Things that make me laugh

Friday, April 28, 2006

"I do not think that is funny" - Stanley

So The Office was new last night and I loved it loved it loved it. So funny. So many awesome quotes and expressions.

Survivor was also very sweet - lots of strategy. When did Cirie start running the show?? I still can't get over how much (I think) Aras looks like my brother Mark!! Shane is totally growing on me now for some reason. So glad Courtenay is gone now - grr she annoyed me (and everyone else apparently...). One thing is for sure - Terry is going to win it all and break the curse of the car!! Aras calls him Captain America to make fun of him, but I think he really is Captain America. Seriously - the guy rocks. He is unstoppable :)

In diet news, my old jeans are not as tight as they were a few weeks ago!! I am feeling great since I cut out all of the crap (pepperoni, pizza, all that garbage). Since I am running each day after work I am having no problems falling asleep at night. So nice. It's weird that I have more energy when I exercise - I would think that would just make me more tired. Whatever - I never was very smart...

Well, I have lots of work to do, but I will try to quote it up a bit from last night's office before I get to it:

Dwight : (yelling at Kellie) “Your ass is on the line mister! My ass is on the line!”

Dwight: "We can do this the easy way, or the hard way."
Ryan: "What's the hard way?"
Dwight : "I go to the police station on my lunch break and speak with a police officer - I know several. I tell them what I suspect you have in your car. They petition a judge for a search warrant. Once the officer has sucessfully obtained said search warrant, he returns here and demands your car keys and you have to give them to him. "
Ryan: "Let's do that one."

Dwight : Do you know what this is?!!
Phyllis : Yes – that is marijuana.
Dwight : How do you know that?
Phyllis : It’s labeled.

Dwight : I know you’re innocent, but it can’t look like I’m giving you special treatment. Where were you yesterday after work?!
Angela (slow smile)

Jim : Dwight you look cute today.
Dwight : Thanks girl.

Michael: "Where's your costume?"
Dwight: "It's a uniform."

Hee hee!!


  • At 5:50 AM, Blogger Abby Mommy said…

    You're a girl! Well thought I would comment, even though there is really nothing to comment on. Oh I did give Dan a link to your blog, so may start reading these :) Well today we start intense classes again, I am really looking forward to it! More spanish! and missions classes! Its going to be awesome. And Bob isnt teaching either!! yea!!! so happy. Well I'll ttyl. Have a great week.


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