Things that make me laugh

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Bossman makes decision - employee wowed

Bossman has heard from uptop (his Bossmen) that no one will be even looking at the whole raise issue until April (yuk!). BUT, Bossman has asked for it to be made retroactive to January 2007. Sooooo.... Bossman has decided that we are going to tell people about the baby next week! He is going to be in meetings all Mon-Wed and says I can tell people around the office on Monday!! (this email really makes it sound like he has something to do with this baby....). So glad I won't have to hold it in anymore after that! Just 3 more work days..... :)

Okay so Mom - you can start spilling beans next week.


Friday, February 23, 2007

Return of the ICE BOX HOUSE (and other reasons to growl)

Bad mood today. Many reasons:

Furnace started shooting out cold air Monday afternoon. Landlord man can't get it fixed until sometime today, which means we were shivering all last night and this morning. Brrrr.... I just can't seem to get warm this afternoon.

Office move delayed AGAIN. Now it will be last week of March. I have a feeling that Bossman wants me to keep quiet on the baby issue until then!! NOT COOL. I am coming up on 4 MONTHS here and EXCITED and WANTING TO TALK ABOUT IT. I also happen to have 2 parents that are exicted and wanting to talk about it as well. I said "I don't think I can keep it a secret for another month - let alone physically...!" He said to wear loose clothes. Ugh. I am going to have to have a talk with him this afternoon because there is no way my mom should have to keep it in any longer.

Another issue with our office not moving.... I am in a fairly 'communal' area here in the office and I hate it. Today is payday so there have been dozens of people trekking in and out of here. Sitting at my desk with their feet up, eating at my desk, using my phone.... get out of here!! This is my area where I come to do work. Grr... (I'm going to blame all this rage on pregnancy, even though it is just total and utter annoyance). I am tired of all the smoke breath and sweat smell in here (that sounds so high and mighty, but it gets annoying really quick and is making me super-nauseaus). I can't wait to move my desk and have my own office in the new building - the fact that I have to wait another month sucks. Especially if Bossman thinks that I'm going to keep this pregnancy to myself. Grrr.

The only thing redeeming today is the fact that there was a new Office on last night and it was freaking awesome. No time for quoting, but I will say that watching Dwight swing on the banister made me forget how cold I was :)

Saturday, February 17, 2007

"Baby On Board, something something, Burt Ward"

Okay so now that Bossman is finally in the loop, I feel like I can post this on my blog : Baby on the way! :)

I start my 14th week tomorrow which means I have been pregnant for over 3 months now. I've got about 6 months to go before my due date of August 25 (day before my own birthday... yeesh). I am finally showing and it feels so weird. I am still working out almost every day and eating healthy and my pants seem to just be shrinking more and more each day - wonky.

Anyways, since the second I found out about this baby I have been muchos stressed out about how to tell Bossman. This week, him and his bossman decided to start me on management training and put D&L directly reporting to me. They want me to take this course in Vancouver and learn about how to manage people. I'm thinking 'I'm going to be a mom - how the heck are they going to react??' I seriously thought Bossman would get all red in the face and upset with me. I was stressed about it and prayed about it for months that he would be understanding and that I would have the right words for the situation.

Well, I told him yesterday it couldn't have gone better. I went into his office, closed the door and said I needed to talk to him for 5 minutes. He got this worried look on his face and I thought, 'there is no freaking way I can do this.... I'll just keep quiet and let him figure it out on his own when I balloon up in a few weeks...' But, when I told him, his face totally lit up and he burst out "Congratulations!! Wow - that is GREAT! I can't think of 2 better people.... you are going to be such a great mom - I am so proud of you! Work is work, but family... that is what really matters. And now you get to start one - that is so awesome!!" We talked for like 15 minutes about it and he kept saying that he was so excited and couldn't think of the last time he was literally this happy for someone. It was such a relief!! I have known Bossman for the last 3+ years and he really is very transparent in the way that his true feelings are pretty obvious. I know that his initial reaction was real and that is so cool. He kept saying 'as a friend, I'm telling you....' It was sooooo Michael Scott. I literally felt like Pam at her art show.

After all the excitement and rah-rah was over, he gets this look on his face. "What am I going to do without you? You can't be that far along right? How long do you have to leave for? 6 months right? You can work from home right?" We discussed it a bit and I said I had no clue what was going to happen, but that I wanted him to be in the loop. I know that telling him first was the best decision. It also rocked that I did it on a Friday so he has the whole weekend to let it settle.

Well, we'll see what happens with work. Bossman has demanded that I keep it a secret for a few more weeks from everyone else. He has been pushing to get me a raise for a few months and is afraid that head office will say no if they find out about the baby. Bossman wants to make sure I don't get screwed out of that raise. So, I've just got to suck in this belly for a few more weeks - good thing it is still sweater weather here.

Mom - I'm sorry to have to tell you that this is still a secret in your many circles. If anyone at church knows, it'll get back to TB at work and I'm just not sure about that. I MIGHT tell TB early next week and then you can get excited with people about your new to-be-grandmother status. For now, please keep up the knitting, but don't hurt your hands by doing too much !! :)

FYI - is having a 25% off sale of all maternity stuff. The poor man's gap. Nice

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Valentine's Day is for teenagers - NOT GROWNUPS

(sigh) It is so nice a quiet here in the office this morning! On my way here this morning, I heard on the radio that some friends of ours from church will be on the radio this morning from 8-9 to talk about marriage and stuff (for Valentine's Day I guess?). That is cool, but it means that I had to fiddle with this old alarm clock/radio here at work to find the station and it is still pretty buzzy :(

Okay well since J and I don't really celebrate 'Valentine's Day', he went out and got me a card and a gift last night and specifically gave it to me on NON-Feb 14. I got a Hot Tea maker and a card from Moose & J. I totally broke my kettle last friday... scared the crap out of me actually - I plugged it in and pushed the button and then sparks flew out of the wall and there was a bad stinky smoke smell for like 20 minutes. The outlet still works, but it is all black - yuck. The cord was pretty wrecked so of course I sat the whole thing on the counter for the last few days planning to buy a new plug-in for it. BUT, I only paid about $10 for it about 5 years ago, so I think I got my use out of it (using it about 3-4 times a day for 5 years - suckers). Okay so J bought me this Hot Tea maker which is just like a coffee maker but for tea (duh) and I like it alot. Plus it is much cleaner than that smelly old kettle.

Okay I have to get to work and then sit by the buzzy radio for awhile, but first, some Office Valentine's Day quotes from last year :

Roy: Hey, babe. You uh...almost ready to go?
Pam: I guess.
Roy: What's wrong?
Pam: Nothing. It's just, I had to sit here all day while Phyllis had, like, an entire garden delivered to her.
Roy: What, you're mad at me?
Pam: I mean, I know we said, "no big gifts," but I was kind of hoping you'd get me something for Valentine's Day.
Roy: Well, Valentine's Day isn't over. Let's get you home, and you are going to get the best sex of your life.

Pam: You know, sometimes the gift is more about the gesture. Like, what it means, not what it is.
Dwight: Like a ham?
Pam: No...not like a ham.

Dwight: Question, will you be seeing Jan while you are in New York?
Michael: I probably will, why do you ask?
Dwight: Well, it’s Valentines Day and you guys, you know…
Michael: …you know…
Dwight: Screwed.
Michael: What is your problem!

Okay so now I want to watch this one tonight. It is wednesday which means Photo Safari, but maybe J will go for a little Office :)

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Frasier-intensive post

Nice quiet morning here at the office.... I love Wednesday mornings because it is mid-week and there is no one here but me until 8:30.

Nothing much going on for me right now - I had Bible Study last night and it was nice. There was a new lady that has a son that is friends with J. She just moved from Red Deer and seems pretty cool.

I think I'm going to invite brother Dave over for dinner tonight - he plays so much freaking World of Warcraft... he needs to get out of the house sometimes and talk to actual people (besides the people he works with of course... he's not a total recluse). He said he would come over for dinner if I harassed him enough. So, I'm going to commence with the harrassment. Sucker.

Not much else to say. Here are some Frasier quotes :

Frasier: Hello, Ethan. I'm listening.
Ethan: Hi, Dr. Crane.
Frasier: How old are you?
Ethan: I'm thirteen.
Frasier: Well, what can I do for you?
Ethan: Well, I'm having a lot of problems with the other kids at school. They're always beating me up.
Frasier: Why do you think that's so?
Ethan: Probably because I'm smart. I have a 160 IQ. I'm in the astronomy club and I hate sports.
Frasier: Well, you know, Ethan, the other children are just acting out of jealousy and immaturity, and I know it doesn't help much right now, but the day will come in the next few years when you will have the last laugh.
Ethan: ...That's it?
Frasier: [surprised] Yes.
Ethan: Frankly, Dr. Crane, I find that advice patronizing, simplistic and, in all candor, uninspired. The real surprise here is that they pay you to dole out this balloon juice.
Frasier: Ethan, where are you calling from?
Ethan: Home.
Frasier: Well, if any of Ethan's classmates are listening, you know where he is, and he can't stay in there forever. Thank you for your call.

Frasier: Hello, Rachel. I'm listening.
Rachel: Oh, thanks for taking my call, Dr. Crane. Um, I'm involved in sort of a strange love triangle.
Frasier: Oh goody, this is sweeps week!

Frasier: Niles, is there a light bulb over my head?
Niles: You have an idea?
Frasier: No, I'm asking if there's actually a light bulb over my head.

Bulldog: Where's my pen? [Slapping down angrily on the table]
Bulldog: THIS STINKS! THIS IS TOTAL BS! THIS IS... Oh, here it is.

[Buldog is doing his radio show]
Bulldog: [to a caller] Well Chuck, I'm really sorry I offended you. Now why don't you put your skirt back on and do some dishes?

Martin: [recording his memoirs into a camcorder held by Niles] My name's Martin Crane. When I made this tape, I was sixty-four years old. But now... I'm *dead*! Trapped in a box, underground... Pretty scary, huh? [throws his head back and laughs evilly]
Niles: [lowering camcorder] Dad, surely you must have some message you want to leave for the Cranes of the twenty-first century?
Martin: All right, all right, I do. [Niles resumes filming]
Martin: Remember to always work hard, and that family comes first. And... I have a million bucks in unmarked bills that I took off a drug dealer that I have stashed in my old army foot locker. The combination is left fifteen, right thirty-two, le-le... [pretends to choke and die]
Niles: [wearily turns camcorder round to film himself] Future generations, see what I had to put up with?

[correcting a continuity error from Cheers]
Martin: [about Frasier] Hey, Sam, what'd he tell you about me, the father, the old cop?
Sam Malone: Well, uh, he told me you were dead.
Martin: [surprised] Dead?
Frasier: Well, we had an argument one day. He called me a stuffed shirt and hung up on me. I was mad.
Sam Malone: [to Martin] You were a cop? [to Frasier]
Sam Malone: You told me he was a research scientist. [Martin reacts]
Frasier: [to Martin] You were dead! What did it matter?

Hee hee. Okay now I should do some work :)