Things that make me laugh

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Angela is out of the running!! She sucked!!

So I guess I didn't technically "quit" drinking coffee. I'm down to 1 large a day instead of 2-4
X-larges. Seriously - this is good. People used to call me at 7 and see if I wanted a coffee.
Then someone would show up at 7:30 with another one for me.
At 9AM, K would come in... "S - I brought you something!!" (all proud of herself, sets coffee down on my desk)
By 1pm, I was asleep out of utter exhaustion from jittering around the office because of all the caffeine. Sometimes I couldn't even think straight. I remember one of the drivers came in once and I said "Hi Joe - S speaking!" (that's how I answer the phone.). So yeah - I had to cut down on the stuff. But not cut it out completely. I would never wake up.

This topic is lame. Need new one.

Prison Break was saweet last night - I love that show. Prison Break is my 24 (since I don't watch 24 and it is apparently the greatest show ever). I don't agree (even though I haven't seen 24). I also watched the Apprentice, which is always good. Donald's minions last night were Ivanka and Donald Jr. That was funny - I like Ivanka (I saw her on Leno once and she was joking around with David Spade - calling him "Richard" because she only knew him from Tommy Boy...). Donald Jr is hilarious looking - he looks like a young caricature of his father. Looks like the definition of "pompous." Of course he made a lot of good points in the boardroom and he's probably a pretty smart and cool guy. But he made me laugh. He looked like he was going to take out a pipe at any moment, raise his eyebrow and say "Realllllllly..." I'll see if I can find a picture of him and post it on my next post. I just found one but it is seriously pixiliated...

Nothing else is really going on - I'm excited about possibly Amtrak-ing it to California (now I have that Phantom Planet song in my head from the O.C...).

Must quote - I just noticed that my In tray is really overflowing... I have a conference call at 10 and I still have to go to Tim Hortons and get my (1) coffee for the day!! Let's head over to The Office Valentine's Day/New York episode... such a gem:

Michael Scott: This is the world famous Rockefeller Center. Founded of course by Theodore Rockefeller. This is the skating rink and I think the Rangers practice there sometimes.

Meredith: [reading card] Happy Valentine's Day, darling. Love Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration.

Michael Scott: Scranton is great, but New York is like Scranton on acid. No, on speed. Nah. On steroids.

Michael Scott: New York, New York. City so nice they named it twice. Manhattan is the other name.

Pam Beesley: Okay, well, sometimes the gift is really about the gesture, you know, like, what it means instead of what it is.
Dwight Schrute: You mean... like a ham?
Pam Beesley: [pause] No, not like a ham. It's about doing something so that the person knows that you really care about her. That you remember her--
Dwight Schrute: Okay shut up. I know exactly what to do.

Ryan: [hands messing up hair] I hooked up with Kelly on February 13th.

Michael Scott: This is a business trip. I would have to be a raving lunatic to try to talk to Jan about what happened between us. Her words, not mine. She sent me an e-mail this morning.

Michael Scott: Here it is, heart of New York City, Times Square... named for the good times you have when you're in it.

Michael Scott: What it's like to walk a mile in Oscar's shoes, or try on Phyllis' pants...

Dwight Schrute: It's me! I'm the bobblehead! Yes!
(NOTE : Follow the link to get your very own Dwight bobble head... only $15!! Sidenote : My b-day is the end of August...)

Michael Scott: New York is home to the best seafood in the world. See? There ya go! Right there, Red Lobster.

Michael Scott: (running down the subway... and then back up) Okay, there’s a guy pooping in a cardboard box down there.

Dwight Shrute: Hey Angela, did you hear? Somebody totally rocked the house and got me the best present I’ve ever gotten.
Angela: Really? I wouldn’t know anything about that. But I’m glad you enjoyed it.
Dwight Shrute: I did. Oh I did.
Angela: I didn’t get anything for Valentine’s Day.
Dwight Shrute: Oh I bet you will by the time the day’s over.
Angela: Really? Well I hope I do.

Craig: What? You like Jan? How can you like Jan?
Michael Scott: Maybe because she’s my girlfriend. Was-- or not my girlfriend. We hooked up.

Craig: Yeah, uh, here's the deal, I did not understand that this was supposed to be a full on report and what not.
Jan: I’m sorry, what did you think 'financial presentation' meant?
Craig: I was under the impression that this was more like a meet-and-greet type deal.

Craig: Well, Michael made that stupid movie and he doesn’t get in any trouble. Maybe I should have slept with you too.

Jan: Surely you cannot be serious?
Michael Scott: I am serious. And don’t call me Shirley. Airplane.

Roy: What’s wrong?
Pam Beesley: Nothing. It’s just that I had to sit here all day while Phyllis got like an entire garden delivered to her.
Roy: What, you’re mad at me?
Pam Beesley: Like, I know that we said no big gifts, but I was hoping you’d get me something for Valentine’s Day.
Roy: Well, Valentine’s Day isn’t over. Let’s get you home, and you are going to get the best sex of your life.

Oscar: The best present would be, you to do a good job in front of the new CFO.
Michael Scott: Duuuude, I'm gonna nail it. Me and New York? Oh, I own that city. Fo-get about it!

Michael Scott: The meeting isn't until three, but I always like to come a little early. This is where I do my haunts. Oh, look! [points to a Sbarro's] My favorite New York pizza place. I'm going to go get me a New York slice!

Hee hee!!

Okay I figured it out - Donald Junior is Ben Mulroney. Got it.


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