Things that make me laugh

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Blogger Sucks

Okay it takes me like 10 tries to log onto this dumb thing so every time I think "I'm going to do a post!" I just end up getting frustrated and not doing one.

Well, I'm not that busy yet this morning and Bossman hasn't strolled in, so here I am...

Pregnancy is agreeing with me very well so far. I am loving my little bump that I have growing here - thankfully that is the only place I'm growing so far. My face hasn't gotten totally fat (YET) like some people do (that sounds so bad...) and my feet haven't quite ballooned yet. We'll see if this continues. I haven't been told that I'm 'glowing' yet, which is understandable since I've been kind of a bag around work lately.

Ultrasound is March 30 - I'm going to ask if they can tell me if we have a son or daughter on the way. I always wanted a little boy but a little girl version of J would be so cute :) (what I need to keep in mind is that I'm not just getting a little newborn.... it will eventually become a toddler and then a kid and then a teenager - yikes!!).

Anyways, keep praying for us - lots of changes coming up in our lives with the baby coming around the same time that J starts school full time. Excited!!

(Message to NBC - you suck. Me want new Office episodes. My blog posts are suffering big time)