Things that make me laugh

Thursday, August 02, 2007

2nd last day!!

Second last day of work today!! I did not want to get out of bed this morning, but the thought of having a year off made me want to leap up and get the day over with. Bossman is taking me for lunch today and then I have to leave early to meet the cable guy at the house - should be an easy day. Let's hope new girl is in the mood to work because I feel like we still have a lot to go over.... and I don't want them calling me at home as I try to enjoy the baby!

Part of me seriously thought last night that I was going to have the baby! I was really feeling weird and like I really had to sit down and then walk around and then lay down (lots and lots of pressure, baby must be getting very heavy). Then I was all worried because J is out of town and Kim was out with her boyfriend K. I finally just went to bed and felt much better this morning, but that was scary!! I hope she holds off until the weekend at least (doctor will be back from vacation). Please pray that baby will be fully baked before she comes out! Also - I still have to install car seat and organize all those clothes and buy diapers and lots and lots of other stuff..... not ready yet!! :)

Okay new girl is in - need to focus on work on this short day. Two more sleeps and then I'm done!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Wow am I ready to be done with work!!

I always said that my only way out of this place was a baby. I don't know if I even believe that anymore!! I really need to pray to CUT MYSELF OFF when I officially start maternity leave in August. I know that I'm going to want to call in and check on shipments and make sure everyone is doing their job - I am such an idiot!! I need to focus on the baby and me and J (and Moose of course). Fingers crossed that it won't be too difficult for me (I just hate feeling like I've abandoned people/customers). Just need to make sure that I feel confident in my ability to train the new girl and that what I'm saying is sinking in.

Okay back to baby... I am getting so freaking excited!! She had the hiccups this morning before I got up and it was so sweet and rythmic and weird. I know I'm really going to miss that cool kicking-me-from-the-inside feeling. It's really wonky when she is just rolling around (I'm sure it's getting pretty tight in there)! Once in awhile I'll have a little mini freak-out in my mind that she might not be okay (health wise) , but I always seem to calm down :)

Loving being pregnant so far! Catch me after labour though!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I suck!

Oh My Goodness - I am a totally terrible person and don't deserve this blog! I can't believe I havent' posted since April 20!! The baby that we last found out was a girl has since been named (it's still a secret though - don't ask), shopped for and been showered with generous donations of clothes, toys and just lots of STUFF.

J and I are moving to Surrey in about a week because the parents have decided to ship off to Edmonton for a few years "for a change." Everyone that knows them gets all confused : "Why Edmonton?! What are you thinking?!" Meanwhile, everyone that doesn't know them says stuff like "Wow - good for them! I wish I could just do something like that!" People seem to think this was a spontaneous decision, but it has actually been in their minds for many many years. God just recently made everyone okay with the idea and things fell into place. I can't imagine having this baby girl and NOT moving to Surrey - I love our house in New West, but I just would not want to start the family there. This is just evidence of God's provision - less rent, lots and lots more room. So excited to get out of the sauna house!! :)

In other news, J has started Seminary and is working so hard! He works all day at random jobs (the church, various upgrading at people's homes, truck driving, etc) and then does homework at night online (reads his books and then takes the online tests). He is so busy, but is always very upbeat and excited to learn - I am so proud of how he is doing so far! I don't understand how we have been able to pay bills, pay for school and buy food, but provision just keeps coming into it - very thankful right now!

Bossman has really figured out that he is going to miss me very much!! He has actually hired my sister to start working here in August - I think it's his way of kind of keeping me around (he won't feel bad getting her to call me at home for help). I am actually going to miss the actual work at this place - I've really figured out how to get stuff done and it's hard to teach most of it to the new people coming in to fill my shoes (which I don't even fit anymore because of this pregnancy... i have to wear flip flops every day - I feel like such a bum!!).

Have to get back to work - will add some quotes soon. Also - I promise more posts!!!!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Keeping this blog PINK

Okay well I really stepped in it yesterday with my post about the Ultrasound.... I said no one would have fun if it was a girl. I was totally wrong!! It was fun and it is a little baby girl in there :) Seeing the images was really cool except for the hokey music in the background! My parents and brother Dave came along and it was so nice. The girl running the machine couldn't get any really 'good' shots, so she rebooked us for another appt in 3 weeks for free! We get to go again and get more shots - they will be up on their website May 11. Yea!!

Nothing else much to say. I was really emotional at first since I really really wanted a little son, but J was okay - God prepared him for this months ago. He was trying to prepare me too, but I wasn't listening (I'll do that).

So it was a good birthday for J - he loved his presents and we got to find out about the little girl!! This is so weird - an actual little lady in there. :0 (<--- surprised face)

Okay well I have the Moose at the office again today and he has been barking it up at the warehouse guy this morning, just like yesterday (grr...) He seems to have calmed down a bit though. Hopefully he just sleeps and lets me work for the rest of the day!!

Little girl!! :)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Finally...a post

So Bossman is in Californeea for 2 weeks with his Bossmen and we are finally here in our new office!! I love my new desk - everything is so quiet up here!!

I will say that things aren't too quiet today though as I had to bring the Moose into work with me! He just lays down all day, but he was really barking it up at the warehouse guy this morning (which is strange since they have met several times - including yesterday...). He is just being protective of the baby I guess :)

Today is J's 30th Birthday!! He is working at the church today and then we have a 3-D Ultrasound this evening to find out if we are having a J Jr or a Sara Jr. I am so excited!! My parents are coming too - it should be fun for all (unless it's a girl ..... - just kidding!!). Part of me doesn't really want to know what it is because then it will make it so much more real - the fact that there is really a little person in there. J says that is why he wants to know - he will find it easier to think about his son or daughter growing in there. So weird how God makes new people!!

Anyways, I should get back to work since I am doing Bossman's job while he is gone (and yet his nice shiny new office sits empty...?) and Moose has heard someone new approaching and he is barking protectively (groan...).

Office repeat tonight but I don't care because I'm going to see the baby! Hopefully tomorrow it will be known as more than "it."

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Blogger Sucks

Okay it takes me like 10 tries to log onto this dumb thing so every time I think "I'm going to do a post!" I just end up getting frustrated and not doing one.

Well, I'm not that busy yet this morning and Bossman hasn't strolled in, so here I am...

Pregnancy is agreeing with me very well so far. I am loving my little bump that I have growing here - thankfully that is the only place I'm growing so far. My face hasn't gotten totally fat (YET) like some people do (that sounds so bad...) and my feet haven't quite ballooned yet. We'll see if this continues. I haven't been told that I'm 'glowing' yet, which is understandable since I've been kind of a bag around work lately.

Ultrasound is March 30 - I'm going to ask if they can tell me if we have a son or daughter on the way. I always wanted a little boy but a little girl version of J would be so cute :) (what I need to keep in mind is that I'm not just getting a little newborn.... it will eventually become a toddler and then a kid and then a teenager - yikes!!).

Anyways, keep praying for us - lots of changes coming up in our lives with the baby coming around the same time that J starts school full time. Excited!!

(Message to NBC - you suck. Me want new Office episodes. My blog posts are suffering big time)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Bossman makes decision - employee wowed

Bossman has heard from uptop (his Bossmen) that no one will be even looking at the whole raise issue until April (yuk!). BUT, Bossman has asked for it to be made retroactive to January 2007. Sooooo.... Bossman has decided that we are going to tell people about the baby next week! He is going to be in meetings all Mon-Wed and says I can tell people around the office on Monday!! (this email really makes it sound like he has something to do with this baby....). So glad I won't have to hold it in anymore after that! Just 3 more work days..... :)

Okay so Mom - you can start spilling beans next week.
