blog and decided to comment. Yeah, good for Krista, maybe really bad for you though, workwise. Hope they got someone quickly. Have fun on Wednesday.

    Man, I am not liking this heat wave, too hot!!! Jake doesn't even last past the first fork in the road into the forest on his walks. He stops, looks at me, and I say, "Do you want to go home?" and he heads back. Hilarious!


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