Things that make me laugh

Monday, April 24, 2006

Clean car!

Okay not much to write - mom is out of town so I had a nice weekend with Dad while J was at work. Went for breakfast - DIDN'T order bacon (so proud of myself!).

Lots of work to do even though Bossman is on vacation (yeah!!). My pick to go home on the Apprentice tonight is Michael. He really didn't shine last week. I kind of hope his team wins though because the other team sucks!! They are such huge freaking snobs and are always talking about their $$$. Nerds.

So we are actually thinking of taking a train to LA for B's wedding!! That would rock - I have always wanted to take a train trip. It is about 1/2 the price of flying (and more than double the travel time... but who cares... it's a train ride). So cool. J is thinking of getting a little room for the trip back (35+ hours) so we can have beds and meals and a "private window". I'm not counting on that happening ($$$!), but I am excited either way. I think I'm most excited about getting out of here for a week. I am really ready for a vacation and so is J.

The Amazing Race for Gems on Saturday was awesome awesome awesome. So fun, even though we didn't win.

Oh yeah - they painted our office building this weekend and it is the Bayou Blue color on the new Toyota Yaris'!! So pretty. Speaking of rockin' Yaris's... I washed mine yesterday and he is sparkling like new. He looks all dolled up and ready for action (I don't know what that means...)

Okay back to work - let's get some quotes up in here...

Grandpa: Well, whenever I'm confused, I just check my underwear. It holds the answer to all the important questions.

Homer: Hey boy! Wanna play catch?
Bart: No thanks dad.
Homer: When a son doesn't want to play catch with his father something is definitely wrong. Grandpa Simpson: I'll play catch with you!
Homer: Go home.

Okay lots and lots of work to do and the warehouse guy is yakking at me. Can't focus on getting quotes right now.


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