Things that make me laugh

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

99th Post!

Okay so I am going to celebrate the fact that I have done this 99 times.


Enough with that.

Work is quiet right now - I'm the only one here and my email is down. Hence the ability to blog it up. I am having a whole wheat bagel this morning - good switch from coffee. The whole grains are a heck of a lot better for me than those triple triples (Mmmm.... I wish I had one right now). That reminds me of that soawesome (new word of mine - it'll catch on) episode 'Homer Bad Man' with the Gummi Venus and the shanty town and the protestors and "he's literally stewing in his own juices" Love it. Hey - that's a half truth!

This post is making no sense.

Since the admin is going to call soon to get my email up and running, he will be doing tech support on this machine so I should wrap this up.

More later.

The 99th post celebration sucked by the way. Quite lame.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Nightmare of the Ice Box House

Sunday night was a normal night for J and Moose and I. Watched some Nuggets Basketball, brushed teeth, took dog out, went to bed in our toasty warm beds. When I got up on Monday morning, the house was freezing. I could barely put my feet on the floor it was so cold. When J got up, we talked about it and noticed that the furnace wasn't blowing out any air at all. J ventured into the basement ("bowels of the house where are our crap we don't use is") and fiddled with the switches, but it wouldn't reset or start working. When I got to work, I called LandLord Man (LM from now on in the story) who said it probably wasn't anything and would be over around 5 to take a look. Yea! :)

At 3, I finished work, picked up the Moose from daycare and went home. The house reeked like natural gas. Not cool. (actually it was more than cool in there - it was freaking freezing). I took Moose around the block for a walk, put him and Horton (the awesome hedgehog that lives in a cage in our house and who shouldn't have been in the cold gassy house all day!!) into the car and called LM. He got all worried when I said "NATURAL GAS SMELL" and that he would try to be there asap, but he was downtown. Then the neighbour guy (A) came out of his house and said that LM wanted him to take a look. We went into the basement and looked at the furnace and couldn't figure out what was wrong. We then opened up all the windows so that we could air out the house. Weirdest part : A didn't think the house really smelled. He said that his was like that once in awhile. Okay do I just have a super-human sense of smell or something??

Then I had to pick up J from work. As I'm driving, I drove past 2 people walking a dog and sharing a smoke. Suddenly my car smelled like someone had literally lit up a joint in the car - I could barely breathe because of the pot smell. (I am only putting this part of the story in to show evidence of my super-human smelling nose).

When J and I got home, LM and A and J all went to the basement to investigate for quite some time. I sat in the car with the animals and my DS. Doing some Brain Age. Nice. Anyways, LM called a furnace tech to come by and fix it, but they wouldn't be there until 10PM and it would cost $300 for the first hour. LM asked if we had somewhere else to sleep :)

Went inside, packed up some clothes, dog food, toothbrushes. Gave my keys to LM - he would take the day off of work and get it fixed. Went to Surrey to stay @ mom and dads. Worst sleep ever - mainly due to a shitty alarm clock that dad bought in Toronto. It went off over 15 times (no exaggeration) until I finally unplugged it at 1:30AM and kicked it across the room (don't worry mom - I'm sure it still works). Also, no pillows. I used two small couch pillows wrapped in a blanket. It sucked. So yeah - got no sleep. Bossman picked me up for work the next day though because my parents place is on his way. I pretty much slept through yesterday at work - sat through a meeting I don't remember, had lunch with K (I remember I had the Turkey Bacon Club @ Tim Hortons because it was delicious) and then Bossman dropped me back at mom and dad's around 4:30. LM called me around 5:30 letting me know that the furnace was fixed (after 3 store and various wrong parts) and he just turned it on. We decided to stay away from the Ice Box for a few hours and let it heat up. Mom and Dad took us for dinner - I had the All Day Breakfast (I love eating eggs and toast after dark) pretty much because the rest of that menu was completely unappealing and made me want to vomit. (that's pretty harsh, but I was really tired and in no mood to be nice about a sucky menu).

(this is taking forever - please just finish the stupid sotry already....)

Went home around 8:30, house was very cold but the furnace was making noises. Went to bed in 2 sets of pajamas with numerous quilts on. Woke up at 5:30 this morning baking hot. Now I am at work awake and ready to rock.

I would now like to apoligize to anyone who actually read this entire post for how dreadfully boring and stupid it was. I'll try to keep it short next time.

Time for some questions from the latest episode of The Office :

Karen: Let me ask you a question.
Jim: OK.
Karen: Did you ever have a thing for Pam?
Jim: Pam? Did I ever have a "thing" for her? No. Why, did she say something?

Dwight: I like Karen. She's pretty... appears intelligent.
Jim: Well, I like pretty women...with the appearance of intelligence.

Michael: I want you to think about your future at this company. I want you to think about it long and hard-
Dwight: That's what she said.
Michael: Don't... don't you dare.

Jim: Dwight and I used to go on sales calls all the time. In fact, I have a picture to remember that time... Oh, Young Jim. There is just so much...I need to warn you about. And yet, tragically, I cannot.

Jim: How important to you is costumer service?
Manager: It's very!
Lady: (on the phone) Please keep holding, your call is very important to us.
Dwight: Hmmm... that's one of the big guys. Been on hold this whole time.
Jim: And this (calls someone on his cellphone)... is Dundler Mifflin.
Kelly: (on the cellphone's speaker) Dundler Mifflin, customer service. This is Kelly.
Jim: Hey, Kelly. It's Jim.
Kelly: Oh my God, Jim! How are you?! So much to tell you! (Jim hangs up)

Jim: After you, sir.
Dwight: No, thank you. I never let anyone walk behind me. Seven out of ten attacks are from the rear.
Jim: Okay, well, that still leaves a 30% chance that I'll attack you from the front.
Dwight: Uh, yeah, but it'll be easier to stop. I can always block the blow. Or I can counter it—(Jim suddenly slaps Dwight)

(Michael walks out of a public ladies room)
Michael: (speaking to Andy) Let’s go. The men’s room was disgusting.

Andy: Oh, man, talk about your classic lame-dash-O. Do we even want that guy buying our paper?
Michael: Yes.

Karen: Thanks, that was fun.
Phyllis: Yeah. I really enjoy spending time with you. You’re a very nice person.
Karen: Thank You.
Phyllis: So glad you’re with Jim. He was hung up on Pam for such a long time. I didn’t think he’d ever get over her.
Karen: That’s nice.
Phyllis: You can pay me back later for the make-over.

Pam : Who is long tim?


Friday, January 12, 2007

(hanging my head in shame)

To all your sad existances who read this blog (you know who you are), I am here to apoligize for my lack of posting. I really dropped the ball on this area of my life and I'm sorry.

Okay, now that that is out of the way....

The Office was sweet last night - everything about it made me laugh and smile and grimace (Stanley - I'm grimacing at you - you are mean).

In other news, it is deathly cold out today. My toes actually froze on the walk from my car to the office. I am wearing socks and shoes today, but somehow they did nothing. I have left the car unlocked because the lock was frozen this morning (I climbed in the passenger side and over the parking brake - it was quite a sight for anyone caring to take a look).

Okay so I do have to get back to work, but I would like to pat myself on the back because January 12 (today) marks my 12th day without coffee. I have decided to give it up because I was drinking way too much of it. It was making me really buzz around and I was pretty irritable without it. I make myself one cup of Earl Grey in the AM and then it's all water from there. When people do Tim Horton's runs now, I ask for Yogurt & Berries (very good, but sometimes the blackberries are kind of gross and sour... still better for me than those extra-large triple triples :).

Anyways, Christmas was awesome - flew to Denver and back (no issues except for some lost luggage... but that is what happens when 'Bellingham' is on the itinerary). J got me a DVD camcorder for Christmas ('Camcorder' sounds like such an 80's word - I'm picturing one of those huge cameras used by news crews and reality shows.... this one J got me is about the size of a 2-serving soup can). I also got some clothes that don't fit and a sweater that i LOVED that I already destroyed by putting it in the dryer (something snagged on it and now there is a nickel-sized hole in the center of the back). Maybe I'll grow my hair out some more and try to cover the hole with a long braid or ponytail? Or just wear my coat all day over it and claim that I am cold? (that might have worked today).

Okay now I really have to get back to work.

Blogging - how I have missed you.

Hopefully I'll be back again soon :)

Michael : You are going to have to think long and hard.
Dwight : That's what she said.
Michael :Don't.... even...

Michael's computer : ... get out of my offife.